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Attention All F/A's

Here's the problem with that perspective....
Some f/as (and pilots) "create" trash. They open unused bottles of wine at the end of the flight, and pour a little out of them, so they can use the argument, "Well, it was just going to be thrown out." If it is returned to the caterer unopened, AA gets credit for it, and it reduces our overall catering costs.

We are told, you can consume any leftover, unused meals on the the aircraft. You can not take anything off the a/c. We are even allowed to eat unsold fresh sandwiches on the longer flights, but we can not take an unopened sandwich off the airplane.

If you start making exceptions, people find a way to make sure what they are stealing falls into the exceptions category. In the long run though, it doesn't matter whether or not the rule is petty, it is the rule. As they used to say at my former employer, "the Golden Rule in business is He who has the gold makes the rules." :lol:

Exactly. Ya tell employees that they can take the stuff that's destined for the trash and some of them will find a way to get what they want into that "going to be thrown away anyway" category. Only way to minize that is to prohibit taking the trash before it's actually in the dumpster. That doesn't eliminate it entirely, but it takes a very determined thief to dig thru the dumpster for their treasure.
I remember at TWA carrying kiddie wings and cards in my bag since many of the PSK's would be depleted on my other flights. I would give the wings to the kids and the cards out on my other flights. On many flights their was not enough time for catering to restock these items. Like Nancy it was all about PAX service.

Jim, I feel your pain about getting something to eat on 13hr days. We eliminated crew meals on flights that were less than 4hrs. The pilots always got fed. I recall many of our pilots would offer to go get us something to eat and sometimes they would even pay for it. I recall one horrendous day with multi legs we absolutely were dropping dead from not eating. We arrived in OMA and our captain told the agent he was going to take the delay because his f/a's had nothing to eat in 12hrs. We went we got and we ate fast and still arrived in STL 5mins early.
"Beware of 767 tail numbers 342 and 399" This was posted on the APA site. Apparently, there is suspicion that monitors have been installed in the galley.
After reading through the entire thread on the APA site, it has been confirmed by someone in Tulsa. So heads up.

Confirmed by who in Tulsa? As already pointed out by AMFAMAN and local 12 anything added to an aircraft has to be documented. It would not remain secret for long.
I had a note in my file that stated items belonging to the Company that I might have in my possesion. They included cards, wings, stir rods, you name it, it was on the list. It was signed by a Supervisor and I was covered for any crew kit check. You have to use common sense but I can see how you might grab milk from an early am flight if you're running to one you know will have children and no milk. You can write flt report after flt report but if they won't chance the packing procedures, your pax are screwed. In the early days of LLC we often "robbed" another TWA flt of champagne because AA would not reprovision in certain stations (like LAX) and we got tired of takiing the brunt of the pax unfulfilled expectations.

I did exactly the same Nancy. Remember Scotty Butt? She okayed my stash too. And in TLV, they NEVER had enough F/C linen. I'd take the clean leftovers to the hotel to make sure I had enough on the return trip. There are so many little things we did/do Garfield, that you never know about, to keep the level of service that's promised.
OMG I can not believe what I just saw yesterday. I was shopping at Target for christmas...and the police were escorting a Target Employee out of the store in handcuffs. So i asked the cashier what happened, and she said that the employee took an item during her break to her car and put it in her trunk with out paying for it. The nerve of Target for having her arrested. I mean come on she works for the store she should be entitled to it. I wonder if they are going to fire her also. If they do they should be ashamed of themselves.
I am sure there are. There is a difference between the stack of linens that you took off (with your bosses approval) verses the sandwich or milk or bottle of opened wine that is taken off with out approval. If AA did not tell you it's OK to take something, it is not OK to take it. Authorization and approval are the difference.
OMG I can not believe what I just saw yesterday. I was shopping at Target for christmas...and the police were escorting a Target Employee out of the store in handcuffs. So i asked the cashier what happened, and she said that the employee took an item during her break to her car and put it in her trunk with out paying for it. The nerve of Target for having her arrested. I mean come on she works for the store she should be entitled to it. I wonder if they are going to fire her also. If they do they should be ashamed of themselves.

Difference being that she does not have a union to get her job back for her. We protect the thieves and the crazies who tell passengers to go F themselves, but we don't have the resources to fight the company on such things as that sequence I posted about elsewhere--2 day trip worth 12.10 hours and has 8.55 hours of unpaid airport sitting in those two days--or 13 hour duty days with no time to eat or buy something to eat, and everything is closed when you sign in and when you finish. The APFA could not be bothered about stuff like that.
OMG I can not believe what I just saw yesterday. I was shopping at Target for christmas...and the police were escorting a Target Employee out of the store in handcuffs. So i asked the cashier what happened, and she said that the employee took an item during her break to her car and put it in her trunk with out paying for it. The nerve of Target for having her arrested. I mean come on she works for the store she should be entitled to it. I wonder if they are going to fire her also. If they do they should be ashamed of themselves.

My point exactly. 18,000 f/as should be marching into Flight Service with lists of tems to be approved by their FSMs. But that is a dirrective that should come from a proactive union, not a retired f/a...lol

The Target situation has NOTHING to do with f/as moving items from one flight to another to insure customers expectations.

And for the comment about "AA doesn't pay for our food", you aren't gone from home, stores and available food sources for days at a time. Many f/as have days in a long thin tube, with no food, no ground time and when they reach their layover hotels, everything is closed. Many times the next morning's check in is before anything opens. Food brought from home only is safe for a limited time.
With no milk on board, you can't even rely on cereal. Also, there is a space and weight issue of carrying cans of soup, peanut butter, crackers, bottled H2O, and there is the health issue too. But then, these are f/as, so why worry. We're super-people.
Yea, setting on airplane for 8 hours without food must be like waterboarding!

Good Grief what a bunch of pussy's! :lol:
Why should AA feed the f/a's and pilots? AA does not feed the mechs, ramprats, and counter agents. That is the job you wanted, so pack your own lunch or buy like the rest of us do.
YOU carry 4 days worth of clothes in a suitcase- with a winter coat for your long over night in Hartford and warm weather clothes for the next day in South America- plus your toiletries. The LAST thing you have room for is 4 days worth of food. So, YES, AA should provide food for employees who don't have the luxury of returning home each day.
YOU carry 4 days worth of clothes in a suitcase- with a winter coat for your long over night in Hartford and warm weather clothes for the next day in South America- plus your toiletries. The LAST thing you have room for is 4 days worth of food. So, YES, AA should provide food for employees who don't have the luxury of returning home each day.

So when you hired on as a sky waitress with AA they said food, beverage, etc... was free?

You want a free lunch?

I hear the soup kitchen will provide for ya! :lol:
My point exactly. 18,000 f/as should be marching into Flight Service with lists of tems to be approved by their FSMs. But that is a dirrective that should come from a proactive union, not a retired f/a...lol

The Target situation has NOTHING to do with f/as moving items from one flight to another to insure customers expectations.

And for the comment about "AA doesn't pay for our food", you aren't gone from home, stores and available food sources for days at a time. Many f/as have days in a long thin tube, with no food, no ground time and when they reach their layover hotels, everything is closed. Many times the next morning's check in is before anything opens. Food brought from home only is safe for a limited time.
With no milk on board, you can't even rely on cereal. Also, there is a space and weight issue of carrying cans of soup, peanut butter, crackers, bottled H2O, and there is the health issue too. But then, these are f/as, so why worry. We're super-people.

While I agree with your overall point, I simply have to point out the bolded portion. When the subject turns to FA meals, there's never any ground time. Tight connections, no chance to buy food at any airport restaurant.

When the subject turns to the terribly inefficient FA scheduling by AA, you'd think that FAs had hours and hours on the ground between flights. How else would you get a mere 4.5-5 block hours from a 14 hour duty day? The goalposts, you see, tend to move depending on which complaint is being aired at the time. 😀

As I've posted before, AA's failure to provide FA meals is a customer service failure. Why? Because when FA meals were provided, I'd often be offered seconds on Biz and First flights, especially transcons and overseas flights. Since the APFA agreed to give up meals in 2003, it's been more rare that I'm offered any seconds (since the FAs gotta eat). Lately, however, that has changed, as I've been on lots of flights where half or more of the premium cabin goes to sleep right away and doesn't want to eat. I've had a few second entrees and deserts lately.
AA also chose to over cater F/C and B/C again. That way you are more likely to get your first choice, and thus leftovers for the F/A's. If they happen to not like the choice, seconds for you.
You are missing the point.

I agree that alot of trips get in after the restaurant at the hotel closes and you leave before it opens. I agree that it is nearly impossible to get a meal at the airport inbetween connections. I think that sucks and is shamefull. Offer suggestions to fix it....such as being allowed to purschase a meal from the caterer. Or maybe set up some kind of deal with local airport restaurants to provide a snack at the gate and you can pay for it ahead of time.

Regardless of how crappy it is or cruel it is. It does not justify stealing and those who get caught stealing will be punished accordingly.

We are sitting here getting angry at AMR or APFA justified or not shouldnt you be angry at the person who turned in thieves from that LHR flight. My guess it was probably a crew member that got sick and tired of seeing another employee steal day in and day out.

And the Target post was sarcasm

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