WorldTraveler said:
I haven't refused to admit anything. I have said I would retract my statement if someone posted the actual weights of AA's 772ERs.
Let's go with 25K pounds.
How much extra weight did AA carry around operating flights for which the 772ER was even 25K pounds heavier than the 333?
And again, AA could have used Boeing aircraft too, including the 763ER which was already in AA's fleet.
the argument is actually about obtaining the desired amount of fleet COMPLEXITY.
You apparently missed that DL operated the 777, 764, and 763 even before the NW merger so DL DID add complexity to its fleet based on its desire not to carry more aircraft than necessary. CO, NW, and UA also had more widebody types.
Let's see if I can sum up this thread so far:
1) starts out with a link to an article stating how Parker will furhter optimize revenue at AA, followed by some comments on adjusting aircraft used on routes, even adjusting / elminating, basically whatever is necessary, as was the case when HP took over US
2) you jump in to heap praise on DL for operating the A333 (which is really an airplane they've inherited from NW)
3) at the same time you make the snide remark of some airlines not being able to safely fly Airbus aircraft
4) then you proceed to show your genius by stating that the B772 is 50k lbs heavier than A333 (a number you've pulled out of your jazz)
5) when you were corrected, you've made the statement that there really is no difference between 25k, 30k or 50k lbs, therefore proving that you were right all along
6) now you attempt to change the subject and say that the issue all along was fleet complexity
Although I reject your premise I'll play along: wouldn't you say that in terms of fleet complexity, prior to the DL-NW merger, AA and DL had comparable fleet complexities? For example, while DL may have had the B764 for specific markets, AA did operate the A300 for specific markets. Granted, following the DL-NW merger, DLs fleet complexity, or perhaps diversity increased with the addition of the A320 family, the A330 and B744. Nevertheless, following the US merger, one could argue that AA wil again have comparable fleet complexity to DL (assuming the B77W = B744, A319=B717, etc.).
You're so obsessed in portraying DL as the utmost supreme airline that it takes a willing suspension of disbelief to even consider anything written in your posts as other than fiction.