The cost of removing seats and re-configuring aircraft was not cheap. I would imagine that putting them all back isn''t going to help the balance sheets either!
Why are they are flying them to Tulsa? Thats dumb. I can remember changing the pitch at two other carriers that I worked for on the line. One was for marketing, the other was for military charters. They could do this on an overnight and not lose the any trips. The cost of removing seats and re-configuring aircraft was not cheap. I would imagine that putting them all back isn''t going to help the balance sheets either!
But then again thats with motivated workers, not too much motivation out there on the line nowadays.
"Today, Arpey thanked American employees for the
contributions they have made during the past two years
to help the airline survive and to enable this new
competitive spirit of "compete versus retreat."
And to show his appreciation he is going to demand another paycut and the rest of the benifits.
3. Pull together, win together. The "people" side of things - absolutely critical in this business. AMR has employee relations that can only be described as bad. I think they are bad at most major airlines, and I''m not sure if AMR is really worse than most of its competitors in this area. But it can''t be denied that this is a people business - and there are huge intangible benefits associated with having a happy (or at least satisfied) work force. Better productivity. Better customer service. Better collective decisions due to better teamwork. Unfortunately, building better employee relations is easier said than done. Then again, if anyone can make strides in this direction, I''d say it''s Arpey.
The workers did pull together, and we lost. We lost more than those who went bankrupt. Sound bites and Bulls#!+. We have heard it all before.
As for those who say that AA has to fill seats, Have you flown lately? Our planes out of JFK are going out packed.