It is not "theft of services" and you need to review the jumpseat policy. It obvious you just like to B*tch about everything. Funny, thing is when I commute and want to sit in First for free, I take the jumpseat and then sit in first. Our policy now is the same as the pilots. The agents can't write you up for it. The policy was changed over a year ago.
Any AA flight attendant knows what the new jumpseat policy is. You can't get fired for it!
I am an expert in contract and scheduling. Call the National Scheduling or Contract Coordinator and ask them. The number is 800-395-APFA and ask the receptionist to connect you.
Then quit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go work for
Frontier or
United. All you do is B*tch about everything. You're just an old baby!! Maybe you should have transfered to ORD when you had the chance last year. The SLT base is terrible in my opinion.