Well, I'm not anti-airplane 😉 But I do loathe unions, and I do most certainly loathe corporate executives who automate human beings out of a job, thereby causing more unemployment, more poverty, more personal bankruptcies, more loss of health insurance, more families destroyed, and on top of it, don't offer lower prices on their products that reflect the savings they claim the elimination of the jobs created.
People first. Machines are made to serve, not replace, man!
Airlines are indeed a prime example, and in this instance, AA is leading the way. Thousands have lost their jobs at AA. The airline has cut back drastically on services to the point where it looked as though AA was in the business of chasing customers to the competition. Yet this airline has ticket prices in most of it's markets that are far above their nearest competitor. If AA wants to be a LCC (which due to their lack of services, they are no different other than 2/3 classes of "service"), then they have to forego the legacy prices. They whine that they can't charge lower prices because wages are too high, yet they slashed wages across the board and still their prices remain high. Now they cry that fuel prices are too high, and they raise prices again.
AA reminds me of Napoleon. Think about it.