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Arpey - Same Credentials, Much Less Pay

Wretched Wrench said:
As the US Navy defines it, if a ship runs aground, it is the captain's fault. Period.

As an after thought, last time I checked, there is not a union in the navy. Don't think the captain of the ship would take to kindly to the idea of a group of sailors comming to him/her and telling him/her what they are and are not willing to do. The concept of Keel hauling comes to mind.

If the CEO has complete control, then yes, it is the CEO's fault. If the CEO has to deal with a bunch of children fighting in the sand box, then we all share the blame.

That's just my opinion, I could be wrong.
Garfield1966 said:
Still does not explain why the under utilized "regular Joe" rocket scientist is not running the company since they have all these brilliant ideas.

By the way WING. You failed to mention what company you’re the CEO of. I would love to come work for your company since I am sure all your employees are well paid, happy content folks who are working for a top notch company. Right? OH yea, and I'm sure you, being the CEO of said company are earning a salary that is well below the industry standard so that your employees will feel like you are "just one of the guys/gals right?
No we are to busy calling in sick on the hoidays!!!!
FA Mikey said:
No we are to busy calling in sick on the hoidays!!!!
Ain't that the truth.

It still bothers me that there are so many people in the peanut gallery who have all these "brilliant ideas" to fix what’s wrong yet they never do a damn thing to implement them. I have worked in 3 departments in AA. I have ideas of what could be done to improve them. I am not going to tilt at wind mills because there will be too many people who will defend their corner of power at the expense of the whole As far as crew skd is concerned, there would be too many people pissed off in management here and the union would not be too keen on my ideas either. Most of the ideas have already been hashed out here and else where. Mean while the unions keep screwing the company and the company keeps screwing the unions.

Then there are the CEO’s of other companies like WING who think they have all the answers to fix our problems just because they have their fortune 500 company running like a Swiss time piece.

And of course we have the like of HOTEL and his ilk who are so bitter that they have lost the ability to have a rational coherent thought. They are the ones who will cut off their nose to spite their face.

Mean while the rest of us trudge our way through work getting our $.02 for our sweat just wishing that the rest of the idiots would just shut the hell up and do their job. I honestly believe that if we would all just do what we were hired to do, most of this crap would go away.

But that’s just my opinion, I could be wrong.

Well, I need to go build a boat. I have had over 11 inches of rain here this month and I’m a bit nervous. I put a life jacket on the dog when she went to do her business so she would not drown.
My ideas could not in themselves save the airline. They could reduce the cost of fuel and reduce the weight on board. I was rewarded with a quick, insulting, flip response from AA. Basiclly told by ideAA's keep them to yourself. I continue to watch money time and resources wasted for no goood reason other than the fact that some low level schmuck decided it wasnt worth her time to check things out. But then again I am nothing more than one tree in a forest.

PS send some rain here, had nothing for the longest time, Not a lot, just a little for the grass.
WingNaPrayer said:
He gets less because he's worth-less.

That's about as intelligent and well-supported a claim I'd expect from you.

You win!
WingNaPrayer said:
In the last seven posts alone, even a novice would see what is wrong with AA. None of you get it and with the attitudes I see here, none of you ever will either.
I guess that makes all of "us" sub-novices.

Why do you even waste your time?

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