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Arpey - Same Credentials, Much Less Pay

The AA management just gives us excuse after excuse about why AA is not making money.In 2000 the downturn in business travel revenue,in 2001 it was Sept 11,and in 2004 it is Jet fuel prices. THERE ARE ALWAYS GOING TO BE OUTSIDE FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE AIRLINES! Next year it will be some other excuse.

Mr.Arpey needs to be concerned about long term survival of AA and not the "feelings" of the employee groups.

1-Put all employee work groups[non-flight crews] on 4-10 weekend coverage shifts.[AA could layoff 1000 employees in Tulsa alone and never miss a beat]
2-Reduce the fleet type to 3 types of aircraft [B-737, B-757, B-777] and utilize AA Eagle more effectively
3-Outsource all Heavy "C" Maintenance Checks and layoff another 5000 people[our own AA management tells us it cost $92.00/Hr. for maintenance wheras 3rd parties charge $65-70.00/Hr.
4-Outsource more of the fleet service duties to 3rd parties and layoff another 5000 people
5-Reduce management by 50% and keep on truckin' in the daily operations
These changes alone would save billions and improve AA's chance of long term survival.

P.S.I'm a 18+years AMT at TULE.
OK, Wing. Now we've established that your solution to AA's problems does not involve extracting any additional work per dollar from any employees.

This has got to be good. Tell ya what. I will publicly promise here not to share it with anyone else without your permission. Just PM me with your solution. If you do, and it sounds workable, I will publicly post here how Wing not only has a clue, but should replace Arpey tomorrow.

Go ahead. I dare you.
...and you would be qualified to make that decision . . . how?

Just throw in the towel and sell the airline!
Clues I got, time to waste them on you. . . I ain't got!
WingNaPrayer said:
You can't keep slashing wages, the cost of living will not allow people to survive on less. Plus, you can't keep adding more and more to employee work loads
I believe they call it supply nd demand. If there are people willing to perform job "x" for amount "z" then yes, they can keep slashing wages and make us work harder.

At that point it is up to the individual if they are willing to take the job or look for something else more to their liking.
Sorry, I don't think I'd care to travel on any carrier who hands over the safe operation of the airline to the lowest wage bidder. If that were the case your airline would be fully staffed with minimum wage drop outs.
Haven't the commuter airlines been doing that for years? F/O's at $20-30K and Capts at $45-60k a year based out of very high cost cities like NY?
WingNaPrayer said:
Sorry, I don't think I'd care to travel on any carrier who hands over the safe operation of the airline to the lowest wage bidder. If that were the case your airline would be fully staffed with minimum wage drop outs.
And your point is ...... ?
goingboeing said:
The AA management just gives us excuse after excuse about why AA is not making money.In 2000 the downturn in business travel revenue,in 2001 it was Sept 11,and in 2004 it is Jet fuel prices. THERE ARE ALWAYS GOING TO BE OUTSIDE FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE AIRLINES! Next year it will be some other excuse.

Mr.Arpey needs to be concerned about long term survival of AA and not the "feelings" of the employee groups.

1-Put all employee work groups[non-flight crews] on 4-10 weekend coverage shifts.[AA could layoff 1000 employees in Tulsa alone and never miss a beat]
2-Reduce the fleet type to 3 types of aircraft [B-737, B-757, B-777] and utilize AA Eagle more effectively
3-Outsource all Heavy "C" Maintenance Checks and layoff another 5000 people[our own AA management tells us it cost $92.00/Hr. for maintenance wheras 3rd parties charge $65-70.00/Hr.
4-Outsource more of the fleet service duties to 3rd parties and layoff another 5000 people
5-Reduce management by 50% and keep on truckin' in the daily operations
These changes alone would save billions and improve AA's chance of long term survival.

P.S.I'm a 18+years AMT at TULE.
Why stop there? Get rid of all the employees, contract out all the Pilot, flight attendant, and maintenance, ground and ramp jobs. Save even more right?

Here is a novel idea, cut the waste and save billions. Start utilizing planes and crews have them fly not sitting. Airplanes parked on the ground or in the hanger are not making money.
Isn't it funny how the people who run a company are always the idiots and the people who work for the company are always the underutilized rocket scientist who if management would just listen to them, everything would be rosy and the company would be rolling in the dough?

I wonder why that is. Hmmmm Maybe it is not quite as easy as it looks. Kinda like when you were a kid and thought being grown up looks like it's all fun and games and then all of a sudden you're gown up and realize being an adult can suck big time and being a kid again does not seem like such a bad idea after all.
At the same time the regular joe is the guy who see's the waste first hand. Its the regular Joe who takes the pay and benefit hit when the exec's spend to much time on the 9th hole and not enough on the company paying his membership there.
And, at the same time, the regular joe is looking intently at a single tree without seeing the whole forest.

This is why good management involves listening to the troops describe the trees, but requires being able to see the whole forest.
mweiss said:
And, at the same time, the regular joe is looking intently at a single tree without seeing the whole forest.

This is why good management involves listening to the troops describe the trees, but requires being able to see the whole forest.
Thats great when we get a good park ranger team we will be set. Right now we have little fires all over the forest and no one bothering to put them out.
FA Mikey said:
At the same time the regular joe is the guy who see's the waste first hand. Its the regular Joe who takes the pay and benefit hit when the exec's spend to much time on the 9th hole and not enough on the company paying his membership there.
Still does not explain why the under utilized "regular Joe" rocket scientist is not running the company since they have all these brilliant ideas.

By the way WING. You failed to mention what company you’re the CEO of. I would love to come work for your company since I am sure all your employees are well paid, happy content folks who are working for a top notch company. Right? OH yea, and I'm sure you, being the CEO of said company are earning a salary that is well below the industry standard so that your employees will feel like you are "just one of the guys/gals right?

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