due to the extraordinary skills and sacrifices required should at least support a modest lifestyle if they expect us to meet their unusual demands.
I really don't think anyone on this board disagrees with that sentiment.
Cant afford a car payment so I have old cars.
What does this have to do with DMV fees? DMV fees don't go up as cars age.
Why not, she has to get to school, do shopping, take kids to the doctor etc. As Aircraft mechanics we should not have to rely on our wives wages for the basics
Whether you think it's right or not it seems to take 2 incomes to raise a family in this city. At least that's what I keep seeing and hearing.
So I guess you figure the machines and electricity are free?
Not at all, but the last time I was in PC Richards shopping for those machines the sales person pointed out that those costs are less than using the laundromat. Since the laundromat is more I just gave you the benefit of the doubt and used the higher price. Or are you implying that a sales person said something less than 100% true to convince me to buy their product?
Most of us are not single hermits, nor should we be. We provide an essential service that requires skills and abilities that you probably lack,
While I am single, I am hardly a hermit. I would however stop making assumptions or implications because it becomes insulting. Even though the only thing I know about your skills and abilities is that you carry an A & P, I do not work on the assumption that there are not other "skills and abilities" that you have. Unlike you I do not post under my name so really don't know who I am or what skills I have or don't have. As a result you should no more assume your worth is higher than mine than I should that mine is higher than yours.
I suspect you have neither a spouse or children if you feel flush with $129/week for food, clothing, medical and other incidentals. For a family of five that comes out to $3.68 a day per family member, One visit to the doctor, and if you had kids you would know thats a common occurance, is at minimum $20, pick up a prescription along with that and nobody can eat for a few days.
I didn't say it made me feel flush, I merely said it's more than I spend on average. As for kids, your right I don't have or want them, that is my choice. I also don't know that a visit to my doctor is a common occurance since I haven't been to a doctor in over 5 years and frankly don't even know who my PCP is this year with the change to United Healthcare. I still believe your numbers came from your personal budget and are not indicitve of anything more than your personal circumstances. Since you chose that route how would you feel if AA chose what to pay
US based on my personal circumstances?
If anything my list left a lot out.
Yes, your families second income, i.e. your wife's income. No matter what it is, it certainly changes the picture you're painting.
By the way Arpeys Country Club allowance would more than cover all my living expense with enough to even take a vacation and perhaps support a car payment. My labor, and that of my coworkers who stuggle as well provides the revenue that gives Arpey that excess perk.
ROFLMAO, and this exactly what to do with what you and I are debating? Does what Arpy makes, gets, is given, has negotiated, profitted from, etc. have any impact, in any way, on what your labor (and/or skill) is worth? Does it impact the value of my skills or labor? Does it impact the value of the skills, education, and labor of the men and woman you have been elected to represent?
No, I didn't think so either. While it may not seem like it from this debate, but I do respect most of what you post here. I mostly disagree with you, but I have come to respect you. In this case I disagree with your numbers, but I agree with your point that we all are worth more than we are being paid. Unfortunately where we will always disagree is that I don't see this industry ever paying us our true worth. Believe it or not I hope you are right and I am wrong. I just don't agree that it's either your way or let's burn it down (figuratively speaking of course) and start over in another industry. If I wanted to do that I would've done so many years ago and be better compensated for it.