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AMR's Horton: Labor costs 'untenable luxury'

I hope all employees applaud this year's PUP payout next month. It is my understanding that as an added bonus, the execs will also receive a 10% across the board good old fashioned PAY RAISE.


Yep - the more the execs get, the better the airline will run.

If the employees at AA had the b**ls to walk out for the day, we could do some damage.
If the employees at AA had the b**ls to walk out for the day, we could do some damage.

You'd do tons of damage. So much that it could put your company into bankruptcy. Wouldn't that be counter-productive to your wage demands?

You guys are in a tricky and unenviable spot trying to seal up a new contract right now. You - like every other employed person in this country - are lucky to have a job. That doesn't mean you should work for nothing, but unfortunately the labor market is so rich with people that employers don't feel they need to be very accommodating at the moment.
You'd do tons of damage. So much that it could put your company into bankruptcy. Wouldn't that be counter-productive to your wage demands?

You guys are in a tricky and unenviable spot trying to seal up a new contract right now. You - like every other employed person in this country - are lucky to have a job. That doesn't mean you should work for nothing, but unfortunately the labor market is so rich with people that employers don't feel they need to be very accommodating at the moment.

Take it to BK. It won't be any worse that what they're proposing now. No more BK contracts with the BK!! What Horton wants is a UAL cost contract, only without the BK so he and his rich buddies at Centerport can reward themselves with even more bonus money. Sorry Horton. Take it to BK and take YOUR chances with YOUR money with the rest of us. If he's trying to piss us off, he's doing a good job. He's a poster child of why AA management is totally devoid of people and leadership skills.

The truth is that if AA is to survive long term, it needs LEADERSHIP at the top levels that want to run an airline, and not execs that only want to shovel money into their personal bank accounts.
Take it to BK. It won't be any worse that what they're proposing now. No more BK contracts with the BK!! What Horton wants is a UAL cost contract, only without the BK so he and his rich buddies at Centerport can reward themselves with even more bonus money. Sorry Horton. Take it to BK and take YOUR chances with YOUR money with the rest of us. If he's trying to piss us off, he's doing a good job. He's a poster child of why AA management is totally devoid of people and leadership skills.

The truth is that if AA is to survive long term, it needs LEADERSHIP at the top levels that want to run an airline, and not execs that only want to shovel money into their personal bank accounts.

NO way. I think you are making a bad assumption that a bk contract won't be any worse than we have right now. And with PBGC overstretched, we could forget about retirement.

Of course they want UAL cost levels. They are competing with UAL! Essentially AA is being punished for doing the right thing, honoring its obligations. UAL and the others took a piss on their creditors and employees and now get an unfair advantage over AA.
And how many billions has UAL lost since Chapter 11? And they're still losing.
That's because UAL is quite possibly the worst managed airline in history. The old girl is falling apart at the seams. I think she'll go the way of PanAm and Eastern before too long.

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