Approval Ratings?


Apr 18, 2009
Are people finally waking up?

Rasmussen Obama Approval Index History

0 at Zero

34% of the nation's voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-four percent (34%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of 0. That’s the highest level of strong disapproval and the lowest overall rating yet recorded.

This comes only a week after the Sotomayor nomination put Obama at plus 10, a two month high. Rasmussen notes.

The President’s ratings have slipped since General Motors filed for bankruptcy to initiate a new government bailout and takeover. Just 26% of Americans believe the GM bailout was a good idea and nearly as many support a boycott of GM products. It remains to be seen whether the dip in the President’s numbers is a temporary reaction to recent news or something more substantive.

Another factor may be that voter patience is wearing thin with the perpetual campaign. The Sotomayor nomination did feature Obama acting like a president as opposed to acting like a candidate. As others are noting, this latest international trip seems to be more about promoting Obama's personal popularity abroad than it is promoting American interests around the world.

Thomas Lifson adds: The lines cross! That didn't take long.
What do you expect? Look at the latest facts:

The US unemployment rate is now at 9.4%... the highest rate in 25 years.
The unemployment rate has now jumped nearly 2 full percentage points since Obama became president.

The US has lost 16,000 jobs each day since Democrats passed their MASSIVE Generational Theft Act, the largest redistribution of wealth from the private sector to government officials in US history.

AP Reports

With companies in no mood to hire, the unemployment rate jumped to 9.4 percent in May, the highest in more than 25 years. But the pace of layoffs eased, with employers cutting 345,000 jobs, the fewest since September.

The much smaller-than-expected reduction in payroll jobs, reported by the Labor Department on Friday, adds to evidence that the recession is loosening its hold on the country. It marked the fourth straight month that the pace of layoffs slowed.

"This tide is turning," said Richard Yamarone, economist at Argus. "We expect this trend of slower job loss to continue throughout the year."

Despite the recession he inherited, 9-11, stock market scandals, Hurricane Katrina and two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the unemployment rate during the Bush years averaged out to 5.27%. (Misery Index)

The US economy lost 598,000 jobs in January.
The US economy lost 706,000 jobs in February.
The US economy lost 742,000 jobs in March.
The US economy lost 545,000 jobs in April.
And, in May the US economy lost 345,000 jobs.

The Obama Administration announced today that in response to this record unemployment news they would start spending more money. Go figure.

Thanks Barack. :down:
What do you expect? Look at the latest facts:

The US unemployment rate is now at 9.4%... the highest rate in 25 years.
The unemployment rate has now jumped nearly 2 full percentage points since Obama became president.

The US has lost 16,000 jobs each day since Democrats passed their MASSIVE Generational Theft Act, the largest redistribution of wealth from the private sector to government officials in US history.

AP Reports

Despite the recession he inherited, 9-11, stock market scandals, Hurricane Katrina and two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the unemployment rate during the Bush years averaged out to 5.27%. (Misery Index)

The US economy lost 598,000 jobs in January.
The US economy lost 706,000 jobs in February.
The US economy lost 742,000 jobs in March.
The US economy lost 545,000 jobs in April.
And, in May the US economy lost 345,000 jobs.

The Obama Administration announced today that in response to this record unemployment news they would start spending more money. Go figure.

Thanks Barack. :down:

You forgot one little tidbit in your superb info........It's all the fault of FORMER President Bush!! Why else would we be in this pickle? :lol: :lol:
Oh yeah ! What about the 3 jobs they saved in ohio last month ? :blink:
Gov jobs dont count LOL

:huh: Shocking Testimony:



A site called Innocent Bystanders is doing the wonderful service of tracking unemployment numbers against the projections that the Obama administration used to justify the $800 billion, pork-laden "stimulus" bill. The Obama administration projected what unemployment would be if the bill was passed, compared to what would happen if there was no "stimulus" package. Unfortunately, reality has taken a quite different turn--unemployment is much worse than the predicted "no stimulus" scenario. In fact, looking at the trend line, it seems obvious that the $800 billion bill has had no impact whatsoever--no positive impact, anyway.


It's not too often that one can declare, on the basis of a single graphic image, that a particular piece of legislation has been a failure, but I think this is such a case.
What do you expect? Look at the latest facts:

The US unemployment rate is now at 9.4%... the highest rate in 25 years.

{so on and so forth }

Thanks Barack. :down:


Awww the unemployment is at 9.4 % and your pinning it on the pres ???

What of the housing bubble ?

the credit bubble ?

the stock market crash ?

did you think all of these things wouldn't have real world effects ....

if anything the unemployment rate at 9.4% should be considered by many to be an acheivement .... personally i think it could be alot higher than it currently is ..