APFA will get little support from ex-TWA people, but we're down to about 900 so we don't have a lot of power. It could help swing a close election, however.
So what has APFA done for me? To start, they stapled me in 2001, wiping out 29 years of hard-earned seniority, and causing me to be on furlough for six years since the acquisition. When I have been flying I've been subject to reserve and holding nothing but the worst S80 trips.
They signed their SIA (Seniority Integration Agreement) with the company giving us our original seniority in STL, and then took it away as soon as we were recalled, mumbling something about "continuous employment". This was in spite of the fact that there were hundreds on furlough at the time the agreement was signed and nothing was said about them not reverting to their original seniority when recalled.
Once the last native was recalled they decided to change the policy where furloughees were exempt from paying dues. Can't have us swinging those elections and grabbing those chairs in STL and for a while, LGA, can we? The "poll tax", as we call it, caused us all to come back with debts of from several hundred to over a thousand dollars.
When computing the equity in the "New American" they chose a time frame when most of us were furloughed, so that even the most senior of us (myself included) got only about half of what others got. Those last one recalled got zip, zilch, nada.
I think the US contract is better than the CLA we're working under now with only one or two exceptions. Seven bucks in dues won't be a deal breaker for me.
Let me remind you I said I'd "probably" go for AFA. Nobody has me in their pocket yet. Show me the goods.