You are reading that into it and it is because of your preconceived hatred of the pilot group. No one else who objectively reads that article could possibly walk away with that opinion.
Gee thanks for the sage advice and "concern". I think we can make decisions on our own.
I'm sure things are running real smooth here at AA so you have nothing to worry about.
Keep up the fight Fluff, remember that odds are most of the mechanics you run into feel the same way you do and wish we were there next to the pilots in court. Three out of Four Line Mechanics voted against the POS. In the Northeast it was 96% NO. Odds are once the EOs and layoffs are done that figure moves closer to 99%. Dont mind Hopeful, he apparently has anger issues against Pilots and ex-TWA workers. Dont know why, but I'm sure you have your share of guys like him as well. So yea we may have to "live vicariously" through you guys but if and when you set up pickets lets us know so I can encourage my peers to show support.
When I first took office I kept hearing how the International and some of the elected suck ups (who have since been voted out by their members) would constantly criticise the APA. Mostly because of the more militant approach your leaders were taking back then (2009) while our Union was taking its sadly predictable "ass kissing and bootlicking" approach ("Musn't upset management, what you want us to support Anti-trust immunity? Sure , how about if we move on article 4? Oh, I'm sorry, wont try that again, how would you like that letter of support written? What now you want to change the QAM and allow mechanics with no experience on the line three years into negotiations, sure-no problem where do I sign?). I was sick of hearing it,so I got a hold of your pay scales (which as you know are way better than ours- you guys fought for it) and E-mailed it to all those guys and told them how I could only wish we were as screwed up as the APA-never heard anymore criticism about the APA.
The fact is the APA, even when you had soft leadership, does a better job educating and representing the membership than any other union on the property. Over the years they have continued to focus on professionalism and been willing to take on AA's bullying management. You guys look down the road a bit, not like us. You guys protect your profession and realize that by doing so you all gain. IMO as one of the Big Three the likelyhood of ever being allowed to strike are very slim. But you guys obviously realize that you are fighting to preserve your profession and should you give in and establish a new bottom for the industry, when UAL or Deltas pilots go into negotiations those airlines, even if they are showing profits, will demand similar concessions from them, and when they dont get them they will be on a fast track to a PEB where the government will give them to them. You would have no chance of ever seeing your careers rebound. By voting NO you could be the ones to get into a PEB first, and they would be basing their recommendation on what Delta and UAL are getting instead of a few years from now basing their contracts on what you gave up. To do anything else would be contrary to 75 years of NMB practice. Sure it may get a little rough, but there already is a shortage of Pilots. Despite what the courts may say, what the Press may say, what Hopeful may say, what FWAAA may say, what FFCA may say, you guys have plenty of power and you should use it when the time is right.
We screwed our profession, the only thing that will drive wages back up will be the fact they cant find people willing to come into the profession anymore, then they will lower standards. Unlike Hopeful I hope you guys kick AA's behind. Maybe you wont get a deal till after the six month ME Too clause wears off and the company gets to screw us again but I never banked on it anyway, I'd just love to see workers actually fight and win for a change. We never even got the chance.
Good luck, and I really do wish the pilots the best.