don't forget when the APA wanted the higher non-rev classification ( C-2 ) for the pilots and their family's.
The reason APA asked for a class change has been covered 50 times. If anyone wants to keep repeating the BS incorrect propoganda like your post, go ahead. Ignorance isn't a positive attribute.
Last time, APA saw it's members as D2s getting put behind higher class train reservation/sabre and other groups that AMR traded non-rev benefits for lower salary. APA said all AIRLINE people should be on a higher priority, but can't put that into print for negotiations, they can only say APA. In doing so, the hope was it would be like direct deposit (please, don't thank us so profusely) and AMR would give all active employees with the AIRLINE a higher class than the non-airline divisions. AMR gladly ran this to other employee groups claiming the pilots were trying to screw them, and legions of rather ignorant fools bought the line. Not you of course if you don't beleive AMR