And, here is the problem with unionism today in a single sentence. Everyone wants their union to double their wages and benefits. But, they want no other union to interfere with their take home pay, period, full stop, end of discussion. When I was growing up in Birmingham, AL in the 50's, and BHM was the most unionized city in the South, NO UNION MEMBER crossed another union's picket line for any reason other than medical emergency. It didn't matter if the striking union was related to yours in any way. Every union supported every other union.
Now we have this. If the pilots start making the company repair airplanes before putting them in the air--not just placarding every possible item--is that going to cost me money?
I will recycle my reply again......
Here's an idea, when you are quoting a reply made by me, try including the post it was addressing.
In this case....Bob Owens said........
"There are other options besides a strike.Remember UALs "Summer of Hell". The company tried to get a court action but the court had nothing to go after."
With that I replied What will that do for my paycheck.?
If you think I am going to be a cheerleader for ANYONE's ILLEGAL JOB ACTION....try looking elsewhere.
Has nothing to do with WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME and SOLIDARITY and I GOT MINE BROTHER....
If it's LEGAL, that's one thing.
ILLEGAL......they're on their own.
No where was a LEGAL PICKET LINE mentioned in the original post by Bob Owens. If I am not allowed to do anything ILLEGAL, I sure as hell am not going to support another person's or group's ILLEGAL action.
In case you and Bob Owens have noticed yet, THIS COUNTRY AND GOVERNMENT IS ANTI UNION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This isn't Europe! and it sure as hell is not the 50's.