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APA getting a tad nervous?

I understand. But let's look at the alternative. They get abrogated....The still negotiate. But it lingers on well beyond the exit from BK. Suppose it goes on months and months maybe years more!
Do you realize the further damge and changes that will occur to the pilots during the interim?

Keep in mind pilot SCOPE affects us as well.

The reason I started this topic is because the pilots were talking tough after they voted no. Then they threatened with a strike vote and NOW they are saying "no need to abrogate us,,just impose what we voted down."

Heck, that may very well play out. Who knows.....

We are stuck with this for six years.

Further damage to the pilots? You have to remember that pilots are in demand, they can do more damage to the company than the company can do to them. If AA goes BK they will land new jobs, so would we.
Why would they not impose the T/A?.......the company already agreed to that.

Its happened in the past, but if they do they wont admitt it till the time comes because if they say they will impose the TA then there is no reason for the union to move.
Because management can be mean and petty, just like everyone else?

One possible reason might be that imposing the LBO still leaves the majority of the workgroup angry at management, because they voted no. So if a majority of the workgroup is going to be angry at management, then why not impose what you said you'd impose (the term sheet) if the LBO was rejected? That way, the no voters are still very angry (they'd be angry even if the LBO was imposed) but the the yes voters are angry also. Maybe some of the yes voters are angry at the no-voters. So you get union infighting plus you save money by imposing the term sheet. If you're in for a penny, might as well be in for a pound.

Now we know why you dont run a business. In the end they need the workers to want to make this company work. They may save money as far as hourly rates but end up paying for a lot more hours with equipment not generating revenue.
No they didn't, whenever they get a new contract, it will never make up for what they will lose over the next couple of years of negotiating. And what will they have to give up to get anything close to their old scope clause.

Who says it will be a couple of years? I think the longest so far was 10 months, then right after they settled NWA exited BK. So even though a contract may not be a legal requirement it does seem to have an impact.
You already shot yourself in the foot, dont be bitter because they wont. Just sit back and enjoy the OT.
Not bitter in the least.
As for the OT....Not bad advice but depending on the "TO BE DETERMINED AT A LATER DATE" overtime rules, who knows if I'll ever get to work OT again.....
And what's that going to do for my paycheck?

And, here is the problem with unionism today in a single sentence. Everyone wants their union to double their wages and benefits. But, they want no other union to interfere with their take home pay, period, full stop, end of discussion. When I was growing up in Birmingham, AL in the 50's, and BHM was the most unionized city in the South, NO UNION MEMBER crossed another union's picket line for any reason other than medical emergency. It didn't matter if the striking union was related to yours in any way. Every union supported every other union.

Now we have this. If the pilots start making the company repair airplanes before putting them in the air--not just placarding every possible item--is that going to cost me money?
And, here is the problem with unionism today in a single sentence. Everyone wants their union to double their wages and benefits. But, they want no other union to interfere with their take home pay, period, full stop, end of discussion. When I was growing up in Birmingham, AL in the 50's, and BHM was the most unionized city in the South, NO UNION MEMBER crossed another union's picket line for any reason other than medical emergency. It didn't matter if the striking union was related to yours in any way. Every union supported every other union.

Now we have this. If the pilots start making the company repair airplanes before putting them in the air--not just placarding every possible item--is that going to cost me money?

And the reason we don't support each other is because most of the people in this country is 2 weeks away from living on the street after one missed paycheck. We have to stop living on 125% of what we earn.
What's in it for me? I got mine brother. So much for solidarity.

Here's an idea, when you are quoting a reply made by me, try including the post it was addressing.
In this case....Bob Owens said........
"There are other options besides a strike.Remember UALs "Summer of Hell". The company tried to get a court action but the court had nothing to go after."

With that I replied What will that do for my paycheck.?

If you think I am going to be a cheerleader for ANYONE's ILLEGAL JOB ACTION....try looking elsewhere.

Has nothing to do with WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME and SOLIDARITY and I GOT MINE BROTHER....

If it's LEGAL, that's one thing.
ILLEGAL......they're on their own.
And, here is the problem with unionism today in a single sentence. Everyone wants their union to double their wages and benefits. But, they want no other union to interfere with their take home pay, period, full stop, end of discussion. When I was growing up in Birmingham, AL in the 50's, and BHM was the most unionized city in the South, NO UNION MEMBER crossed another union's picket line for any reason other than medical emergency. It didn't matter if the striking union was related to yours in any way. Every union supported every other union.

Now we have this. If the pilots start making the company repair airplanes before putting them in the air--not just placarding every possible item--is that going to cost me money?
I will recycle my reply again......
Here's an idea, when you are quoting a reply made by me, try including the post it was addressing.
In this case....Bob Owens said........
"There are other options besides a strike.Remember UALs "Summer of Hell". The company tried to get a court action but the court had nothing to go after."

With that I replied What will that do for my paycheck.?

If you think I am going to be a cheerleader for ANYONE's ILLEGAL JOB ACTION....try looking elsewhere.

Has nothing to do with WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME and SOLIDARITY and I GOT MINE BROTHER....

If it's LEGAL, that's one thing.
ILLEGAL......they're on their own.

No where was a LEGAL PICKET LINE mentioned in the original post by Bob Owens. If I am not allowed to do anything ILLEGAL, I sure as hell am not going to support another person's or group's ILLEGAL action.

In case you and Bob Owens have noticed yet, THIS COUNTRY AND GOVERNMENT IS ANTI UNION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This isn't Europe! and it sure as hell is not the 50's.
Here's an idea, when you are quoting a reply made by me, try including the post it was addressing.
In this case....Bob Owens said........
"There are other options besides a strike.Remember UALs "Summer of Hell". The company tried to get a court action but the court had nothing to go after."

With that I replied What will that do for my paycheck.?

If you think I am going to be a cheerleader for ANYONE's ILLEGAL JOB ACTION....try looking elsewhere.

Has nothing to do with WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME and SOLIDARITY and I GOT MINE BROTHER....

If it's LEGAL, that's one thing.
ILLEGAL......they're on their own.

Well said !
It seems obvious the AA would much rather be negotiating the next APA contract from the term sheet levels vs the LBO

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