777 / 767 / 757 Love
- Jan 26, 2012
- 204
- 188
I understand. But let's look at the alternative. They get abrogated....The still negotiate. But it lingers on well beyond the exit from BK. Suppose it goes on months and months maybe years more!
Do you realize the further damge and changes that will occur to the pilots during the interim?
Keep in mind pilot SCOPE affects us as well.
The reason I started this topic is because the pilots were talking tough after they voted no. Then they threatened with a strike vote and NOW they are saying "no need to abrogate us,,just impose what we voted down."
Heck, that may very well play out. Who knows.....
Bottom line is the vote is done with, and is pretty much out of the hands of the APA, and in the hands of the judge. I assume the APA did its best job of relaying to membership the pros and cons of voting down the LFBO. Like everything in life, choices come with consequences, and you don't get to undo the choice when you decide you may not like the consequences.
An aquaintence of mine voted "yes" to the contract that I WAS SURE would vote no. I was speechless when he told me how he voted as he WAS LIVID at the company after the first term sheet came out in the Spring, so I thought never in a million years will he vote on any contract that appears conessionary in nature (especially since he was around for the first rape job in 2003 --- which by the way was poorly negotiated by both sides, they should have focused 100% on greater productivity, flexibility and re-working of SCOPE, not pay and compensation---would have been better for both sides and probably would have not been as good as FULL SCOPE, but better than where things look like they will end up). But I guess he viewed the pay increase, equity share and the changes to SCOPE as being not great, but realistically better than the alternative (abrogation).
I have no idea if he is right or wrong. I have my own opinions (but I get flamed when I reveal those). I will say this, management has the right to say "you voted no, now you get to roll the dice because you made us go to the courts" HOWEVER, if the company imposes the exact terms of that LBFO that was voted down, I think that would be a wise move, and a huge olive branch if you ask me, to do otherwise I feel will be a very bad move on part of management. Hopefully, the APA membership would agree. Although, with the UCC statement about no equity if the LBFO is voted down, I'm sure Horton and company could get the UCC to change their mind on that.
777 / 767 / 757