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Anybody see a FAMILY VALUES / HUCKELBERRY Pattern Here ?

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Ms Tree said:
When is the last time you saw a conservative start a conversation regarding the rights being deprived to women reading their own bodies
What are you talking about?
Ms Tree said:
 If the muslims are ever successful in implementing Sharia law here in the US I'll be vocal about that as well.   
You would be dead.
Libtards only care about  "protected" groups. Which don't include Christians, white males, heterosexuals or taxpayers.
Ms Tree said:
There fore most of the critiques fall on them as christians are for the most part the ones in power and the ones who push for laws restricting he rights of others. 
Restricting the rights of others? You mean like affirmative action, rent control, soda bans, Obamacare and redistribution of wealth.
Liberals condemn our police officers of racially profiling illegal aliens however, when they have an affirmative action quota to fill it is perfectly acceptable.
Ms Tree said:
Can you specify at exactly what point the group of cells becomes a life and what metric are you using?
Southwind you need to understand WHAT you're dealing with.
Liberals HATE personal responsibility and by extension morality. 
That is what the whole contraceptive charade was about. The libtard would have you believe that unintended pregnancies were the result of underfunded government programs......... not because people behaved irresponsibly.
The libtards would have you believe that a welfare mother with 5 kids, no husband, and no job is a "victim". To admit that she has created a bad situation for herself, her kids, and the taxpayers due to making repeatedly poor choices would be admitting fault and therefore personal responsibility which liberals hate.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I learned it from Obama and Hillary. 
At this point what difference does it make?
Since you dodged the question yet again I'll take that as a no.  You have no example of me being anti-Christian and you realized you cannot prove a negative.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
What are you talking about?
South is complaing that liberals do not post about situatinions regarding other religiopns and I said that conservatives ... OH just read the freaking thread.  Not walking you through a conversation.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
You would be dead.
Libtards only care about  "protected" groups. Which don't include Christians, white males, heterosexuals or taxpayers.
Restricting the rights of others? You mean like affirmative action, rent control, soda bans, Obamacare and redistribution of wealth.
Liberals condemn our police officers of racially profiling illegal aliens however, when they have an affirmative action quota to fill it is perfectly acceptable.
No, like the examples I gave.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Southwind you need to understand WHAT you're dealing with.
Liberals HATE personal responsibility and by extension morality. 
That is what the whole contraceptive charade was about. The libtard would have you believe that unintended pregnancies were the result of underfunded government programs......... not because people behaved irresponsibly.
The libtards would have you believe that a welfare mother with 5 kids, no husband, and no job is a "victim". To admit that she has created a bad situation for herself, her kids, and the taxpayers due to making repeatedly poor choices would be admitting fault and therefore personal responsibility which liberals hate.
I guess that is why red states have a higher dependance on federal aid that blue states.  Personal responsibilty my ass.
Simple mind ... simple answers.
cltrat said:
yet let a muslim whine how he's offended about something ridiculous like a Bar B Que joint opening down the street from his mosque and every lefty from the Potus on down will be running over each other to kiss his ass
Dog Wonder said:
When did that happen?
And this question is for you Faux Barney.
here's your answer Meathead Dan
no I don't it's an example an attitude I think exist with many of the left and with the President particular
Up here in lil'  ol'  New Hampshire, we have FAR MORE  WHITE (USA) TRASH.......pumping out kids for a raise in the ol' welfare check !
I know folks living in places like Oklahoma, Georgia and Texas   know what I mean when I refer to.....WHITE (USA) TRASH  !
eolesen said:
Why would I care? I don't live there, and statistically, what happens there is no more significant than what happens in Latvia or Estonia...

Denmark as a country has fewer people than Crook County, IL does, while Sweden is smaller than the Chicago metro area.

If you love their way of life so much, move there. I have no interest in doing so.
Trust me Eric,............the ol' BEAR is doing some serious research into Dual Citizenship as it pertains to 'certain' countries !!!!!!!!
Ms Tree said:
Since you dodged the question yet again I'll take that as a no.  You have no example of me being anti-Christian and you realized you cannot prove a negative.
South is complaing that liberals do not post about situatinions regarding other religiopns and I said that conservatives ... OH just read the freaking thread.  Not walking you through a conversation.
No, like the examples I gave.
I guess that is why red states have a higher dependance on federal aid that blue states.  Personal responsibilty my ass.
Simple mind ... simple answers.
Ladies and gentlemen...... I give you a libtards talent for self delusion in the example above. 
cltrat said:
here's your answer
no I don't it's an example an attitude I think exist with many of the left and with the President particular
Its an example of some one throwing BS at the wall and hoping it sticks.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Ladies and gentlemen...... I give you a libtards talent for self delusion in the example above.
Have you figured out how to prove a negative yet?
Dog Wonder said:
Its an example of some one throwing BS at the wall and hoping it sticks.
Yep, seen that on page 1 of the Libtards handbook on how to f#ck up an entire country!
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