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YOu saw what most likely was an accident, but the narrator was so convincing to you that you believe it. As I said...I haven't seen it on Fox or Hannity or any other conservative site. So maybe they weren't seeing the same things that you saw.

There's a lot we don't know about our playboy president. Has he ever poked a teenager? I'm going to say it's very likely. We know he likes those young ones...that's why he walked into the dressing rooms of naked or near naked teenage girls because he owned the pageant they were competing in. I'm sure he's paid for an abortion or two in his day. I don't see the man wrapping up his willy because that's not his style. And of course...there's that love of his own daughter..the one who is also a fine piece of a-- (ask Howard Stern). The one that if she weren't his daughter, he might be dating (f---ing) her (if he hasn't done THAT already). You know, I have a beautiful daughter, but I've never thought of her as a fine piece of a--. And I wouldn't let another man close to my age tell me what a fine piece she was. Trump is utterly the creepiest thing in DC.
Why believe your eyes when you have your (TDS) imagination huh KC? Anyway as much as I enjoy these 30+ post back and fourths with you I'm done with this subject.
Why believe your eyes when you have your (TDS) imagination huh KC? Anyway as much as I enjoy these 30+ post back and fourths with you I'm done with this subject.
How come no other conservative sites have run your "cop a feel" video?
Because it’s gross and involves a minor?...

So....don't even mention it on the news without a video? Seems to me that they would be running this hot and heavy...but....crickets. Did you know Trump wanted to tap a 15 year old. Do you know what they call a 15 year old? Minor.
So....don't even mention it on the news without a video? Seems to me that they would be running this hot and heavy...but....crickets. Did you know Trump wanted to tap a 15 year old. Do you know what they call a 15 year old? Minor.
Oh really? Do you know that for a fact? Or is that just more of the lefts B.S.?....... Oh, shall we ask an expert on that subject what he thinks? .......Bill Clinton!
Oh really? Do you know that for a fact? Or is that just more of the lefts B.S.?....... Oh, shall we ask an expert on that subject what he thinks? .......Bill Clinton!
In a book you won't read, Trump saw Cohen's daughter walking off a tennis court and commented on "that piece of a--" and "I'd love some of that". Cohen told him that was his 15 year old daughter. Unfazed, Trump asked when she got so hot. Then he asked for a kiss on the cheek...and the asked a 15 year old when she got such a beautiful figure.

I know the typical response is that Cohen has an axe to grind so it's all fake news. But then we have Trump walking into a dressing room full of nude or semi nude teenage girls because "I own the pageant". We are told not to listen to what Trump says, but instead look at what he does...and when he does something perverted, it's fake news.
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Good thing Cohen’s daughter and the pageant participants weren’t on an island in the Caribbean without a responsible parent around, eh?...
Good thing Cohen’s daughter and the pageant participants weren’t on an island in the Caribbean without a responsible parent around, eh?...
Good point E!...... I was going to bring that up, but you beat me to it!......... Oh by the way, it's been documented that Billy boy went to that island 27 times!
Good point E!...... I was going to bring that up, but you beat me to it!......... Oh by the way, it's been documented that Billy boy went to that island 27 times!
They were at a Trump resort with an irresponsible parent around. And if Trump called my kid a piece of ass and after I told him that she was my daughter, if he kept going and asked when she got so hot, Client or not, he would have found his fat ass sprawled out on the ground.

Is Bill Clinton running this year? I must have missed that. Or are you saying that Trump is a pervert, but Clinton is a bigger pervert, so that makes Trumps perversion acceptable.
They were at a Trump resort with an irresponsible parent around. And if Trump called my kid a piece of ass and after I told him that she was my daughter, if he kept going and asked when she got so hot, Client or not, he would have found his fat ass sprawled out on the ground.

Is Bill Clinton running this year? I must have missed that. Or are you saying that Trump is a pervert, but Clinton is a bigger pervert, so that makes Trumps perversion acceptable.
You totally missed the point K.C. and that was that there is one hell of a lot of difference
between talk and action!...... Now would you want to talk about Biden's pedophile tendencies? There is more than enough evidence of that out there!
They were at a Trump resort with an irresponsible parent around. And if Trump called my kid a piece of ass and after I told him that she was my daughter, if he kept going and asked when she got so hot, Client or not, he would have found his fat ass sprawled out on the ground.

Is Bill Clinton running this year? I must have missed that. Or are you saying that Trump is a pervert, but Clinton is a bigger pervert, so that makes Trumps perversion acceptable.

Cohen probably got off on the idea of having his kid hook up with Trump. Or, he made the whole thing up (more likely) because there's no way to prove Trump didn't say it.

But the bigger point is that if the media won't cover a story about known human trafficking of young girls to serve as sex toys for elites, they're not going to cover what either candidate running may or may not have done that was inappropriate and didn't involve a "happy ending".
You totally missed the point K.C. and that was that there is one hell of a lot of difference
between talk and action!...... Now would you want to talk about Biden's pedophile tendencies? There is more than enough evidence of that out there!
Pedophile tendencies...you mean like this

Nice photoshop K.C.! But just more leftest B.S,!
You totally missed the point K.C. and that was that there is one hell of a lot of difference
between talk and action!...... Now would you want to talk about Biden's pedophile tendencies? There is more than enough evidence of that out there!

They are no worse that Trumps pedophile tendencies...but nowt that his daughter is in her 30's, it's not so weird if she sits on his lap or if he slips her a little tongue in a kiss. You have that video of Biden that some right wing website breaks down...but no other right wing sites have picked up on this. I could show a slowed down video of Trump and talk about what I think I'm seeing and be just as convincing. Do you have a daughter? Did you let her sit on your lap when she was a teenager? Do you have any pictures of her sprawled across you on a bed? Did you ever agree with someone when they called her a real piece of ass? Did you ever tell people that if she wern't your daughter, you might be dating her? Did you ever tell someone who asked what you and your daughter had in common reply with "sex"? Trump did. But...and this is important....he keeps it in the family, so it's all good.

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