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Any New Livery Merchandise Out There Yet ?


Aug 10, 2005
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My dad told me that in the CLT hangar he saw some posters or something like that that had the new livery plane

anyone know about this ?

by the way, anyone in the hangars reveive any free stuff like pins etc ?
I received a pin with the heritage logo on it in Phx. I'm keeping it so do ask!
A330US said:
asked my dad
doesnt know of nothing about the stuff
I was just in the Company Store (HP) on friday and they did'nt have anything there of the new liver.
PHX-F/A said:
I was just in the Company Store (HP) on friday and they did'nt have anything there of the new liver.

I can't remember the source, but more heritage pins are on the way and will be given to employees of both AWA and US Airways.
PHX-F/A said:
I was just in the Company Store (HP) on friday and they did'nt have anything there of the new liver.
I sent in a question about livery merchandise to the "merger@americawest.com" address--no reply yet though.