Another School Massacre

There are ways to regulate guns with out infringing the right to own them. Any process would take generations to become effective due to the sheer volume of weapons already in private hands the are unaccounted for but it can be done.
Foreign Wars should be "Just Wars" and not Preemptive or wars of Empire Building. The point was and Is that Liberty is won and preserved in most cases in a very violent way. Self Defense against tyrants is no vice.
SparrowHawk said:
UE is an Insurance program which we contribute to at the state level and has little if anything to do with guns.
Social Security, UE Insurance, ACA are all examples of income redistribution and examples of theft by the government. Some taxes are required. If we were to follow the COTUS in the most narrow interpretation we would have a Federal Budget of roughly half what it is now.
Look at your pay stub and see how much is deducted for federal income tax, multiply it by the number of pay periods in a year and let me know what you could buy for you or your family. It's YOUR money, not theirs
Unemployment insurance is funded by employers.  There are only three states that require workers to pay into it, the amount being minimal.  Which means you got a pretty good return on SOMEONE ELSE'S  investment.  Or if you live in one of those three states a good return on you're and a companies investment.
700UW said:
74 shootings since Sandy Hook and nothing done to stop it.
Yeah, even CNN has questioned that number. It's between 7 and 15, but I guess that's not as sensational...

Here are some of the ones that CNN left out of their analysis:

One point to remember is that most of these shootings took place in “gun-free zones” – more proof that outlawing guns or creating gun-free zones has no effect on criminals who wish to use them. Law-abiding Americans should be able to protect themselves and their families; not have their rights taken away in an attempt to control criminals who will break the law regardless. Everytown does citizens a disservice by inaccurately portraying data to support greater gun control.
My pay stub gas a deduction for UE Compensation.
Also you failed to anwser the to what you would spend your extra money on of there were no Federal Income Tax.
The wiffful ignorance of the American public never ceases to amaze me
SparrowHawk said:
My pay stub gas a deduction for UE Compensation.
Also you failed to anwser the to what you would spend your extra money on of there were no Federal Income Tax.
The wiffful ignorance of the American public never ceases to amaze me
So you keep the money and build your own infrastructure to support yourself. Unless you are living off the land and never travel anywhere, you may need some of that infrastructure that the tax base supports.
700UW said:
You lost me at the supposed "logic" to even possibly be found ANYWHERE in such an incredibly narcissistic fantasy as "My right, and the right of my children....will always trump your...." ;) What's so freaking precious about YOUR Rights that doesn't equally apply to the rest of us and our Rights? How truly "special" do you imagine yourself to be?
We've all lately seen mindless spin the likes of which even Stalin's propagandists might well have blanched at, but posturing that anyone owning a firearm has a "fetish", or is planning anything "treasonous" should make you just plain ashamed of yourself.
Why doesn't this happen in England and other countries?
Why don't you ask Norway that question, because when IT did happen, it happened BIG! Now the mass murder will only serve about 23 years, because Norway is such a humane nation.
700UW said:
Obama Praises Australia’s Gun Confiscation
Here's a view on sensible gun laws:
Couple of decades ago, Australia had a mass shooting, similar to Columbine or Newtown. And Australia just said, well, that’s it, we’re not doing, we’re not seeing that again, and basically imposed very severe, tough gun laws, and they haven’t had a mass shooting since.
Our levels of gun violence are off the charts. There’s no advanced, developed country that would put up with this. Barack Obama
[SIZE=1em]In other words, the president of the United States just praised a government for forcefully removing all semi-automatic firearms [/SIZE](i.e. a remarkable number of the guns in America and the majority of those sold today)[SIZE=1em] from its citizenry. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1em]Let me be[/SIZE][SIZE=1em] clear, as Obama likes to say:[/SIZE][SIZE=1em] [/SIZE][SIZE=1em]You simply cannot praise Australia’s gun-laws without praising the country’s mass confiscation program. That [/SIZE]is[SIZE=1em] Australia’s law. When the Left [/SIZE][SIZE=1em]says that we should respond to shootings as Australia did, they don’t [/SIZE][SIZE=1em]mean that we [/SIZE][SIZE=1em]should institute [/SIZE][SIZE=1em]background checks on private sales; they mean[/SIZE][SIZE=1em] [/SIZE][SIZE=1em]that they we should [/SIZE]ban and confiscate guns[SIZE=1em]. No amount of wooly words can change this. Again, one doesn’t bring up countries that have confiscated firearms as a shining example unless one wishes to push the conversation toward confiscation.[/SIZE]
You just have to see through the progressive smoke and mirrors.....
Yep. All he needs to do is sign an EO requiring the feared and huddled masses to turn in their guns. I haven't seen his latest proposal to to make that happen. Is this one like the serialized bullets?

The guns and ammo companies are laughing out loud at this.

All you are doing is driving up the cost for us who do own guns. Congratulations.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Yep. All he needs to do is sign an EO requiring the feared and huddled masses to turn in their guns. I haven't seen his latest proposal to to make that happen.
I never mentioned any EO.
Is this one like the serialized bullets?
Fact Check
[SIZE=x-large]Q:Are states going to require serial numbers on bullets and require disposal of existing ammunition?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=x-large]A:Such a proposal is being pushed by a company that holds a patent on bullet-coding technology. But none of the 31 bills introduced last year ever made it out of committee.[/SIZE]
The guns and ammo companies are laughing out loud at this.
Not really, you should do some research before engaging your mouth...... I believe Fed regs are hampering gunpowder output.No powder = no bullets.
All you are doing is driving up the cost for us who do own guns. Congratulations.
How am I driving up costs due to your misinformed posts?

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