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Soros is on record saying the US is an obstacle to global governance and must be taken down. Obama is doing what he said needs to be down. Koch brothers in on that too?

Well close.
The Kochy's see the Democrats as an obstacle that must be done away with !

Why do the Democrats solicit campaign cash from them then? :lol:
Ricky, I believe the term you are looking for is amendment. Say it with me Ricky. Amendment. Someone needs to give this num nuts a copy of the COTUS. Perhaps he will read it and understand that you do not 'overturn' a SCOTUS ruling. What a moron.

Santorum: ‘I would overturn’ any Supreme Court ruling same-sex marriage legal

Well at least he's honest with the electorate. The 9th may have overstepped its bounds legally as there is considerable debate as to whether the 9th ruling passes Constitutional Muster. I'm not totally comfortable with the this being a Federal matter. I think it should be a matter for each individual state
Well at least he's honest with the electorate. The 9th may have overstepped its bounds legally as there is considerable debate as to whether the 9th ruling passes Constitutional Muster. I'm not totally comfortable with the this being a Federal matter. I think it should be a matter for each individual state
You think your rights as a citizen should be a state matter? You are willing to have your religious freedom put up for a vote?

Why do you think the ruling does not abide by the COTUS?

How was Ricky being honest? He is implying to his ignorant followers that he can unilaterally reverse a SCOTUS ruling. He cannot touch it. Congress must pass an amendment that must then be ratified by 2/3rds (I think) of the states. President Ricky cannot do squat unless the COTUS has changed lately.
Speaking of Santorum, I'm beginning to see a brokered convention becoming a reality.
Mitt should "check-in" with the most delegates, But not enough. I'm thinking lil' Ricky runs a somewhat distant second. Ron Paul will have his usual 15-20%, and NEWT (x3) will keep his word to NOT quit, still be a non-factor and DRIVE voters/delegates towards Romney/Santorum and a few to Paul, in that order.

In the end I see the Romney camp cutting a deal with the RS camp assuring lil' Ricky as Mitt's VP !!

But in the end,

Life will (Still) be Good
As we
Lean Forward !!!!!!!!
You think your rights as a citizen should be a state matter? You are willing to have your religious freedom put up for a vote?

Why do you think the ruling does not abide by the COTUS?

How was Ricky being honest? He is implying to his ignorant followers that he can unilaterally reverse a SCOTUS ruling. He cannot touch it. Congress must pass an amendment that must then be ratified by 2/3rds (I think) of the states. President Ricky cannot do squat unless the COTUS has changed lately.

Why not follow Obama's lead on many things.....recess appointments for openers.

He could cut an EO and let it go to court.

A president can do what he wants until challenged, like Obama.
More on Santorum. This guy is a real gem. The RNC should be proud to have him as a standard bearer.

This from Wiki.
In 2006, Santorum sought re-election to a third Senate term and ran unopposed in the Republican primaries.[84] His seat was considered among the most vulnerable for Republicans and was a prime target of the Democratic Party in the 2006 elections. His opponent was Democratic State Treasurer Bob Casey, Jr., the son of popular former governor Robert Casey, Sr.. Casey was well known for his opposition to abortion, negating one of Santorum's key issues.[85]

For most of the campaign, Santorum trailed Casey by 15 points or more in polls.[86] According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, Santorum "encouraged everyone in state politics to help the Green Party earn a spot on the November ballot", with the result that 14 Santorum supporters funded a Green Party petition drive for Carl Romanelli, a railroad industry consultant.[87][88] Romanelli came up 9,000 signatures short of the total required for ballot access, further hurting Santorum's prospects, as there were no other candidates to siphon away votes from Casey.[89]

Santorum was mired in a residence controversy after stating that he spent only "maybe a month a year" at his Pennsylvania home.[90] Critics pointed out that Santorum himself had once denounced his former opponent U.S. Representative Doug Walgren for living away from his House district.[91] Critics also complained that Pennsylvania taxpayers were paying 80% of the tuition for five of Santorum's children to attend an online "cyber school"--a benefit available only to Pennsylvania residents.[92] After the Penn Hills school district challenged the Santorum's residency and billed Santorum $73,000, he withdrew the children from the cyber school, and suggested they were being used as political pawns by his opponents.[92]

Santorum aimed a television ad suggesting that Casey's supporters had been under investigation for various crimes. The negative ad backfired, as the The Scranton Times-Tribune found that all but a few of Casey's contributors donated when he was running for other offices, and none were investigated for anything.[93] In fact, two of the persons cited in Santorum's campaign ad actually gave contributions to him in 2006, and one died in 2004.[94] Santorum's campaign countered that those donations were not kept, and had been donated to educational institutions.[95] Santorum faced controversy for statements against "radical feminism", which he claimed had made it "socially affirming to work outside the home" at the expense of child care.

Toward the end of his campaign, Santorum shifted his theme to the threat of radical Islam.[73][96] In October 2006 he gave a "Gathering Storm" speech, invoking British Prime Minister Winston Churchill's description of Europe prior to World War II.[73][96] As evidence that Islamists were waging a more than 300-year old crusade against the Western world, Santorum pointed to September 11, 1683, the date of the Battle of Vienna.[97] Casey responded, "No one believes terrorists are going to be more likely to attack us, because I defeat Rick Santorum."[98] Noting that he had been "even more hawkish" during this time period than President Bush, Santorum later said, "Maybe that wasn’t the smartest political strategy, spending the last few months running purely on national security".[96]

A heated debate between the candidates occurred on October 11, 2006.[99] Bill Toland of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette described both candidates' performances during the debate as "unstatesmanlike".[99]

In the November 7, 2006 election, Santorum lost by over 700,000 votes, receiving 41% of the vote to Casey's 59%, the largest margin of defeat for an incumbent senator since 1980[100] and the largest losing margin for an incumbent Republican senator ever.[101]

On April 12, 2007, political action committee America's Foundation, Highmark and a former Highmark vice president were fined by the Federal Election Committee for providing Santorum with corporate money for campaign fundraising events.[102] The problem had been reported by Highmark, which uncovered the matter during an internal review.

Then there is this little gem form his book. I am sure women all over the US will just love this.
“Many women have told me, and surveys have shown, that they find it easier, more ‘professionally’ gratifying, and certainly more socially affirming, to work outside the home than to give up their careers to take care of their children.”

This is a result, he wrote, of “radical feminism’s misogynistic crusade to make working outside the home the only marker of social value and self-respect.’’

The only one guilt of misogyny is this arrogant self absorbed hammer head.
Looks like there is more.

“The notion that college education is a cost-effective way to help poor, low-skill, unmarried mothers with high school diplomas or GEDs move up the economic ladder is just wrong.”

“Respect for stay-at-home mothers has been poisoned by a toxic combination of the village elders’ war on the traditional family and radical feminism’s misogynistic crusade to make working outside the home the only marker of social value and self-respect.’’

“Radical feminists have been making the pitch that justice demands that men and women be given an equal opportunity to make it to the top in the workplace.”
Looks like there is more.

Tree, you missed probably the biggest shot into his election?

He pissed off the gays, and that's probably what killed his re-election.

That Penn Hills stuff was a drop in the ocean.
Tree, you missed probably the biggest shot into his election?

He pissed off the gays, and that's probably what killed his re-election.

That Penn Hills stuff was a drop in the ocean.

There isn't a large enough gay vote to give Santorum the beating he got.

His whole campaign was based on being a sanctimonious prick.

There just weren't enough sanctimonious pricks in PA to put him over the top.
There isn't a large enough gay vote to give Santorum the beating he got.

His whole campaign was based on being a sanctimonious prick.

There just weren't enough sanctimonious pricks in PA to put him over the top.

Hey hey hey....prick is worse that getting head...... :lol:

Don't you know women read this forum?

Gay vote raised one helluva lot of cash.
" GO RICK GO .... GO RICK GO ..... GO RICK GO " !!!!!

I mean, I'm..um..um..um Speechless, and BELIEVE ME, there is not much that makes ol' Tom (the BEAR) speechless !

First off, RS I now believe is on his way to the GOP "nod". NO matter what Romney does, he loses.

If Mitt bombards him with the Negative Shite, Mitt loses. If Mitt tries to out debate him , Mitt loses because of his most of the time UNEASY public demeanor. Now add in NEWT(x3) who will stay till the LAST DOG DIES, but I believe he WILL support RS before MITT. (Ron Paul will Never be a factor)(sorry Sparrow) BO should have Absolutely ZERO problem beating RS, an anti abortion, anti WOMENS rights, and Homophobe to boot !

The big three auto just reported all time profits, unemployeement numbers just .04 % points away from under " 8.0 " , I mean I have to PINCH myself to be sure I'm not dreaming.

My GOD, the republican party. The GIFT that keeps on GIVING !!!!!!! 😀 🙂 😛 😀


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