It's about whatever himself wants to bloviate about in his quest to "prove" that DL is the best airline in the world and like the Virgin Mary--without sin or error in its operation. Anything DL does is strategic. Even if when another airline does the same thing (especially AA), it's proof that they (the other airline) should never have done such a thing. Put him on ignore. It reduces the amount you have to read by about 75%. Oh, and please do not respond to his posts unless you agree with him 100%. He is not interested in having a discussion. He is interested only in appearing to be right on any subject from DL profits to the cost of a dozen eggs in Eufaula, Al. He will have the last word on every subject. Even if it means repeating the same thing over and over. He is a legend in his own mind.
The day is coming when they can just change the name from to because the rest of us will have gone elsewhere. I'm looking right now. This website used to have 100's of posters from just about every airline in the U.S. There don't appear to be more than 20-25 regular posters on here now.
the only thing that is sad is that one person after another wants to talk about one topic after another but doesn't have the knowledge to do it so instead they make up all kinds of, shall we say, animal waste by products, instead of deal with the truth.
you are entitled to your opinion and I have never told you not to post it. never said that to anyone else either.
there are no restrictions on the capacity of this board to handle far more posts than it does right now.
the only restriction is the ability of people to intelligently talk about the topics they bring up to discuss.
Specific to this topic, we've gone for how many pages about a subject that we really have no more information than what was revealed in the 3rd quarter analyst earnings calls.
DL and every other airline that has hedges said they would take hedge losses based on the then-current price of fuel.
Industry analysts understand hedge losses because they have seen it before. They don't understand currency losses or currency impairments because it is generally more complicated and less well disclosed.
DL and UA have currency hedges in place which have helped minimize their exposure to currency fluctuations.
For every article that you want to post about fuel hedge losses, I'll put one out about currency hedges and how effective they have been for DL and UA and the fact that AA has also chosen to not to use them and faces hundreds of millions if not a billion dollars in currency losses and impairments.
if you would like to sum up the discussion regarding the topic in any other factually based way, feel free to do so - and then we can ask that this thread get locked along with anything else that has to do with any kind of business topic, esp. one that might show facts that you or others don't want to see.
and then you can have this board all to yourself and other labor malcontents so you can criticize your coworkers who don't think the way you do.
forgive me for diversifying away from the typical "my stupid coworker and mgmt." threads that are the staple of this forum and of which you and Kevin enjoy being at centerstage of the circus.