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An open letter to the American People,

Wonder if a person who has no faith would bother to not exchange gifts or would be a hippocrit and do so?

You would not know a fact if it ran up and kissed you.

If it were up to me, I would not celebrate the holiday. First I do not believe in it and second, even if I did, it has been so commercialized and politicized (the later by fools like you) that the holiday bears no resemblance to it's origins.

Having said that my wife’s family does celebrate the holiday. She has nieces who are spoiled and expect gifts so I play along like a good spouse.

As for holiday and the pay, I take them as floating holidays so I get straight time. It’s a paid holiday no different than New Years, 4 July, thanksgiving or any of the other ones.

Are you two really that stupid? Who said the liberals want to do away with the holiday. Liberals come in all races, religions and nationalities. They celebrate the holidays just like you. They just want it kept off public property.

Geez, you and that stupid letter. You think 100, 200, 300 (pick your number) of those letters with little feel good moments make up for 3k soldiers dead, 500,000 Iraqi civilians dead, well over $100 billion down the drain for a cause which has been labeled a lost cause?


If someone does not believe in christmas, why on earth would they have a tree? One would think that anyone who has a tree believes in the holiday. My wife stopped putting up the tree because our cats keep knocking it down when they climb it.
Geez, you and that stupid letter. You think 100, 200, 300 (pick your number) of those letters with little feel good moments make up for 3k soldiers dead, 500,000 Iraqi civilians dead, well over $100 billion down the drain for a cause which has been labeled a lost cause?

Reading this shows why the American public is oblivious to the real threat.

The death numbers mentioned here with bleeding tears is nothing compared to what's about to come thanks to fools, morons and buffoons.

When life has changed on a dime over night and surviving is all the matters the libs will be the first to say, why didn't you kill the bastards, now look at what they have done.

Great thinkers indeed, directed by a force that will destroy within and in total silence.

Like a drug addict in a stupor is the mind of a typical liberal thinker. Satan loves these libs because they are easy pickings focused on everything except reality.

They Have Eyes But Don’t See, They Have Ears But Don’t Hear. According to Your Faith, Be It Unto You.

It’s scary and sad watching fools rule the day like the deaf and dumb they actually are. It would be easier to be like them, oblivious and at ease not knowing what’s approaching, unimaginable darkness.
Geez, you and that stupid letter. You think 100, 200, 300 (pick your number) of those letters with little feel good moments make up for 3k soldiers dead, 500,000 Iraqi civilians dead, well over $100 billion down the drain for a cause which has been labeled a lost cause?

I don't like seeing anyone in a foreign country fighting and dying.....3000 soldiers dead is not what anybody wants to see.We lost 3000 + in a moment one September morning and don't ever forget that.As far as Iraq and your defining it as connected to 9-11,well thats highly debatable as we already have.With that said.....i've been told (and seen on TV on little Katies excellent documentary on Iraq)to my face many times from our soldiers that they would rather fight and die in the middle east to keep that lifestyle from setting foot on American soil..Pretty selfish reaons for doing what they want to do now,eh? And you can come back and say they'll bring that over here sooner or later....and you'd most likely be right.....but this horsecrap of the Dem's making public issue of their writhing little rants and convulsions with Bush (and it goes back to the election},does not do our country any good on the world stage.When its all over the US of A will once again(or still) look like the fools the Lib's make us out to be.
We have the Democratic party that since the Bush election has obsessed with only one thing and that is regaining control of both houses which they seem to think they have some prophetical destiny to control(maybe they do :lol: ) for all time.And they achieved this any way they could,pulling out all stops with their one mission while the country was put on hold.Now its their turn,they're going to fix the Iraq situation.Have at it....
They are already politicizing the hell out of this war just like they did in 'Nam and who was the loser when it was all said and done? The US soldier...thats who.
Americans seem to have grown weary with both parties....Democrats and their flair for using to dirt to foment their agenda and the Republicans who idly sit by and let them run the Dem agenda up their ass with out a whisper.

Yall want a plan?? I don't have no stinking plan.....but I know whats going to happen. 😉

Well let me tell you.....

When we sit down to start a dialoge with Iran and Syria who already know how this is our favorite strategy and are going to exploit us with it for all time....they are going to smile and grin all the while buying time to grow militarily while our diplomats wine and dine and smile and shake hands.Syria has a mutual defence agreement with Russia.....Iran has deep ties with China....Syria and Iran hate Israel to no end and are going to do everything to exterminate the Jew from the face of the earth...no compromise...no negotiating....extermination for good....Their only solution to the Palestinian question.

There will be a nuclear terrorist attack against perhaps Tel Aviv...and there will be a quick response from Israel in defence of their own soverign soil....but there will be world condemnation over this legitimate response.And there will be guarantees of Israels safety from the new Euro government as the US is no longer a global player thanks to scenario's that soon will play out here to castrate us politically with the rest of the world.

Eventually,after much political manuvering going nowhere,Syria will poise to attack from the North and Iran will stage from the east....it will escalate as no other war ever has to date.Very quickly Israel will turn to its only true allie to help it fight for its very survival with the whole world poised against it...Will the Democrat's then turn their backs to them?
Then Russia will aid Syria from the North and China will move a massive Army in from the East.

Oil prices?Economy? :lol:

This is where its all going to go.The final solution to the ongoing mid-east crisis all settled and done in the twinkling of an eye.

Israel will be a huge stone to carry for all countries of the world. 😉

Thats where this is all going.....so I hope you have a plan.....I do.
Very poignant, very accurate. But still the Democrats want to be PC with a world that functions in a totally different reality. A world that hates God and his people.

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