Wonder if a person who has no faith would bother to not exchange gifts or would be a hippocrit and do so?
You would not know a fact if it ran up and kissed you.
If it were up to me, I would not celebrate the holiday. First I do not believe in it and second, even if I did, it has been so commercialized and politicized (the later by fools like you) that the holiday bears no resemblance to it's origins.
Having said that my wife’s family does celebrate the holiday. She has nieces who are spoiled and expect gifts so I play along like a good spouse.
As for holiday and the pay, I take them as floating holidays so I get straight time. It’s a paid holiday no different than New Years, 4 July, thanksgiving or any of the other ones.
Are you two really that stupid? Who said the liberals want to do away with the holiday. Liberals come in all races, religions and nationalities. They celebrate the holidays just like you. They just want it kept off public property.
Geez, you and that stupid letter. You think 100, 200, 300 (pick your number) of those letters with little feel good moments make up for 3k soldiers dead, 500,000 Iraqi civilians dead, well over $100 billion down the drain for a cause which has been labeled a lost cause?
If someone does not believe in christmas, why on earth would they have a tree? One would think that anyone who has a tree believes in the holiday. My wife stopped putting up the tree because our cats keep knocking it down when they climb it.