The things you mention - homosexuality, premarital sex, smoking, drinking, etc - are exercises of free will. You can disagree with the choices, but that is between each individual and God.
Look at societies who's government dictates such choices - Iran, Saudia Arabia, etc. I would not care to live in such a place, even if the ruling dogma were christian. It's far too easy for me to imagine Robertson and Falwell calling the shots. It's far too easy to imagine christianity traded for power. Imagine? It's happening. Delay talks righteously, and acts fraudulently. The knowledge of Foley was known among believers, yet his sin was covered up for temporal gain. Truly, I fail to see how our politics are aiding the cause of Christ.
I am not interesting in creating a government that has such knowledge of private lives. Given the deficit, the falling economic standing of workers, illegal immigration, Iraq, etc., etc., the government has enough legitimate tasks before it without listening to my phone calls and tracking my sex life.