Background on Barack


Oct 29, 2002

This guy has ties to very radical doesn't get any better.

In the 1970s Davis met a teenage Barack Obama and his family, who also lived in Hawaii. Davis soon became the young man's mentor and advisor.

In the mid-1990s Dohrn and her husband, Bill Ayers, hosted meetings at their Chicago home to introduce Barack Obama to their neighbors during his first run for the Illinois Senate.
In 2008 the Obama campaign produced a “fact sheetâ€￾ pronouncing Dohrn and Ayers to be "respectable" members of the "mainstream" community.

Alinsky’s philosophy and his methods were at their height in the sixties. Among the many young people drawn to them was the young Hillary Clinton, whose senior thesis at Wellesley dealt with the community activism pioneered by Alinsky.

Barack Obama was just 24 and, according to his own account, searching to define himself as a black man, when he took a job with the Developing Communities Project, built on the Alinsky model on Chicago’s South Side. As he makes clear in his memoir, being black meant identifying with the oppressed. As an organizer for the DCP, Obama’s job was to engage the project’s constituency following the rules set forth by Alinsky as a guide. Make them aware of their misery, lead them to blame government and corporations for everything wanting in their lives, and bring them together in a group to demand redress by whatever means will make it a matter of self-preservation for government and business to meet their demands.

Its all about change.....hook...line and sinker.
The people who are voting for this guy are also the people who believe Hansel and Gretel.
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I grew up when Weather underground,Black Panthers,and a myriad of other radical violent groups made political statements and killed innocent people.Communist groups infiltrated our society and advocated political change.Now some of these same people are active on the political scene today advocating what they wanted in the 60's.
So its ok with society to turn a blind eye now and dismiss these political beliefs that weren't acceptable then?
Its ok for Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn whose influence bombed and killed innocent people and the DNC and media make excuses for these people?
Its ok for a guy with ties to and mentoring from known members of the CPUSA to run your country?

I must belong to another country because that's not the country I come from.
Barack Obama is a known socialist and will not apologize for those leanings. He wants more government involvement in the daily lives of Americans and subscribes to the belief that Americans are too stupid to take care of themselves. He also believes that the government grants all rights to the people and not God, our creator, as stated in the Constitution.

Government is the answer to all issues Barack Obama may encounter. Banks go bankrupt, the government can handle it.... Oil companies making too much money....government can nationalize them and share that oil wealth with the people, just like in Venezuela....yeah right.

He also supports the government paying for abortions as part of his national health care initiative.

Keep drinking the Kool Aid... Change IS definitely coming if this guy wins.
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Like I said previously....he is/was a virtual unknown much like Palin.....this guy has as many skeletons in his closet and gets a free pass.

Apathetic Amerikana doesn't bother to look into a candidates past unless you run against the media.

There is no media bias unless you come from the other side of the aisle.
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No evidence shows they were "pals" or even close when they worked on community boards years ago and Ayers hosted a political event for Obama early in his career.

AP must have forgot to check....

The relevance of the Ayers saga today has to do with the relationship between the Ayers and Barack Obama. No one can claim they were ever bosom buddies, but their relationship certainly goes beyond the merely casual. Neighbors in the Hyde Park neighborhood around the University of Chicago, they had what Obama’s spokesman David Axelrod calls “a friendly relationship.â€￾ Casual, not intimate. Well, it doesn’t necessarily imply intimacy but one may surmise a certain kindred spirit in the fact that a fundraiser for Obama in the early stages of his political career was held at the Ayers/Dorn house. In the years since, Ayers and Obama have appeared together on several panels, some of them organized by Michelle Obama.

He wants more government involvement in the daily lives of Americans and subscribes to the belief that Americans are too stupid to take care of themselves. He also believes that the government grants all rights to the people and not God, our creator, as stated in the Constitution.
And the republicans don't? They always get involved in people's lives if they feel those people don't live up to their self-righteous moral standards.
Ummm .the Constitution DOES grant all rights to the people. A mythical "creator" is not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution.
And the republicans don't? They always get involved in people's lives if they feel those people don't live up to their self-righteous moral standards.
Ummm .the Constitution DOES grant all rights to the people. A mythical "creator" is not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution.

In general terms the Deems thumb their finger at God and the GOP pretends to know him.

This “mythical creator" you will one day answer to.

I would love to see you tell this --mythical creator-- he is a fallacy when you're standing in his blinding light shaking. In your mind believers are insane fools, myself included of course

With this post of yours you sum the woes of this country and world-- nonbeliever chanting, the enemy’s deadly tool you have become and don’t even realize at your own peril.

I live in this world but don’t have to be part of it, that said:

Of course this is only my own personal and insane idea not to be taken seriously nor is this insanity of mine PC acceptable for which I am deeply sorry if I offended any readers. If I did do any damage I will freely accept full responsibility of said party and pay for required counseling not to exceed the cost of the recent bailout.
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Creator IS mentioned in the Declaration of Independence

This is why I'm a Libertarian.

I want the Republicans out fo my church and bedroom

and the Democrats out of my wallet.

Soon to be probing your body cavity..... :shock:
You forgot to mention that we are Satan worshipers... :blink:

I don't think all supporters of Barack Obama are satanists, but there is no doubt that Obama is the preferred candidate of Satan.

Who would you choose?

  • Pro-Abortion
  • Pro-Criminal, favors paying for a life of prison instead of the death penalty for mass murderers
  • Anti-Gun, means that innocent people can't defend themselves against evil forces in the world
  • Pro-Terrorist, endorsed by Al Qaeda
  • Anti-Religion

For Satan, just like Al Qaeda, the decision of who to vote for is a no-brainer: OBAMA!
I don't think all supporters of Barack Obama are satanists, but there is no doubt that Obama is the preferred candidate of Satan.

Who would you choose?

  • Pro-Abortion
  • Pro-Criminal, favors paying for a life of prison instead of the death penalty for mass murderers
  • Anti-Gun, means that innocent people can't defend themselves against evil forces in the world
  • Pro-Terrorist, endorsed by Al Qaeda
  • Anti-Religion

For Satan, just like Al Qaeda, the decision of who to vote for is a no-brainer: OBAMA!

Well said all around...most think they are voting for change, change they will get but the DEVIL is in the details.
I don't think all supporters of Barack Obama are satanists, but there is no doubt that Obama is the preferred candidate of Satan.

Who would you choose?

  • Pro-Abortion -The government shouldn't be involved in personal decisions
  • Pro-Criminal, favors paying for a life of prison instead of the death penalty for mass murderers Ordinarily, this would be considered "pro life"...except among the pro lifers
  • Anti-Gun, means that innocent people can't defend themselves against evil forces in the world So - McCain will urge all of us to take up arms and fight "evil forces" in our backyards? Do you really think the second amendment is threatened??
  • Pro-Terrorist, endorsed by Al Qaeda Can you point me to the Al Queda endorsement? Also...didja ever think that those wily terrorists might "endorse" the one that they DON'T want?
  • Anti-Religion Thank God. I don't want a religious zealot running my country....we tried that in 2000 and 2004 and look what we got - the most Godless president in our nations history.

For Satan, just like Al Qaeda, the decision of who to vote for is a no-brainer: OBAMA! Just for the record...this post pretty much negates any claim you ever made about being a "liberal".