An open LETTER.Post to all APFA Members

tom barry

Aug 20, 2011
In 1993 I Watched and Marched with you (in BOS) as you went on a MISSION that I feared you Would Fail in, that I HOPED would succeed !

Y O U, more than ANY Union group on AA property, DEFIED AA, and with Balls of STEEL, made AA (to) "TRY" to take your jobs Away from you, and,all-the-while you were dealing with one Tough SOB, Bob CRANDALL.!

I cried like a baby..REALLY, when you W O N, because Y O U showed us ALL that your were NOT going to live your work lives under ANY Tyranny !

Well, fast forward to almost 20 years later, here we are AGAIN......As AA trys with Intimidation, to 'TRY" to get you to "buckle-Under" via a PHONEY BK filing.

There are (almost) 20 year FA's Now, that were very Junior then, but they SAW first hand what POWER they possessed.

Add in the current "older dogs" (who were 10+ year FA's then) together with you "middle aged dogs" now, and tell AA to " GO SCREW THEMSELVES " with a LBO rejection, and join with the "boys up front", and MAKE them TAKE IT FROM YOU !!!!!

PS, Union brothers and sisters. This Ol' Retired Guy...has Another good "CRY" left,with-in me !

You Make/Made me so ...GD.... PROUD ! ! !

Thank You !
In 1993 I Watched and Marched with you (in BOS) as you went on a MISSION that I feared you Would Fail in, that I HOPED would succeed !

Y O U, more than ANY Union group on AA property, DEFIED AA, and with Balls of STEEL, made AA (to) "TRY" to take your jobs Away from you, and,all-the-while you were dealing with one Tough SOB, Bob CRANDALL.!

I cried like a baby..REALLY, when you W O N, because Y O U showed us ALL that your were NOT going to live your work lives under ANY Tyranny !

Well, fast forward to almost 20 years later, here we are AGAIN......As AA trys with Intimidation, to 'TRY" to get you to "buckle-Under" via a PHONEY BK filing.

There are (almost) 20 year FA's Now, that were very Junior then, but they SAW first hand what POWER they possessed.

Add in the current "older dogs" (who were 10+ year FA's then) together with you "middle aged dogs" now, and tell AA to " GO SCREW THEMSELVES " with a LBO rejection, and join with the "boys up front", and MAKE them TAKE IT FROM YOU !!!!!

PS, Union brothers and sisters. This Ol' Retired Guy...has Another good "CRY" left,with-in me !

You Make/Made me so ...GD.... PROUD ! ! !

Thank You !

Thank you for your kind words. I went on strike in 1993 and I am still proud of what we achieved. I was stuck 1500 miles from home but managed to get home on another carrier. I walked the picket line from Thursday till Monday when the strike ended. I voted YES on the LBFO because this time the situation is different. In bankruptcy, the odds are stacked against us and we now have an NMB that is unwilling to let any party go on strike. Now that the APFA has secured a "me too" clause should the pilots get more money on the table, we as a work group have nothing to gain by voting NO. The only thing we will prove is that we are willing to cut off our nose to spite our face.
I hope that every individual that has a vote in this race votes, period. LOOK at YOUR individual circumstance and YOUR individual beliefs. Look at all of the facts presented to you, do not feel threatened or cajoled into voting yes or no. YOU decide what is best for you given all of the FACTS that are available to you. Try to filter out innuendo, threats and fear mongering that is coming to you from all directions. Only you know what you have going on in your life. You have the RIGHT and privelege to be a part of a democratic society, and union. So do just like you would do for a Presidential race, or a contract vote. Lay out all of the pro's and con's of both sides, try to stifle emotional reactions and vote what is best for you.

In the event that the final results are not what you individually had wanted, remember that others in your union may have had different needs, wants and requirements in their life that precluded a different decision than yours. Try to unify together irregardless of your anger, fear or frustration, to support what ever decision everyone has come together to make, even if that was not the decision that was best for you.
I hope that every individual that has a vote in this race votes, period. LOOK at YOUR individual circumstance and YOUR individual beliefs. Look at all of the facts presented to you, do not feel threatened or cajoled into voting yes or no. YOU decide what is best for you given all of the FACTS that are available to you. Try to filter out innuendo, threats and fear mongering that is coming to you from all directions. Only you know what you have going on in your life. You have the RIGHT and privelege to be a part of a democratic society, and union. So do just like you would do for a Presidential race, or a contract vote. Lay out all of the pro's and con's of both sides, try to stifle emotional reactions and vote what is best for you.

In the event that the final results are not what you individually had wanted, remember that others in your union may have had different needs, wants and requirements in their life that precluded a different decision than yours. Try to unify together irregardless of your anger, fear or frustration, to support what ever decision everyone has come together to make, even if that was not the decision that was best for you.

Explain how a group can you "unify" together while you advocate everyone vote and lookout only for themselves?

I dont get that. Because those different "needs" are how the Master divides and conquerors your unity.

You speak with overtones of an oxymoron.
Explain how a group can you "unify" together while you advocate everyone vote and lookout only for themselves?

I dont get that. Because those different "needs" are how the Master divides and conquerors your unity.

You speak with overtones of an oxymoron.
I don't see any inconsistency between voting your conscience (considering all factors, including what's best for YOU and your family) and then, regardless of the outcome of the vote, acting as a unified force. I agree with the last paragraph in AirLUVer's post. That's how it happens in my union. Isn't that how you decided which way you would vote on the LBO? Or were you trying to act like an elected representative should act (like a member of the House or Senate) and vote not what was best for you but what you thought was best for everyone? I think it's probably better to vote the way you think is best for you and your family.

But what do I know? In my union, we don't stand on street corners in 113 degree weather telling others how to vote or yelling at our co-workers on the other side of the street who espouse the opposite view. Our union leaders don't produce elaborate Youtube videos laying forth all the reasons we'd be stupid if we didn't vote the way they recommend.

We simply analyze the contract, decide what's the best option and then vote and afterwards, regardless of the outcome, we are unified and act like colleagues. No name calling, no bitching and whining. No crying over the spilt milk of a close outcome.
Explain how a group can you "unify" together while you advocate everyone vote and lookout only for themselves?

I dont get that. Because those different "needs" are how the Master divides and conquerors your unity.

You speak with overtones of an oxymoron.

Reread what I wrote, you first decide what is best for you in ANY democratic election. Then you must unify under the decision and stand together based on the majority rule, that is what must happen in a DEMOCRATIC society. If you don't like the results of an election, you don't berate those that chose differently, you work on getting your agenda/politician/contract amended in the next available election. If you want a dictatorship, move to North Korea.

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