In 1993 I Watched and Marched with you (in BOS) as you went on a MISSION that I feared you Would Fail in, that I HOPED would succeed !
Y O U, more than ANY Union group on AA property, DEFIED AA, and with Balls of STEEL, made AA (to) "TRY" to take your jobs Away from you, and,all-the-while you were dealing with one Tough SOB, Bob CRANDALL.!
I cried like a baby..REALLY, when you W O N, because Y O U showed us ALL that your were NOT going to live your work lives under ANY Tyranny !
Well, fast forward to almost 20 years later, here we are AGAIN......As AA trys with Intimidation, to 'TRY" to get you to "buckle-Under" via a PHONEY BK filing.
There are (almost) 20 year FA's Now, that were very Junior then, but they SAW first hand what POWER they possessed.
Add in the current "older dogs" (who were 10+ year FA's then) together with you "middle aged dogs" now, and tell AA to " GO SCREW THEMSELVES " with a LBO rejection, and join with the "boys up front", and MAKE them TAKE IT FROM YOU !!!!!
PS, Union brothers and sisters. This Ol' Retired Guy...has Another good "CRY" left,with-in me !
You Make/Made me so ...GD.... PROUD ! ! !
Thank You !
Y O U, more than ANY Union group on AA property, DEFIED AA, and with Balls of STEEL, made AA (to) "TRY" to take your jobs Away from you, and,all-the-while you were dealing with one Tough SOB, Bob CRANDALL.!
I cried like a baby..REALLY, when you W O N, because Y O U showed us ALL that your were NOT going to live your work lives under ANY Tyranny !
Well, fast forward to almost 20 years later, here we are AGAIN......As AA trys with Intimidation, to 'TRY" to get you to "buckle-Under" via a PHONEY BK filing.
There are (almost) 20 year FA's Now, that were very Junior then, but they SAW first hand what POWER they possessed.
Add in the current "older dogs" (who were 10+ year FA's then) together with you "middle aged dogs" now, and tell AA to " GO SCREW THEMSELVES " with a LBO rejection, and join with the "boys up front", and MAKE them TAKE IT FROM YOU !!!!!
PS, Union brothers and sisters. This Ol' Retired Guy...has Another good "CRY" left,with-in me !
You Make/Made me so ...GD.... PROUD ! ! !
Thank You !