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An Open Invitation To Gorden Bethune

avek00 said:
Gordon Bethune wouldn't dare risk coming to US - for a variety of reasons, including already-mature hubs and an over-senior and recalcitrant workforce, he simply cannot repeat his successes at CO with US.

Bonderman has nothing to do with US Airways.
I think that wheels was refering to the spat between Gordo and Bonderman over at CAL and that turning this place around might be something of a "Up yours" to Bonderman....


oh - and ps - I personally thing Gordo is too smart to come over here. Too late with too little to work with to turn this place around.
700 youre wrong! As usual!!!!!!!!!!!! I might add!!!!!!!!! Cal F/As across the board do not make more! Your looking at pay rates???? Theres more to Pay than 'the rates..... Why would nt you treat your employees well dude? After 2 bk's and gutting , the airline WAS making money and could afford to do the things you talk about! You dont get it bud. The same thing will happen here once a new ceo is in and the pay and contracts are set up to compete..... Its sad you see things YOUR way, which i might add is ummmm colored at best... Wait and see bud, who ever will come in next here, will have a foundation to build on just like Gordon did, and be a knight and shining armor!!!!BTW My other half is with CAL I KNOW! Oh and are taking major paycuts etc. Hes no God dude and were all in the same ole boat, course your too busy pretending to be in court to notice the real world ?
I worked this past summer with CAL F/As, their international FA makes $54 an hour.

Knight in shining armor? You are living in a fantasy world, US is at death's door, there will be no hero to rescue it.
reality has arrived. gordon bethune ....or someone else of the same calibre, or , at the very least,someone that would implement the leadership style of same ,is required. again this is something only those individuals with a positive attitude and an adventurous spirit would understand.that does not mean those without such quallities are unwelcomed,but they would best be off to their own adventure. good luck to those individuals. good luck to us all!
You can forget Gordo working for any airline other than CAL. His employment contract and retirement package are sure to have non-compete clauses that would prevent him from even thinking about working for another airline 2-3 years.
Hello Newman said:

Colodny's the twit that started this pig on its death spiral by royally screwing up both mergers, then dumping it in Seth "deer-in-the-headlights" Schofield clueless lap, and shoving Gordon Bethune out the door.

What a guy! --- Ed Colodny for Airline Nitwit of All Time ----
700, the employees are the ones who have and will save this company! Once we weed out the slackers, this airline wil be just fine,and i hope this latest game the slackers pulled, doesnt nose dive us... Well maybe management will have to come back again to ask for more money to make up for you BUDS who pulled this stunt.... Weed eater please!
avek00 said:
Gordon Bethune wouldn't dare risk coming to US - for a variety of reasons, including already-mature hubs and an over-senior and recalcitrant workforce, he simply cannot repeat his successes at CO with US.

Alot of the groundwork of recovery at CAL was already in place when Lorenzo left and Bethune came on. One thing with prople like this..they have already made thier fortunes..its how big his ego is. He may be just ego enough to come in here and tear this company a new one for the sake of the challenge alone. after all if he did come in and have the same successes here as he had at CAL..he would be a major hero. But again...he would probably reap the unions' scorn over time as he probably would attack workrules and pay even furthur.

Dont want Colodny back. He open the gates for this horse to get out back in 89. He had no backbone to stand up to the unions, retreated everywhere WN came into..Hell ..he didnt even want U flying into Europe..was going to discontinue Piedmont's CLT/LGW route.
PineyBob said:
...didn't he leave Piedmont or US after a dispute with Senior Management.


At Piedmont it was widely acknowledged that he was being groomed for the President/CEO office when Bill Howard would retire. The Ed Colodny in his great wisdom, bought Piedmont for $1.9 billion, and proceeded to make the entire merged airline worth less than half that amount inside of 4 years.

When Ed Colodny, in a further display of his insightful vision, made it clear the Seth Deer-in-the-Headlights Schofield would get the helm, Gordon Bethune found his way out of this pig called USAir.

I can only wonder where USAir would be today if Bethune had been given the nod instead of Schofield. Somehow, I believe Southwest would be struggling for market share at Love Field right now against our fleet of F28's.

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