On 5/5/2003 4:15:33 PM FWAAA wrote:
On 5/5/2003 4:05:11 PM NewHampshire Black Bears wrote:
Do we(AA) cut back our schedule "significantly" ??
Answer: "NO" !
Instead AA tries to keep as many stations/employees working
as possible, instead of SHRINKING this "GD" company(like Crandall did), and we(sadly) will see that the "non shrinking" approach will be, at the very least a BK-11,if not a "near'' liqiudation.
Like everything else at AA, Time will tell.
This is one time that I hope I''m wrong, but I doubt it.
You have posted numerous times that you think that AA should shrink its way to survival. Exactly what would you propose that AA do with all those expensive airplanes that would be grounded if the JFK operation were shrunken?
Is it possible that flying them for whatever fares AA is able to command is causing AA to lose less money than simply parking them?
Last year you were real high on JFK - what happened?
My prediction (and I don''t hope I''m wrong) is that AA is going to survive, eventually complete the new JFK terminal and then dominate NYC.
I may be wrong - but I wasn''t wrong about loading up on AMR as it hit bottom.
Your right, I was high on JFK, and I still am INTERNATIONALLY, and TRANSCON.
I should clarify my statements about "shrinking".
I think AA should shrink to "STABILITY", not profitability(for the time being)
I honestly think that AA will lose MORE money(during these BRUTAL times) with a larger system, than a smaller system.
We''re flying trips out of LGA to MCO, and TPA, while "everybody and their sister" is doing the same thing.
My point.
Stick to out strenghts(SP?).
JFK to MIA/SJU/LAX/SFO, plus all international flying, "ONLY".
Fly "less" trips per day, using 757''s out of LGA and EWR, and same thing out of JFK, except using widebodys out of JFK.
Do this until the "bleeding" at least show''s signs of stopping. Speed up the (already announced) retirement of some of these S-80''s, and mabey the A-300''s. This economy is NOT going to turn any day soon, and Passengers ARE NOT flying as frequent since 9/11. The new JFK, was concieved BEFORE 9/11, and JET BLUE. In all likelyhood, a project "that big", may NEVER be needed.
Wait until B6 starts flying to DFW, or possibly ORD.
Then what ??
I realize that a lot of people(on this board) get VERY tired about my constant reference''s about Crandall.
But the guy PROVED that his way(especially during the toughest of times) WORKED !!!!!!