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Amr Wooing Workers

twuer said:
Hackman, you haven't a clue as to what you are talking about. The TWU DID negotiate the industry leading contract, then 9/11 happened. Circumstances beyond our control lead to the concessions.

Get a clue Hack, then we can argue!
:shock: You must be talking about the ILC that we got after AMFA got theirs at NWA, except they didn't have the two tier pre-funding of retirement health benefits, flex-over health benefits...... Must I go on? Talk about clueless! :down:
But you forgot to mention how crappy the language is EA!!!! We all know that it WASN'T amfa who started to ILC trend!!!! Give it up! Go have a drink with Hackman!!!
Mark Burdette picked one hell of an analogy for the situation at AA. I just wonder if this SNOWBALL he's talking about IS HEADED FOR HELL?
twuer said:
But you forgot to mention how crappy the language is EA!!!! We all know that it WASN'T amfa who started to ILC trend!!!! Give it up! Go have a drink with Hackman!!!
No one has had "crappier" language than our twu/mechanics contracts at AA. The only thing that makes it work is the cozy little relationship between the twu and the company!! Anyone with any sense knows this!! It's definetly not in the members best intrest or the professions!!

Keep the Faith......AMFA NOW!!!!!!
twuer said:
But you forgot to mention how crappy the language is EA!!!! We all know that it WASN'T amfa who started to ILC trend!!!! Give it up! Go have a drink with Hackman!!!

I wonder then, if your analogy is true, why does the TWU require deceased, retired, and lav servicers, to keep the A&P Mechanic from leaving by voting in nuetral body election?

Your actions do not match your rhetoric.

If you really believe the TWU is so strong and secure, then why not allow the vote without the BS and show us with the ballot who the members favor?
Let's forget about the paycuts,loss of vacation,half-pay sick days, the coming wipeout of our pension. Let's be friends with the company. They have our best interests in mind you know. Let's build a big snowball of friendship with AA management. We can roll down the hill together as a team! Be a team player! We can pull together! Win together!
Stop the Bus..I Want Off! said:
No one has had "crappier" language than our twu/mechanics contracts at AA. The only thing that makes it work is the cozy little relationship between the twu and the company!! Anyone with any sense knows this!! It's definetly not in the members best intrest or the professions!!

Keep the Faith......AMFA NOW!!!!!!
Article 28 para. b of the AA/TWU agreement

(B) The Union recognizes that the Company will have sole jurisdiction of the management and operation of its business, the direction of its working force, the right to maintain discipline and efficiency in its hangars, stations, shops, or other places of employment, and the right of the Company to hire, discipline, and discharge employees for just cause, subject to the provisions of this Agreement. It is agreed that the rights enumerated in this Article will not be deemed to exclude other preexisting rights of management not enumerated which do not conflict with other provisions of this Agreement.
twuer said:
But you forgot to mention how crappy the language is EA!!!! We all know that it WASN'T amfa who started to ILC trend!!!! Give it up! Go have a drink with Hackman!!!
Holy Sh*t Batman, do you believe the smell of the stuff this wonderboy twuer is shovelin'???? Twuer, your the one that should stop drinking. Its making you delusional and your looking kinda pale like atd liar little jimmy.

My friend EA said it, why did the twu stall and wait for AMFA at NWA to finalize their contract??? Hmmmm, well, ahhh........lets see now....ahhhh....

The facts are, and I know you won't get this twuer; The twu waited for AMFA to settle at NWA, which went to a PEB (you'll never see that with the twu, they would sellout first). The twu tried to match AMFA's contract and failed. Did you know that NWA just started paying their medical co-pays in 2001? How long have AA shoved Flex Benefits up our a*??? 1989 ring a bell??? I know, that was before your time twuer, but I remember it well. No "prefunding" either at NWA!!!! Are you hearing me twuer???? Does the AMFA have OSM's??? No, they do not, just AA. If I had to sit here and list all the disparities of AMFA vs. twu contracts, I would break my keyboard, it would take hours to show all the failures of the twu in the last 20 years. The twu has brought this industry to new lows, and now all the other big airlines are following us down.

Don't say anything about the UAL BK, the iam pushed the ESOP at UAL claiming "We will be Millionaires"!!! What happened??? Bad company business plan??? The iam members lost $100's of $1000's. Then the iam leaves the retirement mess for AMFA at UAL, when 95% of those retirees were with the iam and paid dues for 30 to 40 years, its the iam who then abandon them. The iam is almost as bad as the twu, the difference is the twu will sellout any old time, good times or bad.

Yes, "How low will you go to keep the dues flo"??? We'll get 'em next time!!!!

I think I heard a pin drop.....twuer, you still wanna shovel any more twu BS???

Punks, Drunks, Cowards, Funtional Illiterates, and Felons. The twu's finest.

Does anyone else remember years ago, the TWU agreeing to separate maintenance locals BECAUSE of the AMFA threat?

Hackman is right on about the TWU waiting to see how the AMFA did at NWA. The fact that our pay and benefits were so close to what the AMFA achieved at NWA is no coincidence. Had the IAM been at NWA, and secured them a typical 2% raise, that is about what we would have had.

The TWU has never come up with pay that leads the industry. They brag about saving jobs at our expense. Like I said before, we can't even write it off as a charitable contribution.
If that is the case, as you say, SO WHAT????? The fact remains the TWU achieved the industry leading contract..........period! Now gripe and complain, justify and argue all you want. We "bargained" the best contract.

Like I said it was NOT amfa who started the "trend". If you will remember correctly I believe that it was the pilots who "got the ball" rolling and others followed just as they have done time and time again.

You are in such a hurry to take credit for the good you claim amfa has brought, why don't you take credit for the devastation that amfa has brought upon the industry????? I guess you will deny that as well!!
twuer said:
If that is the case, as you say, SO WHAT????? The fact remains the TWU achieved the industry leading contract..........period! Now gripe and complain, justify and argue all you want. We "bargained" the best contract.

Like I said it was NOT amfa who started the "trend". If you will remember correctly I believe that it was the pilots who "got the ball" rolling and others followed just as they have done time and time again.

You are in such a hurry to take credit for the good you claim amfa has brought, why don't you take credit for the devastation that amfa has brought upon the industry????? I guess you will deny that as well!!
Yes, that is the case. So what? Well your BS twu claims, are lies, the twu did not bargain, they beg. The twu failed to get an ILC except in concessions. They had to wait for AMFA at NWA because there was NOT A CHANCE IN HELL we would have gotten the money we did if not for the AMFA. When you add in the givebacks twuer, prefunding, insurance co-pays, we are far behind and have been for 20 years.

If you want to use the age old inept twu excuse "pilots got it first", don't even go there. The AMT profession is so far removed from pilot compensation and benefits that we don't even compare. Lets talk A@P mechanic here twuer. What has the twu done except give concession after concession to protect the dues flow??? Are you smoking the same CRACK as your delusional buddy cio??? It sure seems like it.

AMFA started OUR profession rolling by fighting the NWA management all the way to a PEB!!!! They were rolling tool boxes out the door at NWA ready to strike!!! Would the twu EVER go this far??? NEVER NEVER NEVER!!!! They don't have the balls!!!! AMFA is still fighting arguably the worst management in the industry, Northwest Airlines, and they filed Force Majeure cases to prove it. I'm still waiting for our twu 29D grievance on our layoffs!!! Its been what, over 2 years going on 3!!!! ABOUT TIME WOULDN'T YOU SAY????

The only "devastation" of the industry is the twu's refusal to fight this company. Time after time, concession after concession, FOR 20 YEARS, even when the company was making record profits, the twu would bend over like a cheap 2 dollar WHORE for AA management. Why do you think nobody except you brainwashed BOOBS wants the twu??? Can you answer that twuer??? NO CARD DRIVES FOR THE twu, ANYWHERE!!!! NONE!!!!!

Your twu is FINISHED at AA for M@R. Its just the way it is.

Punks, Drunks, Cowards, Functional Illiterates, and Felons. The twu's finest.

Your twu is FINISHED at AA for M@R. Its just the way it is.

Hmmm...wait for FM1!..wait for FM2!....outsource what?....furlough how many?....that's just the way it is.

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