twuer said:
But you forgot to mention how crappy the language is EA!!!! We all know that it WASN'T amfa who started to ILC trend!!!! Give it up! Go have a drink with Hackman!!!
Holy Sh*t Batman, do you believe the smell of the stuff this wonderboy twuer is shovelin'???? Twuer, your the one that should
stop drinking. Its making you delusional and your looking kinda pale like atd liar little jimmy.
My friend EA said it, why did the twu
stall and
wait for AMFA at NWA to finalize their contract??? Hmmmm, well, ahhh........lets see now....ahhhh....
The facts are, and I know you won't get this twuer; The twu waited for AMFA to settle at NWA, which went to a PEB (you'll never see that with the twu, they would sellout first). The twu tried to match AMFA's contract and failed. Did you know that NWA just started paying their medical co-pays in 2001? How long have AA shoved Flex Benefits up our a*??? 1989 ring a bell??? I know, that was before your time twuer, but I remember it well. No "prefunding" either at NWA!!!! Are you hearing me twuer???? Does the AMFA have OSM's??? No, they do not, just AA. If I had to sit here and list all the disparities of AMFA vs. twu contracts, I would break my keyboard, it would take hours to show all the failures of the twu in the last 20 years. The twu has brought this industry to new lows, and now all the other big airlines are following us down.
Don't say anything about the UAL BK, the iam pushed the ESOP at UAL claiming "We will be Millionaires"!!! What happened??? Bad company business plan??? The iam members lost $100's of $1000's. Then the iam leaves the retirement mess for AMFA at UAL, when 95% of those retirees were with the iam and paid dues for 30 to 40 years, its the iam who then abandon them. The iam is almost as bad as the twu, the difference is the twu will sellout any old time, good times or bad.
Yes, "How low will you go to keep the dues flo"??? We'll get 'em next time!!!!
I think I heard a pin drop.....twuer, you still wanna shovel any more twu BS???
Punks, Drunks, Cowards, Funtional Illiterates, and Felons. The twu's finest.