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Amr Outsourcing

AgMedallion said:
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Couple that with THE FACT that "DUMBYA's" LAST day in office WILL BE 1/20/05, will put AA in somewhat of a dilemma.

Ah but DUMBYA need not worry, because AA will probably give him a job on AMR's BOD's. :down: :down: :down:

Wow. Life will be great come Jan 20, 2005. All the outsourcing, which started on Jan 20, 2001, as you no doubt know, will come to a complete end. There was never any outsourcing before GWB came into office. Everything in the world was perfect. Gore was inventing the internet, Clinton was getting his you-know-what serviced in the Oval Orifice. Life was sweet. Kerry will assume dictatorial powers and rule, by fiat, that U.S. corporations can no longer employ them damned foreigners to do anything. He will also ban all imports from all countries. We will be 100% self sufficient and the foreigners will be so greatful that we refuse to do business with them that they will literally beg us for our products and pay twice the current prices. Jane Fonda will be Secretary of Defense. What else do the voices in your head tell you?
"That Bush/Cheney WILL BE out of office on 1//20/05" !!!

Nothing more, nothing less.

No God help us if Liberal Kerry gets into office and by the way both parties care less about organized labor its not all about money this election is about our country

voting for bush in 2004 :up:
As a veteran of the USAF I shudder at the thought of a Kerry presidency.He wants U.N. approval for all military action and I didn't read anything in the Constitution about allowing a president to put U.S.troops under foreign U.N. command. If we don't keep the pressure on the terrorists and they win we won't have to worry about our jobs because the next attack inside the U.S. will destroy the U.S. economy.Have you already forgotten Sept 11 2001 and what it did to the U.S. economy?
orwell said:
The problem is that these same employees, when not working and in "consumer" mode, probably often contribute to the forces that are threatening them.
Exactly! It amazes me to hear the hypocrisy of people who demand to be paid more so they can buy more things at Wal-Mart from people who are paid less than minimum wage selling items made in countries where the employees are paid less in a day than a minimum wage employee makes in the US in an hour.
goingboeing said:
Have you already forgotten Sept 11 2001 and what it did to the U.S. economy?
Have you already forgotten that the US economy was falling apart before Sept 11 2001?
mweiss said:
Have you already forgotten that the US economy was falling apart before Sept 11 2001?
You are absolutely right. According to President Bush, the recession started on his watch in March of 2001.
TWAnr said:
You are absolutely right. According to President Bush, the recession started on his watch in March of 2001.
Moreover, the pin that popped the economy's bubble was the Justice Department's attack on Microsoft in April, 2000. The S&P melted down in May, 2000 and didn't start to recover until a year ago.
Click here to see what I mean
mweiss said:
Moreover, the pin that popped the economy's bubble was the Justice Department's attack on Microsoft in April, 2000. The S&P melted down in May, 2000 and didn't start to recover until a year ago.
Click here to see what I mean
Yeah,Bill Clinton's [D] Justice Dept with Janet Reno attacked MicroSoft . All of these details still don't compare to a terrorist attack on one of our major power grids in this country.I was in Lowe's back a few months ago and their computers were down.I could not even make a purchase so I left the items at the counter and went to another store.Imagine no elecrtical power for weeks or months in a big section of this country and the effect it would have on commerce.
I have more respect for Janet Reno than you will ever know.

She was repeatedly "authorized" complimentary upgrades on AA out of MIA.

She refused to take them because she was a "public servant".

She may have issues but she certainly had scruples.

goingboeing said:
As a veteran of the USAF I shudder at the thought of a Kerry presidency.He wants U.N. approval for all military action and I didn't read anything in the Constitution about allowing a president to put U.S.troops under foreign U.N. command. If we don't keep the pressure on the terrorists and they win we won't have to worry about our jobs because the next attack inside the U.S. will destroy the U.S. economy.Have you already forgotten Sept 11 2001 and what it did to the U.S. economy?
Look, I'm not trying to be nosey, or get into your personal business, honest,
by any chance do you have any WMD(weapons of mass destruction) lying around in your garage, perhaps, or know where some WMD, might be found ??

If, by chance you do, snatch them up, there's a HUGE $$$ reward for them.

Just call "1-800-1600 PENN. AVE."

"THEY'RE DESPERATELY :shock: LOOKING :shock: FOR THEM" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


DUMBYA says "I know where I "want" to lead this country" ..

The problem is,
we know "where" he's "LED" this country, the last 3/4 years !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ah, but not to worry,
DUMBYA's GUARENTEED the USA 250,000 new jobs.(or was it 2.5 million) ?
This past month, his administration created "12,000" !!!!!!!!! :down: :down:
goingboeing said:
Imagine no elecrtical power for weeks or months in a big section of this country and the effect it would have on commerce.
Yup. Too bad nobody's doing anything to prevent it.