TWU International says the same thing when they insert Vote Yes propaganda into the ballot envelope, and concessions pass.
Yet we have had several discussions about how wrong that is and even more so when they say "The membership voted for it".
When TWU Intnernational does this you blame them, I have heard it and seen that myself from you.
When that happens, you have always been on the other side of the "influence" issue.
But when you are proven to be on the wrong side of the issue and things get worse, you dismiss your involvement and say "the membership voted against it"
So if not to influence the voting, then why make the video and post it on YouTube to begin with?
You are honestly going to claim the intent was not to garner No Votes?
Jezzus H Waffle Boy.... Still crying about the "No" vote and wasting bandwidth with your cyber tears??? Cry not 'Lil Waffle Boy...the Twu will save you.
I don't know how many TIMES you have to be told so it penetrates that thick Okie skull of yours.....I guess you don't want to hear what's been said by others over and over here about the 2010 T/A sellout. Here's one more explanation for the books, and maybe you'll can finally "get it" this time. Just like the old AMFA days, one day you want to resist and fight against the Company/Twu, the next day the Waffle Boy comes out of the closet and you cave like a Jim Little puppet.
2/3 of your Title 1 peers including myself voted "No" on the sellout Twu T/A in 2010 purely because it was nothing but more voluntary concessions after nearly 10 years of record setting concessions....the first voluntary bankruptcy (I voted "No" then too). There would not be another. Those under 50 like myself would not give up retiree medical without a fight. Wasn't because of of Bob, Chuck, or Local 562. It was the sh*tty T/A. Understand?
If the CompAAny and it's toy union wanted more major concessions again for their year over year failure to run a solvent airline and blow money like a drunk in a whore house, they were going to have to force them. AA management destroyed any and all good will they sought from the workers starting in 2003 with the laughable "Turn Around Plan". Any "Yes" vote on more Twu concessions was not going to happen for years of greed and failure. I'm sure you'll disagree. Maybe your on Horton's "AA Team" as he likes to call it. I'm not.
Listen up WB, Bob didn't drive the "No" vote, Chuck didn't drive the "No" vote, Local 562 didn't either. The blame lies solely on the AA concessionary T/A, the inability of the Twu International to negotiate nothing but more concessions, and finally the base and underhanded statements from the VP of Labor Non-Relations Jeff "The Brick" Brundage. Put the "No" vote blame where it belongs:
AA management and the Twu International
One other important point your missing, the APA and the APFA did not accept more voluntary concessions either, why not? Did they listen to Bob and Chuck, or Local 562? Or was it that they saw though the AA management BS?
I think it's time for you to retire (28 years?) and call it a day, I'm sure you have other issues to attend to instead of spending all your time here crying and whining at Bob or Chuck, about a vote that which you can't change.
Your gonna give yourself a heart attack with all stress and strain...give it a rest.
Horton and his henchmen wanted this Civil War, not the workers. Hopefully it does not go like Eastern and Pan Am.