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ALPA MEC code-a-phone update – February 14, 2003

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ALPA MEC code-a-phone update – February 14, 2003
This is Roy Freundlich with a US Airways MEC update for Friday, February 14, with four new items:
Item 1. The MEC held an informational conference call meeting today in closed session and received legal information and advice on issues involving the Company’s attempt to terminate the pilots’ pension plan and ALPA’s legal objection in response to the Company’s motion to terminate the plan.
Item 2. ALPA filed its objection today in U.S. Bankruptcy Court on the Company’s motion to seek a distress termination of the pilots’ pension plan and replace it with a defined contribution plan. The legal objection challenges the Company’s assertion that it can terminate the pilots contractual defined benefit plan with the PBGC without ALPA consent and challenges the Company’s assertion that it can impose a defined contribution plan without ALPA consent.
The 40-page objection has been posted on the MEC public and pilots only web pages at usairwayspilots.org.
Item 3. MEC Chairman Bill Pollock has called a special MEC meeting to convene in DCA on Tuesday, February 18 at 10:30 a.m. and adjourn Friday, February 21 at 5:00 p.m., or at the completion of business. The agenda is as follows:
The agenda for the meeting is:
1.) Motion to reconsider AI 02-226 - Future Stock Distribution,
2.) Discussion regarding the status of the pilots’ pension plan,
3.) Review of the furloughed pilots’ insurance assessment, and
4.) Grievance Committee/Jets For Jobs briefing
The meeting will be held at the Key Bridge Marriott hotel in Arlington. All US Airways pilots are encouraged to attend. The telephone number for transportation information is 703-524-6400. Please be advised that portions of the meeting will be in closed session.
Item 4. The US Airways MEC office will be closed on Monday, February 17, for the President’s Day holiday and will reopen at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, February 18.
Please remember we have 1,827 pilots on furlough.