Yeah but in this situation our own members screw us with the clause
" Our OWN Members"................
Did it EVER occur to you that NOW is time to insure that YOU are No Longer "members" with the FSC's etc !
The AA/AMT's have ONE-LONE chance of Survival left, one half of which has been accomplished by more than half of the total of AMT's told AA to go....." F Y S " !
Going forward, it's NOT Rocket sceince.
A. KEEP the MAJORITY of AMT's voting N O , and as soon as possible, REPLACE THE TWU with AMFA.
The fact that the FSC's have pin-points for testicles IS NO LONGER YOUR CONCERN !!!!!!!!!!
The Immediate problem IS....realizing that as (the majority of)NO voting AMT's that Y O U are in CONTROL !!
Will there be " X " amount of lay-offs ? YES, BUT in the end, you guys will be the ULTIMATE winners.
GOD-DAMMIT..." STAY UNITED/STRONG " ! You are DEAD if you don't !
On a somewhat Unrelated note, US TWU Rail division guys are hearing STRONG rumors that "chicken' LITTLE is in DEEEEEP SHITE as far as his job is concerned because of the CAVE-IN job he's done together with AMR !
Brooklynite/OKIE/Bostonian/TEXAN.......STAY TOGETHER.....S T A Y......S T R O N G !!