Amfa's History Hidden

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  • #31
What exactly are you looking for? The fact that AMFA turned the tide and brought the wage from $25 to $35, forcing others to follow is not enough

Bob, wasn't it the IBT that hit the over the $30/hr mark prior to AMFA, I believe it was either with UPS or Fed Ex, not exactly sure which one but it was not AMFA. AMFA didn't turn the tide Bob, they rode the wave, as they do on political events also.
James C. Little

Administrative Vice President, Air Transport Division

Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO

1791 Hurstview Dr.

Hurst, Texas 76054

Re: Summary of the 2003 Contract changes

This will confirm our understanding reached during the negotiations leading up to the agreement signed on (DOS), 2003. During these negotiations, we discussed many changes intended to achieve sustained long-term financial relief from the current provisions of the TWU labor agreements. This letter is intended to recap the majority of the agreed upon changes. Changes are listed by Title groups: I (Mechanics and Related), II (Facilities, Automotive, Cabin Cleaners, Utility and Building Cleaners), III (Fleet Service), IV (Fuelers), V (Stock Clerks), T/S (Technical Specials), Disp (Dispatch), Metro (Meteorologists), Sim Techs (Simulator Technicians) and Instrs (Ground School and Pilot Instructors).

Pay Related

Effective May 1, 2003:

§ Base wage pay reduction, varying percentages (all groups)

§ Elimination of all longevity pay(I & II)

§ Modified longevity pay, start after 17 years, current rates (III, IV, V,T/S)

§ Reduced Sim Tech Coordinator premium by $.75/hour

§ Reduced Sim Tech Skill pay to $.10/hour

§ Reduced Pilot Simulator Instructors premium to $10.00/month

§ Reduced Ground School/Pilot Simulator Instructors standardization coordinator pay to $150.00/month

§ Reduced Pilot/Simulator Instructors work unit experience premium

§ Modified shift differential to $.01, $.02, $.03 (I, II, III, V, T/S, Sim Techs)

§ Elimination of weekend differential (I, II, V, at AFW, TUL, MCI)

§ Elimination of midnight skill retention premium (Sim Techs)

§ Training pay at straight time for off shift and day off (I, II)

§ Elimination of penalty lunch payment (I, II, III, IV, V)

§ Elimination of OT meal allowance (I, II, III, IV, V, T/S)

§ Penalty hours pay for actual time worked @ 1.5x (I, II, III, IV, V, T/S)

§ Reduce OT rate from 2x to 1.5x (I, II, III, IV, V)

§ Work 40 hrs to reach OT rate for day off overtime (III, V)

§ Elimination of debrief pay (T/S)

§ Elimination of Stock Clerk driver premium

§ Elimination of AMT premiums when displacing OSM employee

§ Elimination of Early Call-In guarantees (I, II, III, IV)

§ Elimination of short turn penalty due to shift bids (Art 21 d) (III, IV)

§ Elimination of CC premium when not working as CC (III,V)

Work Rules/ Other changes and effective dates:

Effective April 15, 2003:

§ Combine Systems/Structures into Generals (Title I)

§ Added 7 day labor loan provision (Bases only)

§ Increased AMT productivity through multiple work assignments/training

§ Holidays reduced from 10 to 5. The five (5) observed holidays will be: New Year’s Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (all groups)

o Holidays- 5 days with roll @ 1.5x (I, II, III, IV, V, T/S, Sim Techs)

o Holidays- 5 days (no roll) @ 1.5x (Disp, Metro, Instrs)

Effective May 1, 2003

§ Reduce annual SK accrual to 5 days @ 100% (all except I & II)

§ Reduce annual SK accrual to 5 days, 1st two at 50% (I & II)

Effective May 3, 2003

§ 4/10s at Overhaul docks/TUL, duration of agreement

Effective within sixty (60) days of ratification:

§ Outsource RON/Ultraclean (II/III)

§ One time System protection credit for headcount reductions realized from work rule changes (all groups except Metro)

Effective thirty (30) days from ratification:

§ Reduce uniform provisioning and eliminate laundering (I, II, III, IV, V)

§ Outsource stores function at HDQ (6 Stock Clerks)

§ Relocate 4 Stock Clerks at ORD/GEM to ORD/M & E hanger

Effective as soon as practicable after DOS:

§ Change work schedule to 5 on, 2 off (T/S)

§ Reduced VC accrual one week (all groups)

§ Modify Crew Chief ratios:

AMT- 1:11.5

FSC- 1:9

Fuelers- eliminated ratio

Stores- 1:12


§ Medical & Dental plan modifications (all groups) Effective 1/1/04

§ SLOA Benefit Coverage reduced from 24 to12 months (all groups)

Effective 5/01/03

§ Eliminate STD Plan (all groups) Effective 1/1/04

§ Discontinue subsidized medical benefits RIF’d employees (all groups)

Effective 4/15/03

§ Modify IOD to 10 days (all groups) Effective 5/01/03 with the following transition:

o If the injury was incurred prior to 4/15/03, remaining applicable salary continuation through the end of the month up to the current 80 days

o If the injury is incurred on 4/15/03 or before 4/30/03, salary continuation for 10 days up to the current 80 days

o If the injury is incurred after 5/01/03, salary continuation for 10 days


James B. Weel

Managing Director

Employee Relations

Agreed to this date:


James C Little

Transport Workers Union, AFL-CIO
What do we inherit when AMFA comes in at AA??

The NWA conract-no!
The UAL contract-no!
The SWA contract-no!
The Alaskan contract-no!
The Horizon contract-no!
The ATA contract-no!
The Mesaba contract-no!
The ACA contract-no!
The Ozark contract-no!
The Hughes Air West contract-no!
The Braniff 2 contract-no!

What do we get if TWU Stays???

The PAN-AM Contract-no!
The AMR Eagle Contract-no!
The Horizon Contract-no!
The Zebco Contract-no!

What do you get with AMFA? Mabye it's all about the Constitution!!!!

HAS AMFA EVER Negotiated Layoffs/Concessions??


I can show you in our contract at AA that The TWU has done both!!!


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Bob Owens said:
Still no solid evidence or argument that amfa is better.

What exactly are you looking for? The fact that AMFA turned the tide and brought the wage from $25 to $35, forcing others to follow is not enough?

We sacrifice and amfa outsources and lays off (with jobs NEVER to return!!!) Our sacrifices are temporary (with chance of return in 2006) as amfa's actions are permanent.

For twenty years? We have been giving concessions for twenty years! This latest round was just the icing on the cake. It put us below non-union wages and benifits. When are we going to get back the "temporary" concessions that we gave twenty years ago? You know the ones that USAIR and UAL had to go into bankruptcy to get. What proof do you have that the AMFA layoffs are any more permanant than our layoffs?

2006? You mean when the extension for pension deferrals runs out?

The TWU has taken the difficult road and amfa the easy one.

The took the easy road for themselves and pout us on the difficult one. How come they kept the company paid UB?

They talk of $30 an hour but for whom? The only elite group that amfa cares anything about, and those numbers are about to go south as well!!!!

Are you admitting that the TWU is trying to drive us all down to their average member at $15/hr while they continue to collect six figures?

Amfa is nothing but smoke and mirrors. Thanks but no thanks!!

And what it the TWU except concessions plus more concessions?
You never cease to amaze me. You and your amfa crap never stop. We all know what started the increase in wages and it wasn't amfa!!! I can't and will never take to the assumption that amfa cares about everyone in the craft and class. There is too much evidence to prove other wise!!

Concessions were voted on just like the "last round" was. I tell you what WASN'T voted on was the vast numbers of employess in YOUR craft and class Bob that were laid off with no warning. Amfa kept promising clearer skies and better conditions. Yeh, better conditions for whom?? Those who work at the unemployment office??

What proof do you have that the AMFA layoffs are any more permanant than our layoffs?

You know I don't have proof at this moment in time. I could put up an argument regarding FM etc but the reality of it is Bob that amfa layoffs were due to the "negligence" of it's union leaders. Amfa layoff numbers far out number the TWU's. Now you guys complain about lower wages, concessions etc but what do the former members of amfa have Bob??? NOTHING!!!!! THEY DON'T HAVE A JOB!!! You guys criticize us for wanting to save jobs!!!! Why do you think that is Bob??? Tell me with all of your knowledge , why do you think the TWU cares more about it's members than amfa??? Amfa is a one way ticket to the unemployment line for many, many folks and there is NO denying that. Look at their record.

You asked me what more I want as far an proof that amfa is the better union and all you ever come up with is we can vote out Delle and we got a higher wage. Which is a load of crap because we all know the pilots started the "trend" if you will, for wage increases. Amfa has NOTHING!!! NOTHING!!!! No proof of their "service" to union members that it is the better union. NOTHING!!!!

Two different philosophies as far an unionism is concerned in my opinion!!
Johnny Lunchbox said:
So with autonomy, what was it exactly that the International failed at. Understand what I'm asking? I'm not. I mean your local is as strong as it's membership, undisputable, so what was it you were attempting to change that you got shut down on? And I'm not speaking of having the ability of promoting AMFA as a TWU officer , I mean Ken, what was it that your local wanted and the International said no to.
1) Open contract negotiations.
2) Ability to vote on ALL international officer positions by the full membership.
3) Give the AMT Locals created after we split from the ramp money that belongs to us.
Johnny Lunchbox said:
Bob, wasn't it the IBT that hit the over the $30/hr mark prior to AMFA, I believe it was either with UPS or Fed Ex, not exactly sure which one but it was not AMFA. AMFA didn't turn the tide Bob, they rode the wave, as they do on political events also.
Since you werent here at the time I'll tell you exactly what the TWU told us whenever we brought up UPS. "They are different, they are Cargo, not a passenger airline, they operate with much higher margins and can afford to pay more."

No I dont buy it either but that is what we were told. So AMFA did set the pace for passenger airlines with their huge increase over at NWA. If you want to give the IBT credit then go ahead, the IBT does not think much of the TWU either, in their newsletter to their members they called the TWU "inept", however the "no raid" clause means that we cant go to the Teamsters from the TWU. If you want the Teamsters then vote AMFA and in one year you can file for another election after collecting 50% +1 of the Craft and Class calling for an election! Either way, the TWU must go!

As far as turning the tide, AMFA most certainly did. At UPS there was not a dramatic turnaround, their wages went up at a consistant rate, it did not see the dramatic reversal from negative to positive that mechanics working at passenger airlines saw following the AMFA/NWA agreement.

Either way you cant use the Teamsters as a good excuse to stay with the TWU. By the way Fed Ex is non-union, although there is talk of them going AMFA too.
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  • #37
Bob, cargo planes are worked on by A&P mechanics, we are discussing your claim of AMFA leading the industry in A&P wages, so sir, you are wrong again. Twist and turn as you might, jump up and down as you want, rant on, it's OK, but AMFA shirttailed the IBT as they do others industry wide.

AMFA can lay claim to UAL, NWA, Alaskan Air and others. They refuse to take responsibility for UAL due to the IAM still being bargaining agent, however, AMFA was on their floor attempting to sway, as you did in KC, the floor into bankruptcy. I will guarantee you that if UAL would have benefitted from the bancruptcy, you and the rest of your cronies would have been claiming an AMFA victory, regardless of the IAM.

At what point is AMFA going to take responsibility? Anytime soon?
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  • #38
Ken MacTiernan said:
1) Open contract negotiations.
2) Ability to vote on ALL international officer positions by the full membership.
3) Give the AMT Locals created after we split from the ramp money that belongs to us.
Ken, I believe if you research the attendance of the contract negotiations you will find that most of the 25 chairs are empty, with the avg. of 4 attendees, and at times 0 attendance. The interest level is non-existence. Good reason to initiate a furlough.

Your three items are weak or self-serving. That is the difference between unions and AMFA. AMFA cares for the mechanic only, thinking with a solo act they will be able to demand higher wages and benefits. Currently AMFA has allowed what? 10,000 mechanics to hit the street, where's the demand for the A&P? It isn't there. It won't be there. AMFA, by their own admittance, will attempt to spin off the O/H and go to a line only rep. They are succeeding in this plan. They have already eliminated a huge part of the O/H capabilities in the USA.

You hear the AMFA reps continually stating they are prepared to relocate and find further employment. That is strange don't you think? TA Haines stated he is wanting to leave AA after bringing in AMFA..."quote from
I'm not holding my breath past this fall but that will be after the vote, so I can leave with a sence of accomplishment and pride. Hope you can make to K.C. this Saturday as the AMFA National Guys will be coming to talk with us. T.A.
This guy is a nut. he sees AMFA as his demise and is willing to hit the streets. And he wants to be a leader of what?
If it's history you seek look at (don't just take the word of )Delle's :blink: "OZARK" agreements. It's chock full of case history that will enlighted even the diehard amfa enthusiasts. They :blink: blamed the IAM for their garbage way back then (24 years ago).

You will see this revelation when it comes to outsourcing ie engines, engines and yes more engines.

Nurses could visit your house if you called in sick.

Ask Delle :blink: for a copy and if he will discuss all the goodies and (IAM disparities in his :blink: contract) He'll tell you he struck for a nickel but he won't tell you the company layed off 200 or more employees for him to get it!

He :blink: also won't tell you where he was (in exile) for so many years while the major local went down the tubes and members had to go to court at their own expense to settle up for the mess left behind.

You will also be forbidden from knowing that hard line AMFA supporters are tied to the Right-To-Work people. An AMFA ex-Treasurer? :shock:

Now let's look at the present day NWA,UAL

Is it starting again?

UAL :blink: BK Boondoggle members take 2x's necessary concessionzzzzz...,
NWA loss of "iron-clad winner" arbitration award, how many jobs? no wonder AMFA :unsure: is calling with open arms.

It's coming to a head

Johnny Lunchbox,

If you want to cite UPS/Teamster Agreement--go ahead, they are AFL-CIO as were the AMTs at Southwest.

But, answer me as to why the TWU, AFL-CIO, was not able to gather the same compensation as either of those two carriers.

During the concessions "negotiations" the TWU allowed the Maintenance & Related Negotiating TeAAm to only meet face to face with AMR for some sixteen hours out of thirty DAYS. The rest of the time the TWU-Little/Yingst/Gless- were shuttling between the groups "brokering" the deal.

When the Ramp came up short on their Concessions targets, the TWU added the shortfall to the Maitnenance & Related.
March 31, 2003

James C. Little

Administrative Vice President, Air Transport Division

Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO

1791 Hurstview Dr.

Hurst, Texas 76054

Re: Summary of the 2003 Contract changes

This will confirm our understanding reached during the negotiations leading up to the agreement signed on (DOS), 2003. During these negotiations, we discussed many changes intended to achieve sustained long-term financial relief from the current provisions of the TWU labor agreements. This letter is intended to recap the majority of the agreed upon changes. Changes are listed by Title groups: I (Mechanics and Related), II (Facilities, Automotive, Cabin Cleaners, Utility and Building Cleaners), III (Fleet Service), IV (Fuelers), V (Stock Clerks), T/S (Technical Specials), Disp (Dispatch), Metro (Meteorologists), Sim Techs (Simulator Technicians) and Instrs (Ground School and Pilot Instructors).

Pay Related

Effective May 1, 2003:

§ Base wage pay reduction, varying percentages (all groups)

§ Elimination of all longevity pay(I & II)

§ Modified longevity pay, start after 17 years, current rates (III, IV, V,T/S)

§ Reduced Sim Tech Coordinator premium by $.75/hour

§ Reduced Sim Tech Skill pay to $.10/hour

§ Reduced Pilot Simulator Instructors premium to $10.00/month

§ Reduced Ground School/Pilot Simulator Instructors standardization coordinator pay to $150.00/month

§ Reduced Pilot/Simulator Instructors work unit experience premium

§ Modified shift differential to $.01, $.02, $.03 (I, II, III, V, T/S, Sim Techs)

§ Elimination of weekend differential (I, II, V, at AFW, TUL, MCI)

§ Elimination of midnight skill retention premium (Sim Techs)

§ Training pay at straight time for off shift and day off (I, II)

§ Elimination of penalty lunch payment (I, II, III, IV, V)

§ Elimination of OT meal allowance (I, II, III, IV, V, T/S)

§ Penalty hours pay for actual time worked @ 1.5x (I, II, III, IV, V, T/S)

§ Reduce OT rate from 2x to 1.5x (I, II, III, IV, V)

§ Work 40 hrs to reach OT rate for day off overtime (III, V)

§ Elimination of debrief pay (T/S)

§ Elimination of Stock Clerk driver premium

§ Elimination of AMT premiums when displacing OSM employee

§ Elimination of Early Call-In guarantees (I, II, III, IV)

§ Elimination of short turn penalty due to shift bids (Art 21 d) (III, IV)

§ Elimination of CC premium when not working as CC (III,V)

Work Rules/ Other changes and effective dates:

Effective April 15, 2003:

§ Combine Systems/Structures into Generals (Title I)

§ Added 7 day labor loan provision (Bases only)

§ Increased AMT productivity through multiple work assignments/training

§ Holidays reduced from 10 to 5. The five (5) observed holidays will be: New Year’s Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (all groups)

o Holidays- 5 days with roll @ 1.5x (I, II, III, IV, V, T/S, Sim Techs)

o Holidays- 5 days (no roll) @ 1.5x (Disp, Metro, Instrs)

Effective May 1, 2003

§ Reduce annual SK accrual to 5 days @ 100% (all except I & II)

§ Reduce annual SK accrual to 5 days, 1st two at 50% (I & II)

Effective May 3, 2003

§ 4/10s at Overhaul docks/TUL, duration of agreement

Effective within sixty (60) days of ratification:

§ Outsource RON/Ultraclean (II/III)

§ One time System protection credit for headcount reductions realized from work rule changes (all groups except Metro)

Effective thirty (30) days from ratification:

§ Reduce uniform provisioning and eliminate laundering (I, II, III, IV, V)

§ Outsource stores function at HDQ (6 Stock Clerks)

§ Relocate 4 Stock Clerks at ORD/GEM to ORD/M & E hanger

Effective as soon as practicable after DOS:

§ Change work schedule to 5 on, 2 off (T/S)

§ Reduced VC accrual one week (all groups)

§ Modify Crew Chief ratios:

AMT- 1:11.5

FSC- 1:9

Fuelers- eliminated ratio

Stores- 1:12


§ Medical & Dental plan modifications (all groups) Effective 1/1/04

§ SLOA Benefit Coverage reduced from 24 to12 months (all groups)

Effective 5/01/03

§ Eliminate STD Plan (all groups) Effective 1/1/04

§ Discontinue subsidized medical benefits RIF’d employees (all groups)

Effective 4/15/03

§ Modify IOD to 10 days (all groups) Effective 5/01/03 with the following transition:

o If the injury was incurred prior to 4/15/03, remaining applicable salary continuation through the end of the month up to the current 80 days

o If the injury is incurred on 4/15/03 or before 4/30/03, salary continuation for 10 days up to the current 80 days

o If the injury is incurred after 5/01/03, salary continuation for 10 days


James B. Weel

Managing Director

Employee Relations

Agreed to this date:


James C Little

Transport Workers Union, AFL-CIO


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Couldn't have said it better

Excerpt from

What is AMFA? :blink:

The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) is an independent labor union representing aircraft technicians and, in their words, airline support personnel. AMFA is not affiliated with the AFL-CIO or any other labor organization. It is based in Laconia, New Hampshire.


AMFA was founded by O.V. Delle-Femine, who is the only President/National Director AMFA has ever had. (40 years) Delle-Femine was born and raised in East Providence, Rhode Island. He obtained technical training as a mechanic while working in the Air Force. He became actively involved in union affairs after he left the Air Force and began working for American Airlines. Delle-Femine is well read and reportedly immersed himself in books on the history of the American labor movement. He eventually became disillusioned with the state of the mechanics' union at American and committed himself to creating a "better" labor union focusing on the "craft" aspect of the mechanics work group. Delle-Femine and a few of his friends formed AMFA in 1962 supposedly as an alternative to the traditional industrial unions that had dominated union organizing among the mechanics' craft or class up until that time. It formally became a union in 1963.

Delle-Femine and AMFA have been repeatedly frustrated over the years by the National Mediation Board's (NMB) craft or class unit determinations that consistently group so-called "unskilled" workers such as cleaners and fuelers with so-called "skilled" workers such as aircraft technicians. AMFA has consistently made clear that it strongly favors rules that would enable it to represent only these "skilled" workers. For the most part, AMFA's efforts have been unsuccessful. In fact, AMFA had very little success organizing any employees prior to 1994. The few companies where it had any success in organizing new employees (Ozark Airlines, Hughes Airwest, Southern Airways, Braniff, Trump Shuttle, Pacific Airlines, and Airlift International) are no longer in business (either through mergers or going out of business). However, the contracts AMFA negotiated during this period were always viewed as mid-scale. For the most part, AMFA was not a significant player in the airline labor movement through the mid 90-s. Its membership had dropped to only 439 employees by the end of 1996. Its only active members worked at Atlantic Coast Airlines, a relatively small regional airline based in Washington, D.C. With membership levels at an all time low, AMFA's finances were in shambles.

Delle-Femine recently has changed the by-laws to Gurrantee his retirement and is believed to be grooming Kevin McCormick a sub-contractor to take his place. Their Attorneys are known for testifing against Labor and works with Management. AMFA is also famous for walking away from their membership during Bankruptcy proceedings.

AMFA'S Famous qoute: "Full Pay to the Last Day!"

Ask the 4500 plus Mechanics on Layoff at NW

over 50% MECHANICS AND 60% OTHERS :shock:
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  • #43
AMFA's Hidden History, this was the start of this thread, where has the thread led to due to the AMFA supporters mimicking their leader? Delle, if you watch the tapes from the meetings, when asked a question he does not want to admit to or has no knowledge on ALWAYS attempts to turn the questioning back to the one questioning. A simple high school debate ploy, and not a good one at that.

Still waiting for AMFA's hidden history, list your most proud achievements in job retention and contract negotiations, after all, that is what we're most concerned about I believe. The ability to have a job to make a wage.
Johnny Lunchbox said:
AMFA's Hidden History, this was the start of this thread, where has the thread led to due to the AMFA supporters mimicking their leader? Delle, if you watch the tapes from the meetings, when asked a question he does not want to admit to or has no knowledge on ALWAYS attempts to turn the questioning back to the one questioning. A simple high school debate ploy, and not a good one at that.

Still waiting for AMFA's hidden history, list your most proud achievements in job retention and contract negotiations, after all, that is what we're most concerned about I believe. The ability to have a job to make a wage.
Delle, if you watch the tapes from the meetings, when asked a question he does not want to admit to or has no knowledge on ALWAYS attempts to turn the questioning back to the one questioning. A simple high school debate ploy, and not a good one at that.

You know, you are definately on to something Johnny!!!! I believe he used this same tactic when approached by one of his own laid off members at the Brady in Tulsa. The laid off amfa member wanted some questions answered and Delle told him to "GO BACK TO YOUR LOCAL". Nice response from the national director of the whole association huh??? This man deserves absolutley NO respect!!

Oh, by the way readers. . .did you check out the new thread. . the one where Delle said "that AA would have been better off in bankruptcy
A direct quote by the way.

AMFA-the only road they will take you down leads to the unemployment line!!
Yours is just an opinion. Based upon lies and distortions.

However with the TWU have have something a little easier to prove. As a matter of fact Jim Little concurred that this graph is accurate.

Here is where we have been, are, and will be with TWU negotiated contracts;


We can do better than 20 years of concessions. The first step is to get rid of the TWU.

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