Nothing to justify idiot. I have NO-"0" of a guilty conscience over what happend with the AT boys. I would and will do it all over again without hessitation. It was a fair and equitable deal. The AT mechs forced the teamsters to bring it out for a vote. The teamsters wanted to force it to arbitration, and if they did that, the AT boys would have lost alot more than they already did by the teamsters stalling and wanting more. Just ask the AT pilots how much they lost by trying to play hard ball and stalling out for more. GK set them straight very quickly and they came to their sences after the fact and lost millions over the life of the intregration agreement.
If I were in AT's shoes I would have been willing to start all over to gain what they all gained coming over. The job security, pay raises, bennies, 401K match of 9.3% dollar for dollar, profit sharing, savings from medical cost and premiums, ect, ect... My union did exactly what the membership asked of them. You CANNOT say that about any other union out there that has gone thru a merger, buy-out or aquisition.
Just wait Anomaly; when AA merges with whomever, I don't want to hear a word from you other than dovetail. But this will not happen-trust me. This will be a long and dragged out fight for position for each and every mech at AA and whomever you all merge with. Matter fact I predict you all will end up in arbritration if you and US end up merging together. So you guys better vote in AMFA, as they will protect their current members way better than the TWU, IAM or the teamsters would. Which is the way it should be. Get a clue dude...