Now here's another great example of a democratic union at work.
There has been some changes at the AMFA National Officers level. Why? Because at AMFA you have the option of voting for all upper, and local officers. Below are the results of the AMFA National Officers Election:
National Officer Election Results - 2012 Sep 10, 2012 - Posted by: Steven Nowak
The votes for the AMFA National Officer Election were tallied on September 10, 2012. TrueBallot Inc. conducted the vote and tally by use of the TeleVote® and WebVote® systems. The results of the election are as follows:
Eligible Voters 2581
Ballots Cast 673 (26.08%)
Assistant National Director
Aaron Hansen (Local 32)
Floyd A. Looney (Local 11)
National Secretary/Treasurer
Justin Madden (Local 18)
Jarod Mills (Local 14)
Robert Wooster (Local 11)
National Safety & Standards Director
David A. Brooks (Local 32)
Timothy Cullen (Local 14)
Fred Digne(Local 32)
Region II Director
Jack Coonrod(Local 11)
Michael P. Nelson (Local 18)
The following candidates were unopposed and, therefore, their names did not appear on the ballot:
National Director Louie Key (Local 14)
Region I Director Earl Clark (Local 32)
You can goto AMFA's National web site for the results and verification...
So Houston and Phoenix now run amfa, other than Louie who basically will sit the whole year out as much as possible. It is certainly a lopsided association if you ask me. Notice this monumental change with only 26% votes cast??
With this insignificant result,
how can you be sure the right person is selected for the job? It is clear that a couple of stations got together and voted for a few of their friends. But what does that win you? Louie Keys is certainly getting tired of all this and lets say in two months he checks out.... has anyone even heard of Aaron Hansen???? What are his credentials???? Does he know how to open a section 6 for an airline in the middle of bankruptcy procedures?? Does he know the risks?? You amfa lovers better hope so, cause he is your new man (says 345 of you).
We have the same elections with the Teamsters and in fact Hoffa just ran and won re-election late last year with 97,046 votes. Challenger Fred Gegare had 42,480 votes and Sandy Pope 30,279 votes.
Ken Hall, who would take over if something happened to Hoffa received several thousand votes as well,
but that is not my point.
At the end of the day, SWAMT is trying to create an issue by initiating that the amfa constitution is somehow
more democratic, more American than the Teamsters.
SWAMT and others put down the Teamsters because some of the non executive positions are appointed rather than elected. However,
this is as American as you can get. One of the basic reasons is to get the right person for the job, but another,
is the ability to keep things running in the event of a complete change in executive board.
What will Aaron do is he is suddenly thrust in to the middle of a bankruptcy negotiation for American Airlines mechanics? He is after all,
YOUR amfa second in command but may not know a thing about how to protect you. Do you all have as much faith in the guy as 345 phoenix mechanics? Good luck with that.
There are several
appointed positions within our own government besides the Supreme Court who also are not elected .
From Wiki, these appointments include,
Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry
- Commodity Futures Trading Commission (political balance required)
- Commissioner - five positions (five-year term of office; chair, who must first be confirmed as a commissioner, also needs to be confirmed)
Committee on Armed Services
- Military Officers (commissions and promotions) - Officers receive a commission assigning them to the officer corps from the President (with the consent of the Senate). Promotions of all commissioned military officers are also commissioned by the President (with the consent of the Senate).
Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
- Export-Import Bank of the United States (political balance required)
- Member - five positions (four-year terms of office — Chair, who first must be confirmed as a member, also needs to be confirmed.)
- Inspector General
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (political balance required)
- Member - three positions (six-year terms of office — Chair and vice chair, who first must be confirmed as members, also need to be confirmed.)
- Inspector General
- Federal Reserve System, Board of Governors
- Governor - seven positions (14-year terms of office — Chair and vice chair, who first must be confirmed as governors, also need to be confirmed for four-year terms in those offices.)
Committee on the Budget
Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
- Consumer Product Safety Commission (political balance required)
- Commissioner - five positions (seven-year terms of office - Only three of the positions have been funded and filled since the mid-1980s; chair, who first must be confirmed as a member, also needs to be confirmed.)
- National Transportation Safety Board (political balance required)
- Member - five positions (five-year terms of office - Chair, who first must be confirmed as a member, also needs to be confirmed.)
- Office of the Federal Coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects
- Reform Board (AMTRAK)
- Member - seven positions (five-year terms of office)
Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
- Office of the Federal Coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects
Committee on Environment and Public Works
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Administrator
- Deputy Administrator
- Assistant Administrator
- Assistant Administrator for Administration and Resources Management
- Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation
- Assistant Administrator for Enforcement and Compliance Assurance
- Assistant Administrator for Environmental Information
- Assistant Administrator for International Affairs
- Assistant Administrator for Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances
- Assistant Administrator for Research and Development
- Assistant Administrator for Solid Waste and Emergency Response
- Assistant Administrator for Water
- Chief Financial Officer
- General Counsel
- Inspector General
- Mississippi River Commission
- Commissioner - four positions (indefinite terms of office)
- Commissioner - three positions (nine-year terms of office)
Committee on Finance
- Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund, Board of Trustees (political balance required)
- Member - two (of six total) positions (four-year terms of office)
- Federal Old-Age and Survivors Trust Fund and the Disability Insurance Trust Fund, Board of Trustees (political balance required)
- Member - two (of six total) positions (four-year terms of office)
- Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund, Board of Trustees (political balance required)
- Member - two (of six total) positions (four-year terms of office)
- Internal Revenue Service Oversight Board
- Member - six (of nine total) positions (five-year terms of office)
- Social Security Advisory Board (political balance required)
- Member - three (of seven total) positions (six-year terms of office)
Committee on Foreign Relations
- Department of State
- Secretary
- Deputy Secretary
- Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources
- Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs
- Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs
- Under Secretary of State for Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs
- Under Secretary for Management
- Under Secretary for Political Affairs
- Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs
- Assistant Secretary for Administration
- Assistant Secretary for African Affairs
- Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs
- Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
- Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security
- Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs
- Assistant Secretary for Economic, Energy and Business Affairs
- Assistant Secretary for Educational and Cultural Affairs
- Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs
- Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Research
- Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
- Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs
- Assistant Secretary for International Security and Nonproliferation
- Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs
- Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs
- Assistant Secretary for Oceans, Environment, and Science
- Assistant Secretary for Political and Military Affairs
- Assistant Secretary for Population, Refugee, and Migration Affairs
- Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs
- Assistant Secretary for Resource Management
- Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs
- Assistant Secretary for Verification, Compliance, and Implementation
- Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs
- Ambassador-at-Large and Coordinator for Counterterrorism
- Ambassador-at-Large and Director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons
- Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom
- Ambassador-at-Large for War Crimes Issues
- U.S. Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States
- U.S. Permanent Representative to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- Chief Financial Officer
- United States Global AIDS Coordinator
- Counselor
- Director General - United States Foreign Service
- Director — Office of Foreign Missions
- Inspector General
- Legal Adviser
- Chief of Protocol
- Ambassadors
- Foreign Service Officers (commissions and promotions)
- United States Mission to the United Nations
- United States Agency for International Development
- Administrator
- Assistant Administrator — Asia and Near East
- Assistant Administrator — Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance
- Assistant Administrator — Economic Growth, Agriculture, and Trade
- Assistant Administrator — Europe and Eurasia
- Assistant Administrator — Global Health
- Assistant Administrator — Latin America and Caribbean
- Assistant Administrator — Legislative and Public Affairs
- Assistant Administrator — Management
- Assistant Administrator — Policy and Program Coordination
- Assistant Administrator — Sub-Saharan Africa
- Deputy Administrator
- Inspector General
- International Monetary Fund
- U.S. Executive Director (two-year term of office)
- U.S. Alternate Executive Director (two-year term of office)
- African Development Bank
- U.S. Executive Director (five-year term of office; full-time)
- Governor and Alternate Governor (five-year terms of office; part-time)
International Development AssociationInternational Finance Corporation
- Millennium Challenge Corporation
- Chief Executive Officer (full-time)
- Member, Board of Directors - four (of nine total) positions (part-time; three-year terms of office)
- Overseas Private Investment Corporation
- President/Chief Executive Officer (full-time)
- Executive Vice President (full-time)
- Member, Board of Directors - eight (of 15 total) positions (part-time; three-year terms of office)
- Peace Corps
- Director (full-time)
- Deputy Director (full-time)
- Member, Peace Corps National Advisory Council — 15 positions (part-time; political balance required; two-year terms of office)
- Advisory Board for Cuba Broadcasting (political balance required)
- Member - nine positions (three-year terms of office)
- Inter-American Foundation, Board of Directors (political balance required)
- Member — nine positions (six-year terms of office)
- U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy (political balance required)
- Commissioner — seven positions (three-year terms of office)
Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions