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Amfa Saga Continues,

Nightwatch said:
Sorry to say..TA Haines underwear will be gone way before me...that's OK though..he's mobile...just ask him.

It also helps that one has an A&P, gives you more places to bump.
It also helps that one has an A&P, gives you more places to bump.

It seems that steve and kirk (the felon) wells have something in common(no A&P).
It also helps NOT to be ex TWA to be able to bump, say to TULE. And it's not a news flash that Steve doesn't have an A&P. Have Dave Stewart show you his, dummie. And I could be wrong but I believe you're wrong about Kirk. Are you afraid for these boys jobs? Such a nice man. HAHAHA!
Nightwatch said:
It also helps NOT to be ex TWA to be able to bump, say to TULE. And it's not a news flash that Steve doesn't have an A&P. Have Dave Stewart show you his, dummie. And I could be wrong but I believe you're wrong about Kirk. Are you afraid for these boys jobs? Such a nice man. HAHAHA!

If your so smart and have proof that kirk has his tickets provide the evidence. You say that you could be wrong,this tells me that you are not very sure about your statement. Well I assure you that you are wrong. It might be wise in the future for you to get a little bit of evidence before you start running your mouth and letting it overload your a$$. I have searched his name on the FAA websites and could not find anything along with a few other people that have other sources and they were told that nobody by that name has ever had a ticket. I have even asked him to show his tickets to me and he refused,this tells me that he does not have any. If you find out anything different I will apologize,but I know I don't have anything to worry about as far as that goes. Enjoy yourself trying to proove me wrong.

Does having an A&P make you smarter, or a better AMFA advocate than a non-A&P?

I have always wondered what the issue is here regarding the so-called "tickets" and the relationship to the AMFA vs TWU Constitutional debate differences?

Please inform me?
You'll have to ask your amfa buddies, they're real big into those issues. Never seen so many worried about Wells' tickets. Do they have like a "ticket show time", show me yours and I'll show you mine agenda. What a joke your friends are.
Decision 2004 said:

Does having an A&P make you smarter, or a better AMFA advocate than a non-A&P?

I have always wondered what the issue is here regarding the so-called "tickets" and the relationship to the AMFA vs TWU Constitutional debate differences?

Please inform me?

Decision.........I have never said that a person having his tickets was better or smarter than the person that does not have there tickets and resent that implication. I have known many very good mechanics that do not have there tickets. Although I really don't understand why people that have been in the business for along time do not since it would put more money in there pockets and give them more career options. This is my opinion and not meant to be a personal attack on you for not having your tickets. You have admitted that you don't have your tickets which is alot more than kirk the felon wells. So you can figure out for yourself any other similarities between kirk and steve for yourself.
Huh? "So you can figure out for yourself any other similarities between kirk and steve for yourself. "

Why is it you are worried about Kirk and Steve to begin with? Another typical "backpedalling" routine from an amfaite....*yawn*
Nightwatch said:
You'll have to ask your amfa buddies, they're real big into those issues. Never seen so many worried about Wells' tickets. Do they have like a "ticket show time", show me yours and I'll show you mine agenda. What a joke your friends are.
I could really give a hoot about the license issue, welders, machinists, electricians, etc, are all skilled labor, A@P or not. What I do have a problem with nighty, is when someone with a felonist past (yes, Mr. Wells) tries to pass himself off as qualified and certified AMT when he is not. He lies about many issues, but being removed from A@P School for an apparent assault of another student is reason for scepticism. Upon futher research of the claimed twu International official, we find that he is a charlatan. A deciever. A criminal who in my opinion, cannot be trusted and is not a leader...except I guess in your twu, which is superb in my opinion.

He struts into an Tulsa AMFA meeting speaking for the twu (and for AMT's with 10-20+ years) with 6 years as an OSM painter. A criminal, who has no idea how to return an aircraft back to service, cannot sign a logbook, and generally doesn't know squat, except that which the twu has told him to parrot.

Thank you twu International for letting him continue "helping" your failing crusade here at AA. He has got more AMFA cards signed than anyone I know!!! :up: :shock: :lol:

Punks, Drunks, Cowards, Functional Illiterates, Felons, and Scabs.....you all have a home in the twu.

Hows that for a joke, Nightbitch? :huh:
Hackman said:
I could really give a hoot about the license issue, welders, machinists, electricians, etc, are all skilled labor, A@P or not. What I do have a problem with nighty, is when someone with a felonist past (yes, Mr. Wells) tries to pass himself off as qualified and certified AMT when he is not. He lies about many issues, but being removed from A@P School for an apparent assault of another student is reason for scepticism. Upon futher research of the claimed twu International official, we find that he is a charlatan. A deciever. A criminal who in my opinion, cannot be trusted and is not a leader...except I guess in your twu, which is superb in my opinion.

He struts into an Tulsa AMFA meeting speaking for the twu (and for AMT's with 10-20+ years) with 6 years as an OSM painter. A criminal, who has no idea how to return an aircraft back to service, cannot sign a logbook, and generally doesn't know squat, except that which the twu has told him to parrot.

Thank you twu International for letting him continue "helping" your failing crusade here at AA. He has got more AMFA cards signed than anyone I know!!! :up: :shock: :lol:

Punks, Drunks, Cowards, Functional Illiterates, Felons, and Scabs.....you all have a home in the twu.

Hows that for a joke, Nightbitch? :huh:

You know sackman, I'd love to see everyone's record posted here as Wells' was, I bet it would get real quiet huh? I understand his checkwriting altercation came during a divorce and that his ex had just a wee bit to do with the incident, but let's not get confused with the facts, right? When has that ever played a part in your decisions in life?

What would you wager sackamn if I said had Wells been an amfa organizer all would be forgotten or the charges would have been trumped up on your ole buddy Kirk. You need to learn to live outside the bun dummie. I know why you are afraid of Wells, it's quite obvious, you're all mouth and no action.

Now, go out and have a great TWU day! :up:
Nightwatch said:
You know sackman, I'd love to see everyone's record posted here as Wells' was, I bet it would get real quiet huh? I understand his checkwriting altercation came during a divorce and that his ex had just a wee bit to do with the incident, but let's not get confused with the facts, right? When has that ever played a part in your decisions in life?

What would you wager sackamn if I said had Wells been an amfa organizer all would be forgotten or the charges would have been trumped up on your ole buddy Kirk. You need to learn to live outside the bun dummie. I know why you are afraid of Wells, it's quite obvious, you're all mouth and no action.

Now, go out and have a great TWU day! :up:
Nightbitch, not everyone lies over and over to further themselves in life. Those that do pay the price at some point. Just have a gander at you and your failing twu, such a sad story. I would wager my next concessionary paycheck the Team twu "brothers" got a helluva lot more bones in the closet than those on the AMFA side of the game. Wanna bet me? Shhhh, listen to them twu bones rattle..........

Mr. Wells wife, according to court documents (www.OSCN.net, if you care to see the facts) distanced herself from Kirky's bad habits by filing an injunction to stop her name from being caught up in Kirkys' mess. I know your felonous buddy told you it was his wifes fault, but the facts say otherwise, the coward is guilty. 😛

If Wells was and AMFA organizer? Now that is a stretch!!!! He wouldn't be for long, with just his punk antics (threatening women and old men) he would be thrown out, immediately. You need to get a grip on reality instead of your crank sometime soon clown. Afraid of who??? Yeah...right.

I'll have a twu day, when they are history!! :up:
Decision 2004 said:
I need t-shirt like Dan was wearing.

Where do I order?

Well Dave, it's been a couple of months since you asked for a t-shirt, have you received one and then proudly wore it to work? What's the matter Dave? Coward? That's what I thought, all talk no action.

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