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Amfa Saga Continues,

So Dan was withheld from service for wearing a shirt that was stating the truth? Seems like stating the truth will get you in trouble. Funny how some people find the truth offensive. The last guy that I remember that was sent home for wearing a shirt that the twu found offensive was simply a black AMFA Local 12 shirt. Seems a member of the e-board found that offensive and went running to Brother Kruse and demanded the vile thing be removed from AA property, but again someone held their ground. 😱 😱 😱
Anyway I find it funny that cio even admits that there is a Local 11!
twu out the door in 04
Bring on the Lawyers!

I hear he was wearing a TWU "American's Real Strength" t-shirt with a list of concessions on the shirt.

Imagine that! It must be "offensive" to read the TWU Industry Leading Concession TRUTH!

Dan made his choice. Could be an unwarranted risk at this time, but you have to admire the courage. I think he has just had enough of the pathetic managment and docile union representation.

Does this mean I need to bring my contract book home since the concessions in it have now been found to be offensive?
Hackman said:
You twuer, are just another sniffling twu coward. You twu puppets wouldn't stand up for yourself against the company, before, and you twuer, have proved it here once more.

The AA man sneezes, and you loyal twu servants are there with a hanky and your vat of KY. Ready to do your disgusting duty. Servitude is not something to be proud of twuer.

I see rules infractions all the time, day in, day out. The company picks and chooses the ones they want to go for, and the twu minions help them. This time, they picked the wrong one. They are mad because they got caught in a major lie, along with they're sloppy road whore, the twu. We will soon see who falls down that slippery slope.

You say Dan is dumb, he's stupid. Let me inform you, he has more on the ball than your WHOLE twu brain trust in Hurst Tx. and New York City combined. The reason your worthless corrupt union hates CMD is because he's a threat, he can play ball with most, and the twu International is cannon fodder in most cases. Art lew-by runs away from him like he's got roller skates on. He can refute a twu lie at will, right from memory in most cases, from years of study in the twu school of sellouts and AA lovemaking. He has balls that clank. He's been a thorn in your twu side, because his legitimacy outweighs the twu's dishonest thugery everytime. The membership has seen enough of the twu's deceit, cowardice, and its out and out criminal defiance of whats right, and whats wrong. We have had enough of the twu, and your union is soon to be OVER. Just like all the other airlines M@R that have dumped the albatross curse that is the industrail union.

You hide behind your alias twuer, because your too scared of a church mouse to come out to play.

You say I'm defensive. Quite the contrary, I'm fired up and ready to see twu cowards like you and your cowardly twu International out of my life, forever. I am laughing at you now twuer, you just don't know when its over do you?

Here's my final sign for you twuer, my middle finger, (I) rising up to greet you.

THE twu IS OUT THE DOOR IN 04!!!!!

You sure talk a lot but you just don't have much to say do ya' Hackman???

I know Dan C. and he's not much to brag about. But then again you amfa wannabes don't have much as it is now do you??? But hey, they have you don't they??!! :huh:

You guys are just looking for someone to blame for your "STUPID" actions!!!! That's one thing you are good at. . . . .is not taking responsibility for your actions.

I have to say you got me with this one. . . .

Here's my final sign for you twuer, my middle finger, (I) rising up to greet you.
Decision 2004 said:
Bring on the Lawyers!

I hear he was wearing a TWU "American's Real Strength" t-shirt with a list of concessions on the shirt.

Imagine that! It must be "offensive" to read the TWU Industry Leading Concession TRUTH!

Dan made his choice. Could be an unwarranted risk at this time, but you have to admire the courage. I think he has just had enough of the pathetic managment and docile union representation.
Give me a freakin' break!!! Why don't you tell us everything that was on the shirt Dave!! You talk about posting half truths!! :shock: Danny Boy didn't get fired for wearing the shirt, he got fired because he was given a directive and refused to follow the order. He was told 3 different times by 3 different supervisors to change but he REFUSED!!! That is what he got fired for, INSUBORDINATION!! Some of you fools have amfa so far up your butts that you will lose a job for a damn shirt. One thing this tells us about Danny Boy is that he must know that AMFA has no chance of winning at AA or maybe he would have held out a little longer before winning the Moron of the Year award!! But as it stands now he's on the streets. How stupid of a game are you AMFA boys going to play????

Dan made his choice. Could be an unwarranted risk at this time, but you have to admire the courage. I think he has just had enough of the pathetic managment and docile union representation.

COULD BE.......ADMIRE?????????
Are you kidding me??? Losing your job over a shirt IS NOT admirable!!
ILC shirts, sounds good!

Hey are any of those shirts available for sale? I think we need at least 4000 of them out here on the line.

How much and where do we send the money?

I was held out of service with pay once. I had a ball and made a few extra bucks to boot!

Dan is out of service reportedly because he would not take the shirt off his back for the company. Well we know how far the company can push him. Sounds like a good union man, willing to fight.

Insubordination does not apply to unreasonable requests.

If the company allows the union the ablity to distribute and display items containing a union political message then on what grounds can they object to someone who dissagrees and displays his dissagreement in the same fashion? Its either all or nothing, by allowing the TWU to distribute their message on company property they can not deny AMFA advocates the same consideration.

At what limit of undress would the TWU advocate that we refuse to submit? Well we know we already lost our shorts with the TWU. The question what would they like to do with us now that we are shortless, and does the TWU advocate obey and grieve under ANY circumstances??
twuer said:
You sure talk a lot but you just don't have much to say do ya' Hackman???

I know Dan C. and he's not much to brag about. But then again you amfa wannabes don't have much as it is now do you??? But hey, they have you don't they??!! :huh:

You guys are just looking for someone to blame for your "STUPID" actions!!!! That's one thing you are good at. . . . .is not taking responsibility for your actions.

I have to say you got me with this one. . . .

Here's my final sign for you twuer, my middle finger, (I) rising up to greet you.
Well if you know CMD, than you are either legit, or your not, and I assume your the latter. He is more than you twu punks can handle, be honest.

Today we had a great showing for Dan at the AFW entrance when he showed for his 29f, between 150 to 200 strong, on short notice of less than 2 hours. HR and management were not pleased on the show of unity for a man unjustly accused. This is something the twu could never accomplish without paying their cronies to be there.

You call us stupid for our actions twuer. Are you willing to come out of hiding and say it with as much conviction? I didn't think so.

We will take FULL responsibility for all actions, right or wrong. Today we have many that believe that Dan is right for being a man, and showing some balls, of which you are sorely lacking twuer.

THE twu IS OUT THE DOOR IN 04!!!!!
I understand this was more like a rally for upcoming elections than support for Dan. Wasn't Steve Hazann in the middle?

In Tulsa during the Kellerstrause show of support from Amfa it caused more problems for him. The TWU was working at getting him back, when the Amfa boys decided to do the samething. Only problem was it backfired and the company stood firm.
Hackman said:
Well if you know CMD, than you are either legit, or your not, and I assume your the latter. He is more than you twu punks can handle, be honest.

Today we had a great showing for Dan at the AFW entrance when he showed for his 29f, between 150 to 200 strong, on short notice of less than 2 hours. HR and management were not pleased on the show of unity for a man unjustly accused. This is something the twu could never accomplish without paying their cronies to be there.

You call us stupid for our actions twuer. Are you willing to come out of hiding and say it with as much conviction? I didn't think so.

We will take FULL responsibility for all actions, right or wrong. Today we have many that believe that Dan is right for being a man, and showing some balls, of which you are sorely lacking twuer.

THE twu IS OUT THE DOOR IN 04!!!!!
That’s funny I counted only 68 people at the flag pole.
I got to thinking about this "incident" and a light bulb came on!!!! This was not a stand of what Dan C believes in, this was a "political" stunt because he and the other amfa supporters know that amfa is on the verge of losing the fight at AA. IT WAS AN ACT OF DESPARATION!!!!! Think about it. You get a patsy to take some heat and then you file charges against the company (for what you assume to be) taking sides. With lawyers and all!!!! Will you wannabes ever stop this unconventional fight you are LOSING?????

Word has it that it backfired on him. What do you amfa organizers have up your sleeve now? Dave Stewart keeps saying "watch what happens next"!!!!! I believe this is the 3rd strike. . . . . . . . . .YOU'RE OUT!!!!
How about a scan of the TWU-Concessions T-Shirt? Where do we order them?
twuer said:
I got to thinking about this "incident" and a light bulb came on!!!! This was not a stand of what Dan C believes in, this was a "political" stunt because he and the other amfa supporters know that amfa is on the verge of losing the fight at AA. IT WAS AN ACT OF DESPARATION!!!!! Think about it. You get a patsy to take some heat and then you file charges against the company (for what you assume to be) taking sides. With lawyers and all!!!! Will you wannabes ever stop this unconventional fight you are LOSING?????

Word has it that it backfired on him. What do you amfa organizers have up your sleeve now? Dave Stewart keeps saying "watch what happens next"!!!!! I believe this is the 3rd strike. . . . . . . . . .YOU'RE OUT!!!!
You are a common liar.

Corporate Legal and AMFA legal are now involved.

Dan, made statements to Headquarters today.

"Watch what happens next"!
First and foremost it should be stated that it is bad news when anyone, yes, even Dan..loses a job. Hopefully the TWU reps will be a click brighter than Dan. And it is a point to be made that he indeed was not asked to leave due to his shirt, but for his refusal to remove same as requested by management three different times. What a dummie.

Now really folks, what is this teaching our children? I mean really..if I ask my kid to empty the trash and he crosses his massive biceps and says "nope" what shall I do?
  • ask him again in a nicer tone?
  • act like I really didn't just ask him to do something?
  • tell him I'm sorry for not realizing who I was talking to and what I was asking?
Or should I show him the results of his poor decision. Do you think his buddies will tell him how much of a man he was for accepting the reprimand he took? Do you think he'll be able to reply through the full body cast?

And it would be fun to watch the rest of you dummies wear similar t-shirts in in a show of dummie solidarity....you'll keep MAS busy with the 29F's...you'll show them...HAHAHA

Oh yeah Dan...I hear Disney World is hiring...looking for a new fairy since Tinkerbell passed...don't wait to long or Dave will get the job first...HAHAHA
Drip E. Kwill said:
Now really folks, what is this teaching our children? I mean really..if I ask my kid to empty the trash and he crosses his massive biceps and says "nope" what shall I do?
  • ask him again in a nicer tone?

  • act like I really didn't just ask him to do something?

  • tell him I'm sorry for not realizing who I was talking to and what I was asking?
...... Do you think he'll be able to reply through the full body cast?
Uhh...sounds to me like you're advocating beating your kid here...Might want to clarify that one.
James T. Kirk said:
That’s funny I counted only 68 people at the flag pole.
Wow, I didn't know you had that many fingers and toes.


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