You twuer, are just another sniffling twu coward. You twu puppets wouldn't stand up for yourself against the company, before, and you twuer, have proved it here once more.
The AA man sneezes, and you loyal twu servants are there with a hanky and your vat of KY. Ready to do your disgusting duty. Servitude is not something to be proud of twuer.
I see rules infractions all the time, day in, day out. The company picks and chooses the ones they want to go for, and the twu minions help them. This time, they picked the wrong one. They are mad because they got caught in a major lie, along with they're sloppy road whore, the twu. We will soon see who falls down that slippery slope.
You say Dan is dumb, he's stupid. Let me inform you, he has more on the ball than your WHOLE twu brain trust in Hurst Tx. and New York City combined. The reason your worthless corrupt union hates CMD is because he's a threat, he can play ball with most, and the twu International is cannon fodder in most cases. Art lew-by runs away from him like he's got roller skates on. He can refute a twu lie at will, right from memory in most cases, from years of study in the twu school of sellouts and AA lovemaking. He has balls that clank. He's been a thorn in your twu side, because his legitimacy outweighs the twu's dishonest thugery everytime. The membership has seen enough of the twu's deceit, cowardice, and its out and out criminal defiance of whats right, and whats wrong. We have had enough of the twu, and your union is soon to be OVER. Just like all the other airlines M@R that have dumped the albatross curse that is the industrail union.
You hide behind your alias twuer, because your too scared of a church mouse to come out to play.
You say I'm defensive. Quite the contrary, I'm fired up and ready to see twu cowards like you and your cowardly twu International out of my life, forever. I am laughing at you now twuer, you just don't know when its over do you?
Here's my final sign for you twuer, my middle finger, (I) rising up to greet you.
THE twu IS OUT THE DOOR IN 04!!!!!