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AMFA & NW resume talks after 360 day strike

I wish to offer the following parody.

SCABS Gone Wild

Addendum: In the SCAB vernacular "toiletflush" is one word rather than two words as suggested by Webster.

On a misty morning somewhere between New York and Oregon one A&P and one Inspector Omnipotent about to redefine aircraft maintainence.

A&P PTO has been assigned to an aircraft that has a rear lav out of service. Being an experienced professional, PTO filled two five gallon buckets with lav fluid and proceeded to his assignment. PTO filled the lav tank and toilet bowl to the top with lav fluid. PTO then called Inspector Omnipotent CSARSCAB for final inspection. Inspector Omnipotent CSARSCAB arrived and decided to give the rear lav a trial run. CSARSCAB dropped his pants, sat down and relieved himself. CSARSCAB then flushed while remaining seated. CSARSCAB then exited the lav and told PTO "That lav works great and I especially enjoyed the anal power douche that I experienced while flushing. PTO said "You need a good cleaning so turn around." Ispector Omnipotent CSARSCAB turned and offered PTO his backside and said "THAT POWER DOUCHE REMINDS ME OF THE TIME THAT I SAT ON A HAND GRENADE." PTO then used a wire brush and mineral spirits to clean the backside of Inspector Omnipotent CSARSCAB.

Ten minutes later: PTO went to lunch and Inspector Omnipotent CSARSCAB went home to change clothes.

Both survived to SCAB another day.

Was this a typical day at SCABAIRWAYS?
Looked back at labor history..found that niether side had a monopoly on violence and extortion....and yes, I have inflicted considerable violence on the enemies of our nation when duty has called me to do so. But to compare the actions taken by our nations finest while in the performance of thier duties to thugs beating an unarmed man for trying to feed his children seems rather weak, wouldnt you agree?
By the way...what the hell is a "beloved shrub"?
Point, set, match!

CSAR you consistently like to compare military life to civilian, That being said there is a time and place for violence. Personally I don't attack unless provoked.

Did you SCABS not attack (steal) jobs from men/women who were trying to feed their children?
Actually if you want to get down to the brass taxes of the issue, NO we did not. The simple fact is that regradless of your ranting and raving, you had a choice of following a Union who's leadership is no better than the executives that they were fighting, or continuing to do your job. By failing to show up for work, you in the most basic of employment rules were a no call no show. Those of us that live in the real world understand that doing that gets you fired. So if you want someone to blame for your lot in life right now go look in the miror. You made the choice to let someone else make the decission for you, deal with it.
Point, set, match!
Actually if you want to get down to the brass taxes of the issue, NO we did not. The simple fact is that regradless of your ranting and raving, you had a choice of following a Union who's leadership is no better than the executives that they were fighting, or continuing to do your job. By failing to show up for work, you in the most basic of employment rules were a no call no show. Those of us that live in the real world understand that doing that gets you fired. So if you want someone to blame for your lot in life right now go look in the miror. You made the choice to let someone else make the decission for you, deal with it.

Truth of the matter is that as a SCAB you have hurt middle class families and help destroy what used to be a good job.

No matter how you try to rationalize your SCAB ways, you are infact the enemy of middle class America and a member of the "SCAB, sexual preditor and duct tape repair gang". Congratulations on becoming someone who your family and friends (assuming that you have any) can be ashamed of.

May you feel the bite of a mighty Astractaspis Congica.
As CSARSCAB has continued his search for self validation we see his lack of ownership of his actions. True, CSARSCAB has attacked union mechanics in his self seeking efforts to stay on payroll.

Oh how I laughed when CSARSCAB refered to himself as "our nation's finest". HA HA HA! He doesn't even have the metal to stay on the good side of a picket line.

Habitually speaking or writing of oneself is more than just a bit neurotic. War stories told often are most likely the product of someone who never was. Constantly seeking self validation is very insecure. SCABBING is a selfish, treacherous, cowardly and backstabbing act. CSARSCAB is guilty of all the above.
Since you are so concered about CSAR patting his own back, I'll do it for him. I assure you that the man needs no self validation. A picket line is no more than a protest. We both looked you striaght in the eye and waved as we crossed. As far as being one of our nations finest, you had better believe it buster. Your inability and unwillingness to recognize his contrabutions to this country is a true testiment to your ignorance and self ritious attitude. If someone doesn't agree with your personal beliefs then they are considered benieth you.

Finally, before you go off spouting that writing about ones self is neurotic, you might want to consider that habitually complaining about that which you cannot control is not only counter productive, but it also borders on obsesive compulsive behavior.
Since you are so concered about CSAR patting his own back, I'll do it for him. I assure you that the man needs no self validation. A picket line is no more than a protest. We both looked you striaght in the eye and waved as we crossed. As far as being one of our nations finest, you had better believe it buster. Your inability and unwillingness to recognize his contrabutions to this country is a true testiment to your ignorance and self ritious attitude. If someone doesn't agree with your personal beliefs then they are considered benieth you.

Finally, before you go off spouting that writing about ones self is neurotic, you might want to consider that habitually complaining about that which you cannot control is not only counter productive, but it also borders on obsesive compulsive behavior.

The day that I need your approval is the day that I shall pray for the end of my life journey.

SCABS, Sexual preditors and members of the duct tape gang deserve what ever they get.

If you don't like what I post...TOO BAD!
Where SCABS are referenced "BOOGER EATING" is most appropriate.

I have walked the picket line with my neighbor. The SCAB who I confronted at a resturant didn't want any of me. He was wearing a white colored NWA MAC badge. This is one of my regular resturants and it is now again "SCAB FREE".

Speaking of "lipservice", you are the worst "BLOWHARD" to ever grace (or disgrace) an airline message board.
What resturant is this, where is it, and when will you be there?

"Speaking of "lipservice", you are the worst "BLOWHARD" to ever grace (or disgrace) an airline message board."

Rest easy on this CSAR, he hasn't met me yet.
I wish to offer the following parody.

SCABS Gone Wild

Addendum: In the SCAB vernacular "toiletflush" is one word rather than two words as suggested by Webster.

On a misty morning somewhere between New York and Oregon one A&P and one Inspector Omnipotent about to redefine aircraft maintainence.

A&P PTO has been assigned to an aircraft that has a rear lav out of service. Being an experienced professional, PTO filled two five gallon buckets with lav fluid and proceeded to his assignment. PTO filled the lav tank and toilet bowl to the top with lav fluid. PTO then called Inspector Omnipotent CSARSCAB for final inspection. Inspector Omnipotent CSARSCAB arrived and decided to give the rear lav a trial run. CSARSCAB dropped his pants, sat down and relieved himself. CSARSCAB then flushed while remaining seated. CSARSCAB then exited the lav and told PTO "That lav works great and I especially enjoyed the anal power douche that I experienced while flushing. PTO said "You need a good cleaning so turn around." Ispector Omnipotent CSARSCAB turned and offered PTO his backside and said "THAT POWER DOUCHE REMINDS ME OF THE TIME THAT I SAT ON A HAND GRENADE." PTO then used a wire brush and mineral spirits to clean the backside of Inspector Omnipotent CSARSCAB.

Ten minutes later: PTO went to lunch and Inspector Omnipotent CSARSCAB went home to change clothes.

Both survived to SCAB another day.

Since another SCAB is upset by this parody I'm compelled to bring it up the present...AGAIN!

How do you SCABS, sexual preditors and members of the duct tape gang like it? HA HA HA!
As for CSARSCAB, the guy hasn't even had time to dress his GI Joe Dolls this morning. He is still sitting at his refurbished computer, wearing his pink pajamas (complete with war medals purchased online) and writing about himself. WHAT A LIFE!
CSAR, my son says to tell you that you need to send his GI Joes back or your gonna get it, and if you would send back my pink pajama's I promise to get you your own set for Christmas!
What resturant is this, where is it, and when will you be there?
"Speaking of "lipservice", you are the worst "BLOWHARD" to ever grace (or disgrace) an airline message board."

Rest easy on this CSAR, he hasn't met me yet.

Key's Resturant on Raymond Avenue. It's located 1/2 block North of University Avenue in St. Paul. I'm there every Friday morning at approximately 8 am.

YOU have circumvented the honorable collective bargaining process between employees and employers.
Will someone please explain this whole honorable bargaining thing to me. Thats about as realistic as an honest Politician. Both side are out to serve their own agenda's.

"If you claim to be "your own man" I submit that you ARE NOT....YOU ARE A PUPPET!"

Hate to be the barron of bad news, but unless you are self employed, you yourself will always be a pupet.


Only someone who is a fraud and a pathological liar would feel compelled to explain himself in such a way. No wonder you're a SCAB. Your self esteem must be down around your ankles. :;

Q&A Parody with General PTO: An interview by Soldier of Misfortune Magazine (hereafter SoMM)

SoMM: Welcome Sir:
PTO: Where am I?
SoMM: Where did you serve during military service?
SoMM: How many medals have you been awarded Sir?
PTO 2,941
SoMM: Uh...OK. Let's move on.
PTO I've killed a lot of Commies.
SoMM: What about children?
PTO They can be a hard target but most rewarding.
SoMM: You are evidently proud of your medals.
PTO: Kill a Commie for Mommie.
SoMM: Very good Sir! What was that noise?
SoMM: I believe that is quite enough Sir. This interview
While I usually loath anything that is counter to our arguements, I have to give you credit for this one. Your interview made me laugh. Thanks

Key's Resturant on Raymond Avenue. It's located 1/2 block North of University Avenue in St. Paul. I'm there every Friday morning at approximately 8 am.

Hey CSAR feel like flyin out for breakfast?


What are Blood Wings? What kind of weapon is that in the picture.

Question for the rest.
I have heard of a strike being referred to as "self help". I strike, is a legal avenue that a Union may pursue. Assuming this is correct, why may an airline not pursue it's legal right to "self help" by hiring replacements if it can find them? Seems like a double standard IMO. You want to be able to strike a company and leave it with no recourse. Seems like beating up someone who is tied up. If you plan on striking, you need to make sure the company can not easily replace you. From what I can tell, that only leaves 2 or possibly one group who can strike successfully. Pilots and possibly flight attendants (guess it depends if you believe the replacement FA rumors).

As for the promotion of violence and the comparison of replacement workers to various criminals, all that will do is further convince people that you are detached from reality and substantiate the belief that unions are thing of the past and are radical in their beliefs.
:up: Well my work here is done, thanks garfield that about says it all.
Qs for you folks:

What would make someone selfish enough to cross a picket line hence placing his/herself in the midst of a labor dispute?
What would delude an individual so much to make them think that they were unreplacable and therefore could successfuly hold a company hostage?

I wish to offer the following parody.

SCABS Gone Wild

Addendum: In the SCAB vernacular "toiletflush" is one word rather than two words as suggested by Webster.

On a misty morning somewhere between New York and Oregon one A&P and one Inspector Omnipotent about to redefine aircraft maintainence.

A&P PTO has been assigned to an aircraft that has a rear lav out of service. Being an experienced professional, PTO filled two five gallon buckets with lav fluid and proceeded to his assignment. PTO filled the lav tank and toilet bowl to the top with lav fluid. PTO then called Inspector Omnipotent CSARSCAB for final inspection. Inspector Omnipotent CSARSCAB arrived and decided to give the rear lav a trial run. CSARSCAB dropped his pants, sat down and relieved himself. CSARSCAB then flushed while remaining seated. CSARSCAB then exited the lav and told PTO "That lav works great and I especially enjoyed the anal power douche that I experienced while flushing. PTO said "You need a good cleaning so turn around." Ispector Omnipotent CSARSCAB turned and offered PTO his backside and said "THAT POWER DOUCHE REMINDS ME OF THE TIME THAT I SAT ON A HAND GRENADE." PTO then used a wire brush and mineral spirits to clean the backside of Inspector Omnipotent CSARSCAB.

Ten minutes later: PTO went to lunch and Inspector Omnipotent CSARSCAB went home to change clothes.

Both survived to SCAB another day.
That was weak! :down: The first one was much better.
What would delude an individual so much to make them think that they were unreplacable and therefore could successfuly hold a company hostage?
That was weak! :down: The first one was much better.

Anybody in this world is replaceable. Note the spelling of replaceable. You may also note the unreplaceable also has an 'e'after the 'c' and before the 'a'.

There are those strikers who are simply living proof of their beliefs, values and ethics. The aforementioned does not include rationalizing the actions of SCABS, sexual preditors and members of the duct tape gang.

Whether a SCAB will enjoy my parodies is the least of my concerns. More important is the fact that some honorable people enjoy my parodies.

What was born first...the SCAB or the Cockroach? LOL
Seems to me there are a few mechanics out there who obviously don't value their skills too highly.

A rising tide raises all boats

A simple enough concept obviously lost on a few individuals here.