Amfa Admits Cards Will Be Short!

Decision 2004 said:
I don't know if there are enough cards or not, because the NMB Investigator has not determined the craft or class at AA.

I am not concerned at all, in the event we are short, the card drive will begin June 14th. And this time the card count required will be laid on the table and will not be changed, manipulated, or fraud induced.

Fact is,



We are not going away, we are not quiters, TWU WILL BE GONE, Now or Later, but they will be gone.

Having said that, I predict ballots in our hands by July 26th, 2004
AMFA's only chance of obtaining bargaining agent at AA would be to first divorce itself from Dave Stewart. Then and only then would they stand a losing chance at American Airlines. The loss of Company man Dan did assist the AMFA cause significantly, there is no threat of law suit due to loss of eyesight upon that melon of his.

AMFA's secret weapon= Kick Stewart to the curb, have Hackett assist in carrying his baggage.

We are not going away, we are not quiters, TWU WILL BE GONE, Now or Later, but they will be gone.
Hey Mr. Leader...what is a quiter? You been hanging with Gato Negro?
That is typical TWU Unionism, kick the members out to the curb, silence their voice, and then the Union Dictatorship will flourish and grow.

Steve, you really need to get off the drugs.

The AMFA Movement is NOT about any one supporter or organizer. AMFA is about democracy, where every member has equal say. You can kick us out one by one, and another mouthpiece will take the place of the removed.

It is only within the dictatorship of the TWU that one or two men being replaced actually changes the direction of the Union.

You are welcome to attack individuals, as this is the only way you can bolster your own suffering self esteem issues. I will gladly be the recipient of your ire as long as you feel the needed boost in your ego.

I have actually come to a point of dropping my anger towards you, and actually feel sympathetic and hope you find your self esteem before you reach the bottom of the pit. Your are spiritually bankrupt and should seek EAP or Pastor assistance as soon as possible.

Soon you will learn to take a self inventory and look at yourself in the mirror. Once a man learns to humble himself to his own character flaws and weakness, and works diligently on those, he no longer has time to focus on the defects of others. A little humility is what you need, and the sooner you find some, the sooner your life will be less troubling and may God soon blees you with some much needed self esteem. GOOD LUCK!
proAMFA said:
In the case that a representational election does not occur this year because of any tactics used by the company or the TWU there will be a well defined list established and AMFA will have all the applicable addresses in which to send out new election cards. Rob us this year and there will be hell to pay next year. Just look at United a year later (unfortunately after the IAM gave so much away) AMFA was in. While the TWU would be celebrating the end of the AMFA threat at AA-AMFA would be continuing its work on representing the mechanics and related at AA. I think the majority of election cards would be signed in Tulsa shortly after Randy McDonald is reelected. Still plenty of time before the next contract for AMFA to get in and no more guess work as to how many ghost employees the TWU and the Company would add.
Why oh why do they think we'll go away. I'm mad as hell and won't take it anymore and the majority of the membership feels the same way.

TWU-We're your worst nightmare! You created us!
Unfortunately, if we do have to wait one year to re-file, that's one year of dues money we will not have banked going into our next contract negotiations with the AMFA.

Keep the faith......VOTE AMFA!!!!!!!
proAMFA said:
In the case that a representational election does not occur this year because of any tactics used by the company or the TWU there will be a well defined list established and AMFA will have all the applicable addresses in which to send out new election cards. Rob us this year and there will be hell to pay next year. Just look at United a year later (unfortunately after the IAM gave so much away) AMFA was in. While the TWU would be celebrating the end of the AMFA threat at AA-AMFA would be continuing its work on representing the mechanics and related at AA. I think the majority of election cards would be signed in Tulsa shortly after Randy McDonald is reelected. Still plenty of time before the next contract for AMFA to get in and no more guess work as to how many ghost employees the TWU and the Company would add.
Why oh why do they think we'll go away. I'm mad as hell and won't take it anymore and the majority of the membership feels the same way.

TWU-We're your worst nightmare! You created us!
WHY IN THE HECK WOULD YOU WANT TO RE-ELECT RANDY MCDONALD??????? He doesn't have a clue of what he is doing. Time for him to go!!

And as far as saying I created amfa. . .too much kool-aide 'eh PA???!!!

majority of the membership feels the same way.
Apparantly not in Tulsa. They had less cards this year than last year!!!! I predict even fewer the next time!!
Hey TWU are you Rick Mullings who is running for President.
Let me see you are a (boiler room operator) facility maintenance no licenses
and you want to represent this local better fire up those air conditioners it is going to be hot when you have to go back to the boiler room.
AMFANOT2004 said:
Hey TWU are you Rick Mullings who is running for President.
Let me see you are a (boiler room operator) facility maintenance no licenses
and you want to represent this local better fire up those air conditioners it is going to be hot when you have to go back to the boiler room.
No, I am not Rick Mullings. But Rick is the man I am supporting and voting for for president. Why don't you go talk to him about your "issues" amfanot2004?? He would be happy to discuss things with you. He is the best man running!!

You're so quick to criticize. Why aren't you running??
AMFANOT2004 said:
Hey TWU are you Rick Mullings who is running for President.
Let me see you are a (boiler room operator) facility maintenance no licenses
and you want to represent this local better fire up those air conditioners it is going to be hot when you have to go back to the boiler room.
Now where in the hell is twuer (Rick Mullings) when you want him??? Running for President huh. After helping to pound the Vice President at the hall, you want to run for President??? You have got to be kidding!!!
twuer said:
No, I am not Rick Mullings. But Rick is the man I am supporting and voting for for president. Why don't you go talk to him about your "issues" amfanot2004?? He would be happy to discuss things with you. He is the best man running!!

You're so quick to criticize. Why aren't you running??
Rick, how is that your alias does not show up in the thread you are posting in while you are posting? Oh, and by the way, your suck up job only verifies the truth and your self promoting under an alias only solidifies that you are not President material!!!
twuer said:
WHY IN THE HECK WOULD YOU WANT TO RE-ELECT RANDY MCDONALD??????? He doesn't have a clue of what he is doing. Time for him to go!!

And as far as saying I created amfa. . .too much kool-aide 'eh PA???!!!

majority of the membership feels the same way.
Apparantly not in Tulsa. They had less cards this year than last year!!!! I predict even fewer the next time!!
TwuEr......wrong again. We had a record number of cards in Tulsa and after seeing just how far the company will go to save their lap-dog union, I predict even more cards out of Tulsa next time if need be.
While most union are spending their resources battling corporate greed, the twu uses theirs to fight off AMFA drives. What gives?? I guess when the company and the union are one, resources are then used to buy Cadillacs and such for the privy few appointees!!
The pilots just got a 9.4% raise. What is the average twu represented wage?? I'll bet the two are within dollars of each other. The twu has got to go. The cancer runs deep but the flight attendants were able to beat it and so can we!!

Keep the Faith......VOTE AMFA!!!!!!!!
Decision 2004 said:
That is typical TWU Unionism, kick the members out to the curb, silence their voice, and then the Union Dictatorship will flourish and grow.

Steve, you really need to get off the drugs.
Dave, my statement about AMFA ridding itself of you was not TWU typical but my own opinion. You have done/accomplished nothing for their drive, your actions are seen as AMFA typical actions, and from this I surmise AMFA is not to be trusted.

I am a TWU/union activist, not an organizer/pusher as you portray. My actions are my actions, nothing more. You however represent AMFA, and that is why AMFA will fail. Through your actions, just on these boards, you have proven time and time again that you are not to be trusted in confidence, is that the AMFA way? Is that the professional you like to profess?

You stated ,"Steve, you really need to get off the drugs.". Which drugs would you be referring to Dave, or are you slandering me in an attempt to squelch my postings? Your lack of professional is unavoidable to the common eye, and you are a common liar, proven fact. That is why I stated that AMFA would do well in removing itself from your acquaintence.

Again, this is my opinion and not that expressed by the TWU, don't mix the two. If you want their opinion , go ask.
Steve Connell said:
Dave, my statement about AMFA ridding itself of you was not TWU typical but my own opinion. You have done/accomplished nothing for their drive, your actions are seen as AMFA typical actions, and from this I surmise AMFA is not to be trusted.

I am a TWU/union activist, not an organizer/pusher as you portray. My actions are my actions, nothing more. You however represent AMFA, and that is why AMFA will fail. Through your actions, just on these boards, you have proven time and time again that you are not to be trusted in confidence, is that the AMFA way? Is that the professional you like to profess?

You stated ,"Steve, you really need to get off the drugs.". Which drugs would you be referring to Dave, or are you slandering me in an attempt to squelch my postings? Your lack of professional is unavoidable to the common eye, and you are a common liar, proven fact. That is why I stated that AMFA would do well in removing itself from your acquaintence.

Again, this is my opinion and not that expressed by the TWU, don't mix the two. If you want their opinion , go ask.
Your opinions and the TWU's regarding membership rights and removal of dissention are identical.

You and the TWU want everyone to be loyal even when they are lied to, screwed over, and have no authority to seek and complete any significant change from within.

If I remember right, you were part of Team TWU, were you not? Did they kick you out Steve?

Please show were I have been proven to be a liar?

You are completely hung up on the posting of the e-mail from M.E. Johnson. You constant claim I cannot be trusted because I posted that e-mail, yet you never question your Local Officer who, while under oath, admitted to being in violation of the Consitutional Officer Oath. I simply see this as a personal thing, and that you are a proven two-faced slider, when it comes to enforcement of trust and confidence. Or is this one of those TWU things, were once elected to Office, anything goes?

I would love to ask the TWU about their opinions as you requested Steve, can you tell me "WHO" the TWU is and where it is that would I go to ask? Thanks in advance.
Dave, what goes on here at Local 530 at times is not put to the general public for scrutiny. ME Johnson's loyalties were, as other's were, questioned and replied to. His involvement with a past AMFA drive was known to all members. We, at MCIE, take a man's word to be just that, a man's word. ME has plead his allegiance to the TWU and his current office without hesitation. We do not need your input.

Am I hung up on this Dave? Not really, I would just as soon see the issue die, as we have more pertinent issues at hand currently. Had ME continued his aid to the AMFA cause I would have worried, he is an assett, unlike you Dave.

I am still with and have never left TEAMTWU. Though local AMFA supporters have wished otherwise. I have my faults Dave, my inability to face confrontation without animosity is perhaps my downfall, but it does not, and should not, give others the ability to fault the TWU for my actions. I struggle daily with containing my statements to myself, I also research daily the activites of unions, even AMFA, to see how our industry is doing. You and I simply have different views as to what is best and when. I'll keep my TWU, and you can keep your dream of belonging.
Steve Connell said:
Dave, what goes on here at Local 530 at times is not put to the general public for scrutiny. ME Johnson's loyalties were, as other's were, questioned and replied to. His involvement with a past AMFA drive was known to all members. We, at MCIE, take a man's word to be just that, a man's word. ME has plead his allegiance to the TWU and his current office without hesitation. We do not need your input.

Am I hung up on this Dave? Not really, I would just as soon see the issue die, as we have more pertinent issues at hand currently. Had ME continued his aid to the AMFA cause I would have worried, he is an assett, unlike you Dave.

I am still with and have never left TEAMTWU. Though local AMFA supporters have wished otherwise. I have my faults Dave, my inability to face confrontation without animosity is perhaps my downfall, but it does not, and should not, give others the ability to fault the TWU for my actions. I struggle daily with containing my statements to myself, I also research daily the activites of unions, even AMFA, to see how our industry is doing. You and I simply have different views as to what is best and when. I'll keep my TWU, and you can keep your dream of belonging.
The Concept of “Craft or Classâ€￾

This is Federal Legal concept “Craft or Classâ€￾

In accordance with the Railway Labor Act, the Federal Government has decided that certain work groups have a mutuality of interest at the bargaining table and in advancing worker related issues, and that groups outside of that particular craft or class should have no participation in how the union is run or at least in the initial decision as to who represents that work group. And so Pilots vote with Pilots, and Flight Attendants as matter of law are prohibited from voting with the Pilots. And in turn, the Pilots are prohibited by law from voting with the Flight Attendants because they are considered to be in different Craft or Classes by the National Mediation Board. And Mechanic and Related Workers within the Airline Industry are entitled by law to vote just amongst themselves.

Supporters of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) believe that it comprises our mission to remain associated within a union structure with other crafts or classes that according to Federal Government do NOT share our mutuality of interest. The mission is further compromised when we remain associated with other crafts or classes within the union structure of “majority ruleâ€￾ and our particular craft or class is the minority in size. The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) is the only union in this current debate at American Airlines that says “We will forbid ourselvesâ€￾, it will be unconstitutional for us to go and represent baggage handlers, flight attendants, or passenger service clerks, and we will not let ourselves do that because this would compromise our mission. We wish the baggage handlers and other crafts or classes on the property the very best, but they cannot pick our pockets, we wish them to get the very best on their own, but they should no longer be allowed to ride on our backs. In other words, it is time for the airline industry to decouple the mechanic vs. baggage handler pay and benefit structure. It is suffice to say that since deregulation of the airline industry which since enactment has created enormous competition and pressure on airline ticket pricing, and that has resulted in the craft or class of mechanic and related workers suffering in economic buying power, and especially when compared to the Pilots and Flight Attendants who at American belong to craft specific unions. In the mid 1970’s, the Flight Attendants of American Airlines were also represented by the Transport Workers Union of American (TWU), and just as the mechanics today seek a change to a craft specific union, they also left the TWU in favor of the independent Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA) The craft or class of Mechanic and Related at American Airlines can no longer afford to remain in an organization that advocates a linking of different work groups that according to law do not share a mutuality of interest.

Regardless of good or bad economic times, and regardless of whether the union is negotiating concessions to prevent a bankruptcy filing or negotiating from economic growth with corporate profits, the formula by which the economic pie is divided amongst the union membership is a union decision. The recent concession are a clear case in point, because American Airlines was demanding $620 Million in concessions from the TWU, but how those give backs were divided up was a union decision, not a company decision. And the facts are clear, that the craft or class of Mechanic and Related at American took more than our fair share of that amount, and it is also clear this was a union decision.

Decision 2004 said:
I have actually come to a point of dropping my anger towards you, and actually feel sympathetic and hope you find your self esteem before you reach the bottom of the pit. Your are spiritually bankrupt and should seek EAP or Pastor assistance as soon as possible.

Soon you will learn to take a self inventory and look at yourself in the mirror. Once a man learns to humble himself to his own character flaws and weakness, and works diligently on those, he no longer has time to focus on the defects of others. A little humility is what you need, and the sooner you find some, the sooner your life will be less troubling and may God soon blees you with some much needed self esteem. GOOD LUCK!
Words of wisdom from Pastor Dave himself.

Better watch it Steve, you know what kind of connections he has!!! I bet he claims to have a direct line to God himself. Don't go out in a lightning storm!!!

I believe that is the best line of bullsh** you have come up with Dave. Where do you come up with this stuff????? And people actually take you seriously?????? Ever tried stand-up comedy????!!!

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