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American-US Airways merger proposal expected to come soon


Agreed. The question is "If Signals/Firedougparker are one in the same and has admitted to being an employee why has he not been fired?
Doug Parker is a public person and as CEO of a major airline his behavior is subject to review, one dui is a mistake, not three!

And he was at an event representing US Airways when he got the third DUI, so it is subject to people making comments on it, and if that was a rank and file employee they would have been fired.

Sometimes however the mere appearance of impropriety is enough to discredit a person. The somewhat amusing thing in all of this is when I joined the workforce and worked for some larger companies the ability to "Hold your liquor" was a determining factor in getting a promotion. I learned the fine art of "Drink Dropping" as a result. This is where you go up to the open bar same time as the Boss and order a double bourbon neat (in my case), you thank him for a great meeting take a sip and walk away. When no one is looking you dump the drink in the potted plant and make sure you're seen getting another and another and another. Of course you actually drank maybe a shot of booze. But you left an impression that was favorable. Today you'd be seen as a lush.

How times have changed!!!

Agreed. The question is "If Signals/Firedougparker are one in the same and has admitted to being an employee why has he not been fired?

Having gone back and forth with one of them in the past, I don't believe that they are the same person.
He admitted being the same person, I saw the post where he said it.
ChockJocky to fire:

I'm really touched by your altrusitic concern for our well being. And here I was thinking you were just some scaremongering troll with a gimmick account.

signals to ChockJocky(who has signals on ignore)

Nah, I'm the troll without a gimmick account. Personally, I think the real trolls are the sandflea cheerleaders that suddenly are trying to convince us that the pile of $#!7 is actually a pile of roses.

Merge, don't merge, this is actually a win-win situation for me!

CJ and I had had a falling out and I was being sarcastic, but telling the truth. CJ was accusing firedougparker of being a scaremongering troll with a gimmick account, and I was saying(or meant) that I'm a scaremongering troll without another account.

But believe what you will, but when you can't make any cents of things it's because I don't share fire's views. I don't want to see anyone lose their job.
Doug Parker is a public person and as CEO of a major airline his behavior is subject to review, one dui is a mistake, not three!

And he was at an event representing US Airways when he got the third DUI, so it is subject to people making comments on it, and if that was a rank and file employee they would have been fired.


I don't have any proof, but I've long suspected that Parker's short tenure at AMR might have had something to do with those two DUI convictions in North Texas during his five years there. I seriously doubt that he was anxious to leave AMR in 1991 and join almost-bankrupt NW. In a lot of corporations, two DUIs in five years probably impairs your career advancement potential. The first one might have looked like youthful indiscretion and may not have deep sixed his career; the second one was evidence that he's a drunkard.

The third one in Scottsdale in 2007 is proof that he's a lifelong drunkard.
If memory serves me correctly there was a raid on AA management by NW in the early nineties. There was quite a few to jump ship and there was a lot of bad blood between the two carriers. Remember NW flying striking f/a's home?

I'll refresh your memory...you admitted to being both on the thread "IS US Takeover of AA for Real" 2nd or 3rd page. I don't have time to look up the post number. But nice try! Why don't you just start a new profile. Could it be that it has something to do with the fact you have gone to all the trouble to start the firedougparker website.

Since you are an active employee, have you taken the time to read the company code of ethics regarding the use of on line media to publish mistruths and to defame fellow employees (that would include Doug Parker)? We all understand how and why you are disgruntled, but you have really crossed the line. I can't wait for the day when you are found out. And your two faced a@@ is outta here.

That call would be pretty tough for the company to pull off. That policy means didilly squat, except to intimidate the likes of weak, scared employees from speaking out to the media. We have been on Aviation for over a decade speaking out on this forum on the wrongs the company has committed against its employees. Company management is all over these boards speaking out against the unions and pretending to be members calling for decertification...making acusations and calling for a RECALL of union officials. This has been going n for years and still does current day. (Chockjockey my azzzzz)

Here's a refresher down memory lane...Doug Parker is the only CEO in aviation history that made the news, specifically CNBC being picked up for a DUI. That's public record, pal, and the BOD should have fired him. Funny, that was during the time when Doug met with a congressional committee trying for a takeover/merger with DL who was then in BK. I guess he drank a little too much at the DL merger failure party.

The company has a policy in place and the CEO violated it.

...and nothing happened.
Now, go ahead and defend that.

Company policy effect employees from TOP to bottom. Just read about what happened to the CEO of HIGHMARK Insurance company last year.

If I were still on the property, I would be pulling that trump card for any member who was facing termination for a DUI off duty or any misconduct off duty that hit the media.
Job losses from a US-AA merger

Started by firedougparker, Jun 21 2012 01:07 PM


You admitted being the same person on the thread "Job Losses From US/AA Merger"
Page 1, comments 1 thru 5.

I really do not care how many aliases or anti US websites you have. And if I met you in person I might even like you. But, the avatar of Doug Parker posing for the DUI mug shot is over the top. For pete's sake give the man a break, he is only human and that probably was a real low point for him and his family. Aside from all this airline b/s, Doug Parker is entitled to his privacy just like you or I, and no less a human who makes mistakes.

That is my beef with you. So what is your beef with US if you are not an employee as you have said from time to time? And if you are a US employee, what is bothering you with the current situation other than not wanting a merger to happen? I am only asking because you are unclear as to what your agenda is, with all due respect.

I can't speak for signals, only myself. And I have never "admitted" any such thing.

As for my agenda, it's pretty simple: Questioning Doug Parker's leadership and advocate for new leadership. What prompted the site was his obsesion with buying American Airlines, which I think would be a terrible mistake for us.
I can't speak for signals, only myself. And I have never "admitted" any such thing.

As for my agenda, it's pretty simple: Questioning Doug Parker's leadership and advocate for new leadership. What prompted the site was his obsesion with buying American Airlines, which I think would be a terrible mistake for us.

Parker made some mistakes and got a few dui's. That's bad, no doubt but I don't believe any employee would be fired for a dui. He is still a good CEO, despite union's hatred of him. None of us, east or west woud have a job if not for him.

Rant all you want against him but he will laugh all the way to the bank.