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American-US Airways merger proposal expected to come soon

Oh spare me the Doug cheerleading hoopla! A couple of years ago US was losing money big time. Does anyone remember the shareholders meeting where a couple of investors wanted to basically hang Parker? That's when Doug investede a year of his salary in US stocks. They have been steadily rising since!

He's also making the company money, literally, off the backs of the employees. In the pilot issue, he has mastered divide and conquer. The employees say they are the lowest paid in the industry? Chances are he is a financial genius. But as far as employee relations, my opinion is that they work for the PT Barnum of the airlines.

Just an opinion.
Everyone said US was finished when SWA moved in but the reality is SWA has made cutback in phl they all said us was finished back in the 2nd ch11 but here we are 7 yrs later though the merger may not be complete but US is making money AA has been losing money for the last 10 yrs B6 has stated as has Alaska air that they are not interested in a merger. now i must ask if swa cant make US go away i have doubts that b6 would. bottom line is the creditors are the ones who will decide the merger for aa and us we are just along for the ride

Sometimes US does a good job on its own to become a lemming. Remember the $2 Coke fiasco?

Good thing US seems to learn from its mistakes.
Oh spare me the Doug cheerleading hoopla! A couple of years ago US was losing money big time. Does anyone remember the shareholders meeting where a couple of investors wanted to basically hang Parker? That's when Doug investede a year of his salary in US stocks. They have been steadily rising since!

He's also making the company money, literally, off the backs of the employees. In the pilot issue, he has mastered divide and conquer. The employees say they are the lowest paid in the industry? Chances are he is a financial genius. But as far as employee relations, my opinion is that they work for the PT Barnum of the airlines.

Just an opinion.

The only rough financial period that US has gone thru while Parker has been at the helm stemmed from the sharp spike in fuel in the latter part of 2008.
The only rough financial period that US has gone thru while Parker has been at the helm stemmed from the sharp spike in fuel in the latter part of 2008.

True, and the net loss in 2008 (just over $2.2 billion) was more than enough to wipe out all of the net profits earned in 2006, 2007, 2010 and 2011. It almost caused another Ch 11 filing. When combined with the net loss in 2009 ($205 million), US has turned in an aggregate net pre-tax loss of $1.025 billion for the years 2006-11. 2005's numbers are not useful because of the large gains that US reported as it emerged from Ch 11 (huge writeoffs followed by huge gains - normal in Ch 11). The net profits reported in 2006, 2007 and 2010 were impressive but were overhsadowed by the gigantic fuel-hedging losses in 2008 and 2009. The very small net income in 2011 (just $90 million pre-tax) was not very impressive.

2012 is shaping up to be a good year for US in the way of net profits. Unless the wings fall off in the fourth quarter, US should report a healthy profit for 2012.

As others have said, imagine where the numbers would come in if USA320pilot and all of his East narrowbody colleagues were paid industry-average wages instead of a mere $125/hr. For that matter, the West pilots are dramatically underpaid as well and the US pilots as a group would need average raises of more than 35% to get anywhere near AA's compensation. Add to that the US FAs, both East and West, who would need average raises of more than 30% to get in the neighborhood of AA's rates. Between the pilots and the FAs, Parker has saved more than $200 million per year on labor (based on industry-averages) since the merger, so that tab is about $1.5 billion and running. Quite a gift to give management.

As ClueByFour frequently posted in the past, it's not too difficult for Parker to report net earnings when he has the benefit of multiple rounds of wage concessions via multiple bankruptcies and employees willing to depress the industry's wages for more than seven years now and counting. If the US employees had been paid industry-average wages since the merger, the aggregate net loss thru 12/31/11 at US would be at least $2.5 billion (not just the actual $1.0 billion of aggregate net loss).

What the hell is wrong with you? You say your aren't an employee but you hang out around porta-johns and profess to know something about US. You have even gone to the trouble to launch an anti US/DP website. And you expect all of us to believe you are a non interested party? Me thinks you are a stupid fool. At least I have a reason to post opinions on here, and they are strictly financial.

If your making this a hobby then I would be glad to refer you to the EAP. But since you are not an employee why don't you go ahead and shoot yourself

What the hell is wrong with you? You say your aren't an employee but you hang out around porta-johns and profess to know something about US. You have even gone to the trouble to launch an anti US/DP website. And you expect all of us to believe you are a non interested party? Me thinks you are a stupid fool. At least I have a reason to post opinions on here, and they are strictly financial.

If your making this a hobby then I would be glad to refer you to the EAP. But since you are not an employee why don't you go ahead and shoot yourself

The only fool is you, jk. I don't work for your airline but apparently fire does.

Since you don't own the boards and more importantly, YOU AREN'T THE BOSS OF ME, I will give my opinion like anyone else. Don't like it? Bite me! 😛

Why don't you go join Signals/firedougparker. You will feel more at peace.

I am often imitated but never duplicated. My only crime is that I went E Pluribus Unum on US's @$$! Seems like there are more haters out there and they are coming out of the woodwork thanks to those like you, who can't just punch the quote button 😛
The only rough financial period that US has gone thru while Parker has been at the helm stemmed from the sharp spike in fuel in the latter part of 2008.

Yes, US was getting hit with the fuel prices and there was also the $2 Coke fiasco thereabouts, that didn't help matters. At their lowest US stock was at about $1.60-ish a share. 2009 started with a boost from Sully.
Why the heck can you people not have a dialog about a topic without having to resort to juvenile diatribe???

What the hell is wrong with you? You say your aren't an employee but you hang out around porta-johns and profess to know something about US. You have even gone to the trouble to launch an anti US/DP website. And you expect all of us to believe you are a non interested party? Me thinks you are a stupid fool. At least I have a reason to post opinions on here, and they are strictly financial.

If your making this a hobby then I would be glad to refer you to the EAP. But since you are not an employee why don't you go ahead and shoot yourself

While I like signals posts, I am not him or her. And I am a US Airways employee, so no need to "hang out around porta-johns", you classy guy.

And for the record, I am a VERY interested party. Doug's stupidity and greed directly affect my career and future retirement.

Thanks for inviting me to shoot myself. Again, very classy. I hope you fall into whatever ditch your brain leaked into years ago.

I'll refresh your memory...you admitted to being both on the thread "IS US Takeover of AA for Real" 2nd or 3rd page. I don't have time to look up the post number. But nice try! Why don't you just start a new profile. Could it be that it has something to do with the fact you have gone to all the trouble to start the firedougparker website.

Since you are an active employee, have you taken the time to read the company code of ethics regarding the use of on line media to publish mistruths and to defame fellow employees (that would include Doug Parker)? We all understand how and why you are disgruntled, but you have really crossed the line. I can't wait for the day when you are found out. And your two faced a@@ is outta here.

I'll refresh your memory...you admitted to being both on the thread "IS US Takeover of AA for Real" 2nd or 3rd page. I don't have time to look up the post number. But nice try! Why don't you just start a new profile. Could it be that it has something to do with the fact you have gone to all the trouble to start the firedougparker website.

Since you are an active employee, have you taken the time to read the company code of ethics regarding the use of on line media to publish mistruths and to defame fellow employees (that would include Doug Parker)? We all understand how and why you are disgruntled, but you have really crossed the line. I can't wait for the day when you are found out. And your two faced a@@ is outta here.

Show me or STFU! Since you can't copy and paste give me the thread number. You are obviously lying.

Job losses from a US-AA merger

Started by firedougparker, Jun 21 2012 01:07 PM


You admitted being the same person on the thread "Job Losses From US/AA Merger"
Page 1, comments 1 thru 5.

I really do not care how many aliases or anti US websites you have. And if I met you in person I might even like you. But, the avatar of Doug Parker posing for the DUI mug shot is over the top. For pete's sake give the man a break, he is only human and that probably was a real low point for him and his family. Aside from all this airline b/s, Doug Parker is entitled to his privacy just like you or I, and no less a human who makes mistakes.

That is my beef with you. So what is your beef with US if you are not an employee as you have said from time to time? And if you are a US employee, what is bothering you with the current situation other than not wanting a merger to happen? I am only asking because you are unclear as to what your agenda is, with all due respect.
Doug Parker is a public person and as CEO of a major airline his behavior is subject to review, one dui is a mistake, not three!

And he was at an event representing US Airways when he got the third DUI, so it is subject to people making comments on it, and if that was a rank and file employee they would have been fired.