American Says Upstate N.Y. Trips at Risk If LaGuardia Limit Ends

WorldTraveler said:
since you think you have such a firm grasp of what is involved here, how about YOU tell us what markets and with what aircraft AA will fly from LGA to the west coast and what markets it will cut in order to do so?
It's amazing how somebody that claims to have ample mental horsepower fails to grasp that not only does AA have the same aircraft in their fleet that DL has that are capable of LGA-west coast service, but that it isn't a big deal to re-configure those planes (even to "DL standards" which ofcourse would be a downgrade, but I digress).
Spin away!
jcw said:
Wow it's a tough one for you today - tell us which flights DL will cut to make west coast flying happen at LGA
Last I checked there is a huge construction project going on at LGA that is going to solve a ton of gate issues - so knowing that is not a long term issue let's and let's stay on topic - once again for the huge build up you are predicting for DL to make at LGA for west coast flying list all the cities that DL will reduce frequency to free up slots for west coast flying
I haven't said that DL wouldn't cancel some flights. But DL has enough slots at both LGA and JFK that they can upgrade flights that will be retained and still operate its LGA flights - since Dougie gave DL 125 sets of slot pairs at LGA for the sum total of about $60 million.

DL has more than enough slots.

and AA simply does not have enough slots to defend its shorthaul network from LGA as well as add longhaul flights. and AA's longhaul network at JFK will be weakened as traffic shifts from LGA to JFK.

IN fact, it is very possible that UA might exit the JFK transcon market if it can add LGA transcons.

the market wants and will support longhaul transcon flights from LGA. DL has the resources to make it happen.
FrugalFlyerv2.0 said:
It's amazing how somebody that claims to have ample mental horsepower fails to grasp that not only does AA have the same aircraft in their fleet that DL has that are capable of LGA-west coast service, but that it isn't a big deal to re-configure those planes (even to "DL standards" which ofcourse would be a downgrade, but I digress).
Spin away!
oh, I get it..

AA just has to put that wonderful 3 cabin service on its 757s and/or 767s or use a different product from LGA or JFK.

I have repeatedly said that AA picked the wrong aircraft for its transcon service and now it is apparent to you why that is.

so how much is AA going to have to spend to move or order that 321 interior to 757s and/or 767s? and how long will it take?
Once again what specific flights will DL cancel at LGA (in case you didn't realize that's the airport in question - not sure how JFK slots came up) to free up slots for the west coast flights
I don't know and neither DL or I said anything about the subject.

AA was the one that made a statement that flights to cities it doesn't even serve from NYC would be cxld.

what position is it in to know what another carrier would do?

NONE. Absolutely. NONE.

AA is just waking up to the reality that it is now in the position of having to reconfigure 757s and 767s to operate transcon flights since they put their transcon 3 cabin service on an aircraft that can't fly from LGA to the west coast.

add in that AA is not in a position to maintain its NYC service levels from either LGA or JFK if they have to divide their transcon flights between both airports.

and then AA might not have the terminal space to add a dozen mainline flights to its terminals at LGA>

but hey maybe for some gates at LAX or DAL, perhaps DL could help AA out.

or maybe Parker will just have to live with the consequences of the contract he signed that gave DL a major advantage in NYC. but that is happening regardless of what happens with the transcon markets.
If that is the case then you should have no opinion about what other carriers do either
Interesting that it was OK for DL to give up slots at DCA
DL gave up slots at DCA in order to gain more than 10X more at LGA.

You forgot that part.

and AA still has no business saying what another carrier will do in a market that AA doesn't serve.

and AA isn't losing anything... they just have to figure out how they want to use their slots.

They might gain a whole lot - if they have the right aircraft and terminal space.
don't know where that came from but it the connection doesn't come close to logically fitting.

and, btw, AA is opposed to the ME3 as well.

WorldTraveler said:
don't know where that came from but it the connection doesn't come close to logically fitting.

and, btw, AA is opposed to the ME3 as well.

Of course they are. Hypocrites!! Complaining about how ME3 is subsidized while they accept billions in direct and indirect subsidies from the US. Ironically, after 9-11 the Government made direct cash subsidies conditional upon the airlines using policies (indirect subsidies) of the same government to pry concessions from their workers. 
The way we are treated by this government I would never take up arms, or have my kids take up arms to defend "our way of life". Because "our way of life" has become  "winner take all" 'Reward the rich for being rich and punish the poor and everyone else for not". All I hear is both parties saying "more (crappy)  jobs", more people are employed now than ever before, we don't need more jobs, we need better paying jobs so we don't have to work as much.  But both parties do all they can to make sure that those of us who have jobs have to work 80 hours a week to get by. They do nothing as we lose wages, benefits, force us to buy health insurance from "for profit" insurance companies, and allow our pensions to be taken away.
Want to eliminate unemployment? Its simple, declare that we have a 32 hour workweek and anything over that must be paid at double time.
That would remove 20% of the straight time low wage labor supply and increase demand for such labor, instead of having fewer employees working more hours they would hire more workers and have them work fewer hours. The number of people unemployed would not be enough to cover the 20% loss of straight time hours available so many workers would still end up working 40 so they would suffer no loss of income.  Net result would be full employment, very little loss of income for those who are already working and lower profits for the corporations* that don't pay their fair share of taxes anyway. But instead we have the Republicans saying that we need to make jobs that are pretty much slave jobs (anti-minimum wage) where people make nothing and need to spend every waking hour working just to get by and the Democrats supporting trade agreements with counties that have even lower labor and enviormental standards than we do then saying we need to support entitlement programs for people who work but aren't paid enough to survive(indirect subsidies for their employers)  . We do all this so those at the top can earn more in a year than all our wages over a lifetime. 
Its been over 100 years since the 40 hour work week movement began, none of the dire predictions came true, in fact the opposite happened. Despite huge increases in productivity we are going in the opposite direction, we are working more hours for less pay. Its time that us slaves get together to make more progress on the concept of shorter work weeks so we can share in the output and abundant wealth our labor, and the technology that our tax dollars funded,  produced. 
*Thats why it will never even be proposed. Because Corporations pretty much own both parties. 
I'm sorry but you are too jaundiced to be of any value in moving the ball forward for labor.

US airlines would have collapsed and you would have ended your airline career more than a decade ago if the US government hadn't acted to provide ONE TIME subsidies to the airline industry.

The subsidies that at least some of the ME3 airlines received went on for years and in some cases are still going on.

Further, US airlines were bailed out in response to an economic catastrophe that was inflicted on the US.

can you tell us what external event precipitated the need for the ME3's governments to subsidize those 3 airlines?

AA unions agreed to the merger with Parker and saw the shortest period of BK cuts and the fastest recovery of any airline.

To argue that you powerlessly manipulated is simply factually inaccurate.

specific to your workweek proposal, you are unable to explain how you will increase the amount of revenue. By working 32 hours per week without increasing revenue, all you have done is end up with lower wages for everyone.

If corporations are really so profitable, then you should own stock and capture some of it. If corporations are so profitable then you should be able to tap into that wealth. To argue that corporations are simply a secret club to which you can't get in is simply the antithesis of the way public corporations -the vast majority of corporations - actually work.

further, I can absolutely assure you that there are people who have participated in this thread who are making significant amounts of wealth and securing their own financial futures by investing in those corporations which you decry.

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