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777 engine fails, diverts to JFK

You still can not read and comprehend. No wonder SCABS can not understand the MM. I would explain to you once again the effects of outsourcing maintenance. But why disturb your ignorant bliss.
Do enlighten me Ken. Exactly where does AA have their engines overhauled? Does AA even own the engines? Are these not American technicians overhauling these engines? Do they not fall under the glorious umbrella of your beloved AMT craft? Ken? Are the men and women overhauling these engines AMT's or not? Please do disturb my ignorant bliss, it just might save you from drowning in yours.
Probably not Hackman but the question is what was the problem? I can see the sign off now: "Could not duplicate on ground A/C OK for service."
I'll try not to talk over your scab infested pea brain, but much to your dismay, it is a Rolls Royce design problem. The 02 compressor has some blade retainers that are failing, causing failure of the compressor blades on that stage. There is now a Service Bulletin that will require a substantal amount of engines to be pulled, the 02 compressor to be disassembled, the faulty retainers replaced with a new style, the engine reassembled, tested, and reinstalled back on wing. The engine shop boys are gonna be raking in the cash.

So you see scab boy, nothing the master AA engine mechanics did caused any of the 777 Trent failures. Too bad you can't say the same about your Scab Air buddies huh? Sux to be u. :lol: :blink: :lol: :blink:
I'll try not to talk over your scab infested pea brain, but much to your dismay, it is a Rolls Royce design problem. The 02 compressor has some blade retainers that are failing, causing failure of the compressor blades on that stage. There is now a Service Bulletin that will require a substantal amount of engines to be pulled, the 02 compressor to be disassembled, the faulty retainers replaced with a new style, the engine reassembled, tested, and reinstalled back on wing. The engine shop boys are gonna be raking in the cash.

So you see scab boy, nothing the master AA engine mechanics did caused any of the 777 Trent failures. Too bad you can't say the same about your Scab Air buddies huh? Sux to be u. :lol: :blink: :lol: :blink:

Play the Odds should from this moment on be referred to as
Play the Odds should from this moment on be referred to as
should be completly ignored. The only way to get rid of a scab let it fester and fall away.

Scabs love attention, love to be even picked at. Unless you leave it alone it will never go away.
I'll try not to talk over your scab infested pea brain, but much to your dismay, it is a Rolls Royce design problem. The 02 compressor has some blade retainers that are failing, causing failure of the compressor blades on that stage. There is now a Service Bulletin...

A Service Bulletin? Not an AD? There is a known manufacturing defect on an engine that is powering ETOPS approved aircraft and only a Service Bulletin is issued? Sounds to me like the FAA is dropping the ball. Again.

So you see scab boy, nothing the master AA engine mechanics did caused any of the 777 Trent failures. Too bad you can't say the same about your Scab Air buddies huh? Sux to be u. :lol: :blink: :lol: :blink:
Oh I know you guys didn't do anything to the aircraft. There aren't any pictures posted here of it going up in flames. 😛
A Service Bulletin? Not an AD? There is a known manufacturing defect on an engine that is powering ETOPS approved aircraft and only a Service Bulletin is issued? Sounds to me like the FAA is dropping the ball. Again.

PTO, You're right for once. You are a known major "defect" working on ETOPS aircaft and FAA hasn't done anything about it either. :down:
A Service Bulletin? Not an AD? There is a known manufacturing defect on an engine that is powering ETOPS approved aircraft and only a Service Bulletin is issued? Sounds to me like the FAA is dropping the ball. Again.

Oh I know you guys didn't do anything to the aircraft. There aren't any pictures posted here of it going up in flames. 😛
Since the problem is being addressed by the manufacturer, I believe a Service Bulletin to all RR Trent operators is all that's required.

Like I said SUPERscab, if you want to compare the current Scab Air vs AA emergency landings we can surely do that. Just have Scab Air buy about another 400 to 500 aircraft so it can be somewhat fair. :blink: 🙄 :blink: 🙄
A Service Bulletin? Not an AD? There is a known manufacturing defect on an engine that is powering ETOPS approved aircraft and only a Service Bulletin is issued? Sounds to me like the FAA is dropping the ball. Again.

Oh I know you guys didn't do anything to the aircraft. There aren't any pictures posted here of it going up in flames. 😛

Ok retard i will try to type slowly, first there is a service bulletin from the manufacturer then after the fact the FAA releases a AD which is usually the fix that was released in the SB. I guess you have limited experience in the field to understand that concept. I was in the understanding you were working in the field and a "guru" but it appears you are some "dweeb" sitting in his parents house in their basement in your skivvies with your gut hanging out.....???????????
But then again to get canned from scab air proves you must have rode on the short bus....?????????
Skydrol, while you're correct that in practice, that's the normal chain of events, there are cases where an AD has been issued before the manufacturer issued a service bulletin.

It's extremely rare, but it does happen, especially in cases where the manufacturer no longer exists and/or the product isn't supported anymore. I also seem to recall Concorde having an AD issued requiring fuel tank mods after the Paris crash, probably because the French authorities didn't want to minimize their lawsuit against CO for FOD, and as we all know, the French are never wrong....
Skydrol, while you're correct that in practice, that's the normal chain of events, there are cases where an AD has been issued before the manufacturer issued a service bulletin.

It's extremely rare, but it does happen, especially in cases where the manufacturer no longer exists and/or the product isn't supported anymore. I also seem to recall Concorde having an AD issued requiring fuel tank mods after the Paris crash, probably because the French authorities didn't want to minimize their lawsuit against CO for FOD, and as we all know, the French are never wrong....

So call me thick skulled, So your point in this particular instance is what??????
Any word on a cause yet?
Vibes out of limits, so the engine was shut down,so I was told. Saw the engine and there was no obvious damage that you can see externally, but sometimes when turbine blades fail they simply disintegrate and dont take out everything aft of them like a solid object would.
So call me thick skulled, So your point in this particular instance is what??????

In the case of the Trent, it's working exactly as you described -- SB followed by AD. My point is that the manufacturer isn't always that proactive, and sometimes the FAA has to act first.

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