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<_< ------- As far as I'm concerned Hopeful, If a AMT fixes, and signs off, one "airworthy" item, he's earned his money for the day! The fact of the matter is the AMT of today is differently under paid! People like FWAAA haven't got a clue as to what it takes to become a AMT, or the responsibility connected with that job!------- But the sad part is, they could care less!------- And if we played by the rules all the time, like he says, we'd still be under British rule!!! :shock:

I agree. The only time he would care is if there was an accident or disaster due to human error. Then he'll be the first to disect all the responsibilities of those involved.
I know some of the mechanics that were involved with Flt 191. They were treated like vicious and mailicious criminals by the plaintiffs' attorneys.
I agree. The only time he would care is if there was an accident or disaster due to human error. Then he'll be the first to disect all the responsibilities of those involved.
I know some of the mechanics that were involved with Flt 191. They were treated like vicious and mailicious criminals by the plaintiffs' attorneys.
<_< ------- You see, that's the difference between a mechanic that fixes his BMW, or Jag, and a AMT!---- If his mechanic screws up his BMW, he's just stuck by the side of the road!------ If a AMT screws up, people get killed!!! And an AMT puts his livelihood on the line every time he puts his number to a airworthy repair! Which could be a half dozen times a day!
I am not trying to stat anything, I am just wondering. How many mechanics or pilots have been personally sued or had to fight criminal charges involving an aircraft accident?
If I recall correctly there are Continental maintenance personnel that have been accused criminally in a French court relating to the Concorde accident in Paris. There are pilots that have been accused in Brazilian courts relating to an accident a couple of years ago. I would have to research details to confirm my recollections.
Hopeful may have been comparing treatment certificated personnel have been given in civil matters to the way accused criminals are examined in criminal courts.
The only time I've ever heard of criminal charges being filed against a licensed airline worker was Sabretech and the Valujet fire. It was proven that the AMT signed off the OK233 saying the 02 generators had safety caps installed.

The two AMTs were acquitted, and the company found guilty of failing to provide adequate training.
The only time I've ever heard of criminal charges being filed against a licensed airline worker was Sabretech and the Valujet fire. It was proven that the AMT signed off the OK233 saying the 02 generators had safety caps installed.

The two AMTs were acquitted, and the company found guilty of failing to provide adequate training.

Don't forget these mechanics facing POSSIBLE manslaughter charges..


But hey,, we're all overpaid.
The planes are a smart move, despite what the naysayers would have us believe. Does anyone seriously think oil is going to stay under $40-$50 forever? When it gets back to $100+, we need to have as few mad dogs left as possible. Our margins are thin on routes where we compete against WN and B6, so any advantage we can get is worth having.
The only time I've ever heard of criminal charges being filed against a licensed airline worker was Sabretech and the Valujet fire. It was proven that the AMT signed off the OK233 saying the 02 generators had safety caps installed.

The two AMTs were acquitted, and the company found guilty of failing to provide adequate training.

The Sabertech VP of Maintenance, Daniel Gonzalez, who was indicted for being behind the conspiracy, was hired as a maint manager at TULE by AA soon after Sabertech folded. I wonder if he is still there. I believe there was some confusion, intentional or otherwise, over the spelling of his name.

I always wondered why AA would hire such a tainted person into management.
Being accused and being guilty are mutually exclusive... If the guy was acquitted, then why wouldn't he be qualified for the job? Just because he came from a defunct MRO?
Being accused and being guilty are mutually exclusive... If the guy was acquitted, then why wouldn't he be qualified for the job? Just because he came from a defunct MRO?

Former CEO of TYKO, Koslowski still in prison claiming innocence....

Would you hire him, eolesen, if he were to get his conviction overturned?
Of course you would, because he belonged to the most exclusive union of all.....THE GOOD OL BOYS NETWORK OF CORPORATE GREED.
Being accused and being guilty are mutually exclusive...


If the guy was acquitted, then why wouldn't he be qualified for the job? Just because he came from a defunct MRO?

It's a little more than that. He was acquitted, but Sabertech was found guilty of a number of charges. He was VP of maint. .......................So, he carried a little more baggage than just coming from a defunct MRO.
Being accused of a crime, and actually being guilty of it are two different things, Wrench.

The guy was found to be not guilty by a jury, so why assume he's got baggage?... Seems to me I recall in civics classes in high school that we have a society by which those accused of a crime and found not guilty aren't supposed to be forever tainted or marked as criminals...

If you believe what's said here by some of the AMTs, the only guys seeking to work in management were those who come from chop shops, those who couldn't hack it on the line at another carrier, or former scabs. Your bretheren's words, not mine...

All those guys are going to have baggage of some sort.
I am not trying to stat anything, I am just wondering. How many mechanics or pilots have been personally sued or had to fight criminal charges involving an aircraft accident?

Pilots usually dont live through their mistakes. My guess is that more mechanics died from their mistakes than were sued but that doesnt mean that the risk isnt an ever present conderation for airmen. We all take it very seriously.
I am not trying to stat anything, I am just wondering. How many mechanics or pilots have been personally sued or had to fight criminal charges involving an aircraft accident?
Apparently, you have never had an incident in flight in your "Senior" career with AA, or wait?..You are no longer part of this profession, right Mikey? Isn't it time to move on with your life?...Give it up...U are no longer airline!, or is this "AA"nother lie? Remember '93?