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American Airlines Reports Teen’s Terroristic Tweet

xUT said:
Totally agree.
Social media is out of control as anyone thinks their information is 'magically' hidden from the powers that be and they have full license to spread 'whatever' without recourse.
Even on this forum, if one would choose to post threats to humanity, be prepared for a knock at your door.
Yes, it does(did) have some merit to communicate ideas and information that did not previously exist, however, this 'asset' is now a liability as the noise level comes to a point that is nonsensical(useless).
As you probably already know, it is much easier for a person to promote hate and fear mongering when not speaking to a person face to face where twitter(IMHO) provides this gap.
When I post, I ask myself "Would you say that to the person face to face?"
I do my best to adhere to that rule. I think if everyone would consider this, it would greatly reduce the noise and internet bravado.
Take Care,
B) xUT
problem is that, as a result of technology that now gives people the ability to avoid direct contact - which is VERY hard - instead relying on technology.

When either tough things or the best things need to be said, face to face communication is the best way to communicate.

The fact that so many people on this forum couldn't possibly say to their bosses what they write on here is a great example of how the internet has become escapist.

And many kids have been so desensitized by video games that they really no concept that communication matters - and has implications and consequences.

BTW, what is the latest on the US tweet?
Dont call me Shirley said:
More Twitter idiocy: 
Dozens of teenagers are now tweeting bomb jokes to American Airlines
And, one-by-one, each should be pursued, arrested and criminally charged.   Once mommy and daddy see the legal bills (and the media expose that liability), teenagers' cell phone will be locked away, or severely restricted.  I understand the safety implications of children carrying cell phones, but there is nothing safety related about those children having data access of any kind.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Her "place" is to understand that she cannot continue to act like a fool and pay no consequences. Eventually when she moves out of mommy and daddies home she is going to come to a rude awakening that she can't do whatever she wants in the real world and get a slap on the wrist. She may get her awakening sooner than that. 
It's sad that this happened to a 14 year old.  Science has pretty much proven that the teenage brain is wired very differently than the adult brain (which settles into reality at about the age of 25.)
But even teenagers' brains learn by example, and this young lady simply "offered" her future up to the world of; "See what happens?  There are consequences."  If she is Dutch, her future is diminished, but her society, i.e. government, will always take care of her needs.  I would not want to be an American teenager who has just pulled this stunt; this society, for better or worse, will dun her for the rest of her life in one way or another.
I laughed my ass off when I saw all these media snafus that recently took place.
WIth that I say....
First, I find it extremely unprofessional that AA would tweet the response that they did. 
I find it to be very reactionary and immature.  They should have just forwarded the threat to the corresponding authorities, instead of engaging in such a public manner.  No wonder that a slew of other people now joined in to do the same.  It probably isn't safe to fly AA in the forseable future, as real terrorists might use the opportunity to do something, while AA is chasing blanks.  It was just absolutely stupid for AA to put themselves into that position, where obviously more people were going to join in.
Then there is the other tweet with the pornographic picture that US Airways forwarded.  It makes you wonder who is running the airline.   Ohhh wait, I know.... It's America West.
I do not think it is appropriate to slam twitter or Facebook or what ever the next social media will be. It's the user fault. Whether or not twitter is around tomorrow or not seems immaterial. Instant communication and social media are here to stay. Parents need to get more involved in their kids lives.
ContUNITEus said:
First, I find it extremely unprofessional that AA would tweet the response that they did. 
I find it to be very reactionary and immature.  They should have just forwarded the threat to the corresponding authorities, instead of engaging in such a public manner.
And let an obvious thread go un-publically repudiated, with no apparent consequences? Good plan, then there definitely won't be any copycats!
ContUNITEus said:
It probably isn't safe to fly AA in the forseable future, as real terrorists might use the opportunity to do something, while AA is chasing blanks.  It was just absolutely stupid for AA to put themselves into that position, where obviously more people were going to join in.
AA and the authorities would be chasing blanks anyway. But you sound super brilliant saying that AA is unsafe to fly on right now, so go for it.

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