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Missing Carolina teen may have stowed away in USAirways flight.

Its all over Charlotte News the past day or two. Here's an interesting article (oh and we make the papers yet again! :unsure: )


While the parents question how the child got in, another important question would be was this child's life that bad that warranted him to go through such a dangerous and unneccessary risk to get away.

Such a shame but it really looks like the parents are trying to find a scapegoat.

And as another poster said, thank god by his (for lack of a better term, not meant to insult) ignorance, he fell out and did not get mangled up in the wheels thereby disabling it yet creating a larger potential disaster for all onboard.
I know plenty about the 737 mlg, a chock is harder than a human body, the pressure of the hydraulic system would snap him in two.
I know plenty about the 737 mlg, a chock is harder than a human body, the pressure of the hydraulic system would snap him in two.

In no way am I trying to challenge you ... read my post, all I was saying (without getting into any gory detail) was that if he got mangled and tangled up, up there, who knows what could have happened.
since you know all about the lg, then you would know that not all system pressure is on the actuator due to the 'snubbing' effect. and by your logic, would someone who's hand was in the krueger flap area during flap retraction then have his hand cut in two? no, it would just be crushed (and most likely unuseable). you fail to realize that there are a number of possibilities that could have caused a more serious situation for all, that is all i was trying to point out.
The simple fact that with all the nude O scans, crotch grabbing, watch list BS, the TSA can't stop a runaway teen from accessing an aircraft. What about if it was someone with bad intent, looking to bring down that aircraft.
Well, the lawsuit is apparently being filed, I kind of surprised by the comments posted supporting the airport...CLICK
while it is unfortunate that this kid lost his life; it was by his choosing to stow away in the wheelwell of a 737, after trespassing on the aoa. its clear that people aren't making fun of the fact that he died, but it also comes as no shock that this was the most likely outcome of his decision. also, as chockjockey mentioned it is lucky that he didnt do something to prevent one of the MLG's to extend. to 700- if you knew anything about the 737 mlg, you would know that there has been a case of chocks being thrown in the wheelwell, and once becoming dislodged in flight, prevented the mlg from extending. so it is a possibility that something could have happened.
Totally AGREE with Your Explanation/Reasoning. It is unfortunate that the kid lost his life.........By His OWN Hand so to speak but, the finger pointing rests with the TSA who claims they are THERE to Secure the Airports......ok, They Failed. The Airport itself should be held accountable because with All those cute little vehicles that 'roam' around the premises........just watch them sometimes, Always Occupied by 1-2 people driving No Where, Seeing Nothing. My Question would Be "Well, what the hell are You Looking at your Big Mac and whether McDonald's put enough onion on the burger?". I cannot even count the number of times I have seen these airport vehicles being used by personnel to Shuttle 'other' co workers to the Employee Lots just so they do not have to take the bus. Bottom line is SOMEHOW this Kid Breached Security, and for SOME Reason this Kid wanted to Fullfill a DEATH WISH and Commit Suicide unless He really was Stupid Enough to think He could survive such an endeavour. How the Kid managed to get On the Ramp and Into the Wheelwell without being seen by Anyone is amazing. Unless of course He had Inside Help. Someone, somewhere HAD to have seen something. (And the TSA.......there are still Waaay Too Many Standing Around.)
It's my understanding that there were a couple of breaks in the perimeter chain link fence on the far side of the field. And they hadn't had a chance to fix them yet. Don't hold me to this. That's just what I heard from some of the guys on the ground. If that's the case, he could have easily scampered through without being noticed.

Poor kid probably thought he'd take a ride somewhere and all would be forgiven.
The Airport itself should be held accountable because with All those cute little vehicles that 'roam' around the premises........just watch them sometimes, Always Occupied by 1-2 people driving No Where, Seeing Nothing. My Question would Be "Well, what the hell are You Looking at your Big Mac and whether McDonald's put enough onion on the burger?". I cannot even count the number of times I have seen these airport vehicles being used by personnel to Shuttle 'other' co workers to the Employee Lots just so they do not have to take the bus.
The same could be said of all those cute little tugs running around on the ramps, security is everyones job, not only the airports. Those cut little vehicles you claim to see in the employee lots are probably contracted security that use airport vehicles, believe me, airport ops officers do not run co-workers to the employee lots because they dont park in the employee lots...
The same could be said of all those cute little tugs running around on the ramps, security is everyones job, not only the airports. Those cut little vehicles you claim to see in the employee lots are probably contracted security that use airport vehicles, believe me, airport ops officers do not run co-workers to the employee lots because they dont park in the employee lots...

LD3 is correct here. This whole thing just boggles my mind.
If the kid tried to cross a freeway and got killed is anyone else responsible? If he tried to jump a train and fell and got killed is anyone else responsible? Why would anyone think this is different?
The investigation is now complete according to the media although we really know nothing. But look for changes. Go to Google & type in Tisdale investigation & lots of stories come up.
If the kid tried to cross a freeway and got killed is anyone else responsible? If he tried to jump a train and fell and got killed is anyone else responsible? Why would anyone think this is different?

Probably under the "Constructive Nuisance" doctrine which is applicable with regards to minors, including but not limited to teenagers. Sometimes referred to also as the "Attractive Nuisance" doctrine.

So Advises Jester.
Probably under the "Constructive Nuisance" doctrine which is applicable with regards to minors, including but not limited to teenagers. Sometimes referred to also as the "Attractive Nuisance" doctrine.

So Advises Jester.

well then i guess we can blame boeing for making this plane .... at the least maybe boeing should have thought about making some anti people hiding in the wheel well alarms before brining this defective flying machine to market ...

if they win the law suit i think we can expect to have another added push back duty , the manditory wheel well check for human beings hiding up in there ...
be hard to check the wheel well once the aircraft is out on the taxi way. as from what i read online the authorities believe the kid may have hopped the fence in one of several areas and from there hid in the wheel well of the Boeing 737-400

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