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American Airlines rebranding ‘very soon’

After looking at this livery and trying to visualize how it will look in actual ops. I have to say there is not one good looking element to it. The new eagle logo looks a water faucet with the red and blue symbolizing the hot and cold settings. Fire them all and start completely over. Absolutely shameful to represent the airline bearing the proud name AMERICAN. What a disgrace! If a merger is announced, the very first order of business should be to correct this. Seriously.
This needs to be corrected regardless of merger or not. How can anyone build up so much expectation and then reveal something that the majority dislikes and is so horrible? AA Management claims they included the employees and customers in this, I would like to see one single employee or customer come forward and admit any involvement in this. Who exactly did you ask Mr. Horton? If the employees really thought you cared what they thought Tom, you would have a petition with thousands of employee signatures demanding change on your desk by Friday afternoon. Truth is, I believe we all know you do not care what we think at all.
There's an article in today's Wall St Journal that says Horton sat down with two 777 models a year ago over Christmas; one of them had this hideous livery and there was another one (which I don't think has been revealed). He looked over both and chose this one.
Uglier than usairs? Come on now
Who is US Air?

There's an article in today's Wall St Journal that says Horton sat down with two 777 models a year ago over Christmas; one of them had this hideous livery and there was another one (which I don't think has been revealed). He looked over both and chose this one.
What is that he has brought to succeed? I missed it.
Leo Mullen must have helped him decide. This will probably be a very short lived livery. It is surprising that the tail is so bland and unimaginative IMO. I quess everyone will just have to get used to it.

This is akin to doing something funky with the iconic Pan Am logo. It just seems odd and doesn't fit the rich history of AA.
After two years of build up this is what they reveal to the world?

So two years of "Work" and ToHo made the decision over a year ago? Who's got a relative at this half ass image consultancy place?
Now they say we are all getting new uniforms to be unveiled next week. Even the pilots. They always seem to slide by when the uniforms are updated. Apparently, not this time. If the rumors for the F/A uniforms are correct, we are going to look terrible. It will just be another ridiculous decision like this hideous livery. AA is still falling with no end in sight. Sad, very sad!
Hey, AA flight attendants look hideous? No way! You must have us mixed up with some other airline?? We look good no matter what uniform we wear!!
Additionally, it looks like it might infringe on the US Postal Service trademarks as well:

I wonder how much this new brand will cost AA? The double AA eagle logo is gone so it will be replaced with what? The sports complexes, theaters, advertising signs in hotels, buses, trains, billboards. The ground equipment vehicles, building signs at all the airports, employee uniforms. Anyone care to add to this expensive list. Wait until this new brand gets replaced after AA receives worldwide negative feedback. More wasted money. The tail has no logo or symbol that represents American Airlines. How pathetic. The eagle looks like a water faucet. Red for hot and blue for cold with the head of the eagle being the spicket. What were these idiots thinking when they selected this brand?
There's an article in today's Wall St Journal that says Horton sat down with two 777 models a year ago over Christmas; one of them had this hideous livery and there was another one (which I don't think has been revealed). He looked over both and chose this one.

And here in lies the reason why I let my wife pick out the church cloths prior to leaving the house. 😀

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