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American Airlines investigating death of 7 puppies

FA Mikey

Aug 19, 2002
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American Airlines investigating death of 7 puppies

American Airlines has launched an investigation into the death of seven puppies that were aboard a flight that landed at O'Hare International Airport.

They were among 15 puppies being transported on Flight 851 that left Tulsa at 7:30 a.m. Tuesday and arrived at O'Hare about an hour and a half later, according to American Airlines spokeswoman Mary Frances Fagan.

Contrary to earlier reports, airline officials have determined that all the puppies were alive when they arrived in Chicago and died sometime after that, Fagan said this morning.

Two of the puppies died either on their way to a veterinarian or once there, Fagan said. "I do know people were trying to cool them off. The animals looked lethargic," she said.

full story here
Sorry for the pups, but really, this makes the news beyond the puppy gazette?

From my experience on walkarounds, the airline treats dogs better than it's passengers.

Give me the personal square footage of a dog cage anyday for a flight. Usually there is a nice blanket and a decent water supply usually filled at boarding. Usually the space is private or if not, you can bark across the hold at the hot little chit-tzu across the hold in her little condo.

See the difference on your next flight. Walk into the forward at boarding, see if the FA notices if your hot and gives you a bottle of cold water without asking, maybe a little pat on the head. 😛
Sorry for the pups, but really, this makes the news beyond the puppy gazette?

From my experience on walkarounds, the airline treats dogs better than it's passengers.

Give me the personal square footage of a dog cage anyday for a flight. Usually there is a nice blanket and a decent water supply usually filled at boarding. Usually the space is private or if not, you can bark across the hold at the hot little chit-tzu across the hold in her little condo.

See the difference on your next flight. Walk into the forward at boarding, see if the FA notices if your hot and gives you a bottle of cold water without asking, maybe a little pat on the head. 😛

I know there are temperature restrictions that apply to passenger pets,however the odds are these pups were probably flying as PPS and they seem to not have restrictions. A animal is an animal whether PPS or a passengers,temperature restrictions should apply to all !
What is PPS?

(I have zero knowledge as to what happened. "Stuff" happens, and it's possible the cage was left in a hot zone or somehow found a cold spot in the cargo hold)
I can't believe this is even news worthy. It is sad that the puppies died but give me a break. Nobody knows the conditions of the puppies prior to the flight, other than they were alive. 14 puppies, did they all have individual cariers. How old were they? This is just a unfortunate accident.
What is PPS?

(I have zero knowledge as to what happened. "Stuff" happens, and it's possible the cage was left in a hot zone or somehow found a cold spot in the cargo hold)
Priority Parcel Service. We have a contract with what appears to be a puppy mill. We have shipments of 15-20 pups at a time.
American Airlines investigating death of 7 puppies

American Airlines has launched an investigation into the death of seven puppies that were aboard a flight that landed at O'Hare International Airport.

They were among 15 puppies being transported on Flight 851 that left Tulsa

TUL again, TULSA what is that ? TUL , employees caught sleeping on the job, dead puppies, what's next ?

They should clean house, or shut it down.

Send all that good ground equipment up to other stations where they really need it.
TUL again, TULSA what is that ? TUL , employees sleeping on the job, dead puppies, what's next ?

They should clean house, or shut it down.

Send all that good ground equipment up to other stations where they really need it.

First of all, never buy puppies from a mass breeder. Most reputable breeders will not ship.
2. Never ship a dog in the summer or when the temp is supposed to be more than 80 at any stop or at destination.
3. Make certain the airline knows to notify you if there is a glitch in schedules.
4. I almost lost my bulldog on Delta when my daughter missed her connection in ATL but the dogs made the flt.
(customs) DAL would not let me pick up the dogs and kept them in a hot bag room for 5 hours. Penelope almost died and $5000 later has been a wonderful friend.
5. No, unless there was no other way, would I EVER trust ANY airline with my dog. Because stuff does happen regardless of how careful the workers are with your animal.
DON'T SHIP DOGS IN CARGO! I'd like to see the idiot who put seven young puppies in cargo on a flight strung up. This is beyond ridiculous!
All livestock shippers expect a certain percentage of dead-loss in transit... Because these are dogs, it's newsworthy. When it's baby chicks, fish, or other species, nobody really cares...
It can get hot in the cargo hold, where seven puppies were flying before they died soon after an American flight from Tulsa, Okla. to Chicago on Aug. 3.

The concept of puppies suffering and dying troubled many people. American investigated, and found that "heat may have been a factor." But additionally, "American believes the health of the seven dogs that died may have been compromised prior to them being transported," said American spokeswoman Mary Frances Fagan. "Seventeen other dogs also were shipped, obviously under identical conditions and circumstances, on the same flight that day." Those 17 were fine, she said. American transports more than 100,000 dogs a year.

American would not name the shipper. After the airline announced its findings, the Animal Legal Defense Fund petitioned regulators, asking that airlines be required to report the deaths of any animals in transit and to identify the shippers and consignees involved.