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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Does he have a signature or does he mark with an X ?

You and John have something in common Al.

“Bill de Blasio is an elitist, New York City corporate Democrat fauxgressive, masquerading around South Carolina as a progressive. De Blasio takes frequent trips to key political regions to promote his brand of phony progressivism, but the reality is he’s anti-worker; and if you’re anti-worker, you’re definitely not progressive.”

“De Blasio’s brand of lifestyle progressivism is not what the Democratic Party needs. The working men and women of America need a leader that supports us, not a fauxgressive that’s in bed with anti-worker developers and billionaires.”

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You and John have something in common Al.

“Bill de Blasio is an elitist, New York City corporate Democrat fauxgressive, masquerading around South Carolina as a progressive. De Blasio takes frequent trips to key political regions to promote his brand of phony progressivism, but the reality is he’s anti-worker; and if you’re anti-worker, you’re definitely not progressive.”

“De Blasio’s brand of lifestyle progressivism is not what the Democratic Party needs. The working men and women of America need a leader that supports us, not a fauxgressive that’s in bed with anti-worker developers and billionaires.”

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Deblasio is a twit but does Samuelsen saying he approves of progressive politics. He is saying Big bird is a fake progressive
Deblasio is a twit but does Samuelsen saying he approves of progressive politics. He is saying Big bird is a fake progressive

Not getting involved in Water Cooler type conversations here but honestly why is this a problem?

“Progressivism is the support for or advocacy of improvement of society by reform. As a philosophy, it is based on the idea of progress, which asserts that advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organization are vital to the improvement of the human condition.”
I'm almost 100% convinced that ALUS78 is a Tim Nelson created BOT set up to agree with Pinky (of Pinky & the Brain fame) or ask him the questions he wants thrown out there. Tim...what about this? Tim...what about that? Tell them the "truth" Tim! Don't get Parker mad...he might get mad back...OR he is real and praying for a garbage JCBA so you he enjoy your T/W off for a month...and then W/T for a month with 501...😀
Actually, he has two 'bots' that I know of... (Al and Josh). This is old news... he's been doing it for years!
Not getting involved in Water Cooler type conversations here but honestly why is this a problem?

“Progressivism is the support for or advocacy of improvement of society by reform. As a philosophy, it is based on the idea of progress, which asserts that advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organization are vital to the improvement of the human condition.”
Progressive liberals, you right water cooler we have our hands full with this contract
Actually, he has two 'bots' that I know of... (Al and Josh). This is old news... he's been doing it for years!
Wherever there are union injustices Tim will be there to fight for us the man should have a cape at the very least people like piedmont and the Weez should bow to him
Progressive liberals, you right water cooler we have our hands full with this contract

  1. 1.
    open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
    "they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"
  2. 2.
    (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
    synonyms: wide-ranging, broad-based, general, humanistic
    "the provision of liberal adult education"
  1. 1.
    holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.
    synonyms: traditionalist, traditional, conventional, orthodox, stable, old-fashioned, dyed-in-the-wool, unchanging, hidebound;More
  1. 1.
    a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics.
    synonyms: right-winger, reactionary, rightist, diehard;
hu·man·ism | \ ˈhyü-mə-ˌni-zəm , ˈyü-\
Definition of humanism

1a: devotion to the humanities : literary culture
b: the revival of classical letters, individualistic and critical spirit, and emphasis on secular concerns characteristic of the Renaissance
2: devotion to human welfare : HUMANITARIANISMrenowned for his humanism
3: a doctrine, attitude, or way of life centered on human interests or valuesespecially : a philosophy that usually rejects supernaturalism and stresses an individual's dignity and worth and capacity for self-realization through reason

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Tim I watched the goofy videos last year too ok.

Sorry but you can tell Howie and the Banker I say, NO DEAL.
Seems like we will get hoodwinked on profits. Even if it becomes contractual, the company always puts in language that arbitrators like whereby we get hosed. Could be profit sharing, stock shares, change of control, bonds, equity. Always, unions get hosed.

Take right now. Doug actually is using profit sharing to hose us. Remember how he said "Delta + 7%"? So, he changed that and valued our profit sharing at 4% and said he would now give "Delta + 3%". But instead of 4%, we got 1.4%. So, we get shortchanged. That is the argument you should have made on Jetnet, i.e., "Where is that 4%?" As we know now, our profit sharing was overvalued by him at 4%. A con job because it is only 1.4%.

Thus, give me Delta + 7%, that's easy and we don't get hosed on the profit formulas which will always hose a union group on this property. These guys will try to rob your socks off you by leaving your shoes on you if they get a chance. Uncle Jerry is one shrewd guy.
Seems like we will get hoodwinked on profits. Even if it becomes contractual, the company always puts in language that arbitrators like whereby we get hosed. Could be profit sharing, stock shares, change of control, bonds, equity. Always, unions get hosed.

Take right now. Doug actually is using profit sharing to hose us. Remember how he said "Delta + 7%"? So, he changed that and valued our profit sharing at 4% and said he would now give "Delta + 3%". But instead of 4%, we got 1.4%. So, we get shortchanged. That is the argument you should have made on Jetnet, i.e., "Where is that 4%?" As we know now, our profit sharing was overvalued by him at 4%. A con job because it is only 1.4%.

Thus, give me Delta + 7%, that's easy and we don't get hosed on the profit formulas which will always hose a union group on this property. These guys will try to rob your socks off you by leaving your shoes on you if they get a chance. Uncle Jerry is one shrewd guy.

Hey Tim what do you got on this guy Kev over at Delta?

BTW do you think they should organize with a Union or just forget about it?
Hey Tim what do you got on this guy Kev over at Delta?

BTW do you think they should organize with a Union or just forget about it?
I don't think there is anything wrong with them organizing with a union, if it isn't the IAM or even the TWU. Those two unions will simply agree to contract out almost everything for maybe ATL. I became uncomfortable directing organizing drives at the IAM because they cut deals to contract out thousand of employees, damn near everywhere. The Teamsters are another corporate union but they had dozens of stations at Continental and half the cargo centers. In PBI, I work with some former Teamsters who still do the United flights and they couldn't believe how the IAM slashed their jobs and dumped 45 stations and all cargo centers.

So, history is not on the Delta rampers side. We can use every single case with the IAM and come to certainty that 80% of the rampers will be gone with the IAM.
Probably the same with other corporate unions like the TWU. The TWU is actually worse I think. You dopes cut the deal to bring in the B scale, and in return Crandall gave the TWU Envoy without an election. The TWU wiped out Frontier ramp in 2015, and in return Frontier agreed to expedited negotiations for the TWU dispatchers at Frontier and got a contract in 2016. I'm not for rampers being used as cut bait. So, no, I don't think it is wise for Delta to try to get the IAM or the TWU. Me and Kev obviously disagree on this. I'm certain him and thousands others will lose their job. It happens all the time. Happened with me actually when the IAM agreed to 20 stations and farmed out cargo and 82 other stations at USAir, then it went down to 8 stations and 12 'envoy stations' class 2 where many of us made only $15 top out.

I suspect that Delta rampers are just using the IAM though, and that's good. Keep them around but make sure you don't sign too many cards. The IAM doesn't know how to organize as they are non-academics. Organizing is academics and all strategy and technique.

If I were a Delta ramper, I would want real representation and encourage an independent union, separate from other interest. I like the 2 unions at American. APA, and APFA. There are no other interest involved and no dopey AFLCIO tying. Independent unions are proven and work much better than the corporate AFLCIO unions. There are hundreds and hundreds of independent unions but only a couple dozen AFL unions. And the independent unions always do the best.

Even for rampers. ROPA at Southwest, had the best ramp contract ever. In that context, I think the delta agents will be better off with representation.
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