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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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they are also talking about kickbacks since the union wants skin in the game. At united, none of the negotiating committee knew about the deal for UGE until the tentative. Here, the ec may be finding a way to expand envoy to pimp our jobs. A TWU Local Prez would fall off his chair but that cant happen.

The association time is limited. Maybe 2 years shelf life now.
I know a vermin that would go along with that spin it into something great for us.Oh yeah he would
i think you are getting him confused with sito.
Sito is the biggest pro management union boss i can think of.
Teaming up with management is what he does. At united he agreed to 400% health care and to strip pt % in return for uge to back fill all the lost iam jobs. At alaska, he agreed to waive all local minimum wage and fmla ordinances and agree to $11 in return for thousands of mcgee members. At hawaiian, he agreed to enhance ready reserve and create weekend pt, and a disaster contract.
Sito is worse than Lorenzo.
none of us are members. Remember, the association only has 2 members.

I always find this comment fascinating. Because I always felt there could be a Legal argument to be made that it could have had merit.

But the problem I have is that it’s been 5 years now and you still haven’t challenged the Association as invalid?

Not to mention that the great Legal mind of Lee Seeham was involved early on with TWU Local 591 in attempting to challenge the authority of the NMB to certify the entity to represent us.

Even though you have argued a different approach to your claim here on Forums I suspect if there were any validity to challenge that trigger would have long ago been pulled by one of the 30,000 Association members or especially American Airlines Legal team to get both the TWU and IAM our of their hair.

I always find this comment fascinating. Because I always felt there could be a Legal argument to be made that it could have had merit.

But the problem I have is that it’s been 5 years now and you still haven’t challenged the Association as invalid?

Not to mention that the great Legal mind of Lee Seeham was involved early on with TWU Local 591 in attempting to challenge the authority of the NMB to certify the entity to represent us.

Even though you have argued a different approach to your claim here on Forums I suspect if there were any validity to challenge that trigger would have long ago been pulled by one of the 30,000 Association members or especially American Airlines Legal team to get both the TWU and IAM our of their hair.
originally i challenged this. In 2017 the association gave me a response to my lmrda complaint as to why there are no officer elections.
The nmb has recognized these federations. Law firms i contacted were not receptive until Janus opened up the floodgates.

Regardless,, this nmb policy has never been challenged. Since Janus, there has been some developments.

1. The United ewr case. My understanding is that case is not a class action case. Further, that circuit court may be a problem.

2. There is another case involving a federation under the railways. Similar to our situation. The contention is, why should employee x have to pay union y if and only if union y is not even the certified collective bargaining agent?
Janus may have given a strong window in a favorable circuit court and VERY favorable scotus.

That case still hasnt been filed but i dont believe it is a iam shop. I am aware of the law firm and its a biggie. Thus far, ive stayed out of the case and im not sure if its class action (no clue) but i believe its going to have possibilities of being filed within the next 90 days.
originally i challenged this. In 2017 the association gave me a response to my lmrda complaint as to why there are no officer elections.
The nmb has recognized these federations. Law firms i contacted were not receptive until Janus opened up the floodgates.

Regardless,, this nmb policy has never been challenged. Since Janus, there has been some developments.

1. The United ewr case. My understanding is that case is not a class action case. Further, that circuit court may be a problem.

2. There is another case involving a federation under the railways. Similar to our situation. The contention is, why should employee x have to pay union y if and only if union y is not even the certified collective bargaining agent?
Janus may have given a strong window in a favorable circuit court and VERY favorable scotus.

That case still hasnt been filed but i dont believe it is a iam shop. I am aware of the law firm and its a biggie. Thus far, ive stayed out of the case and im not sure if its class action (no clue) but i believe its going to have possibilities of being filed within the next 90 days.

I’ll never understand even if the people who run them aren’t always perfect why there are Blue Collar workers who want to be a part of doing whatever they can to end Unionism in America when by percentage of workers it’s already so small?


I hope you don’t get what you want someday Tim. It may not be what you expected it to be.

Thanks for sharing the writings from the Lawyers.
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I’ll never understand even if the people who run them aren’t always perfect why there are Blue Collar workers who want to be a part of doing whatever they can to end Unionism in America when by percentage of workers it’s already so small?


I hope you don’t get what you want someday Tim. It may not be what you expected it to be.

Thanks for sharing the writings from the Lawyers.
id love to be a part of all of this but it seems that both cases are already in motion. I dont believe i should have to pay dues to the iam when it isnt my cba. Attorneys already have a case (united case) against the iam, so they wanted another major union. Cripes!
id love to be a part of all of this but it seems that both cases are already in motion. I dont believe i should have to pay dues to the iam when it isnt my cba. Attorneys already have a case (united case) against the iam, so they wanted another major union. Cripes!

What do you honestly think would happen to our work, wages and benefits if tomorrow the Company could rip up our CBA’s?

Do you think particularly in the future working as a Fleet Agent would be a decent job anymore?

Why if you want to see them destroyed did you run for President? Were you hoping to do it from the inside?
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